openapi: 3.0.3 info: title: 'FortaxErP API Documentation' description: 'FortaxERP API Documentation' version: 1.0.0 servers: - url: '' paths: '/connector/api/get-attendance/{user_id}': get: summary: 'Get Attendance' operationId: getAttendance description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: id: 4 user_id: 1 business_id: 1 clock_in_time: '2020-09-12 13:13:00' clock_out_time: '2020-09-12 13:15:00' essentials_shift_id: 3 ip_address: null clock_in_note: 'test clock in from api' clock_out_note: 'test clock out from api' created_at: '2020-09-12 13:14:39' updated_at: '2020-09-12 13:15:39' properties: data: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 4 user_id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 clock_in_time: type: string example: '2020-09-12 13:13:00' clock_out_time: type: string example: '2020-09-12 13:15:00' essentials_shift_id: type: integer example: 3 ip_address: type: string example: null clock_in_note: type: string example: 'test clock in from api' clock_out_note: type: string example: 'test clock out from api' created_at: type: string example: '2020-09-12 13:14:39' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-09-12 13:15:39' tags: - 'Attendance management' parameters: - in: path name: user_id description: 'id of the user' example: '1' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/clock-in: post: summary: 'Clock In' operationId: clockIn description: '[User must have "essentials.allow_users_for_attendance_from_api" permission to Clock in]' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: success: true msg: 'Clocked In successfully' type: clock_in properties: success: type: boolean example: true msg: type: string example: 'Clocked In successfully' type: type: string example: clock_in tags: - 'Attendance management' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_id: type: integer description: 'id of the user' example: 1 clock_in_time: type: string description: 'Clock in time.If not given current date time will be used Fromat: Y-m-d H:i:s' example: '2000-06-13 13:13:00' clock_in_note: type: string description: 'Clock in note.' example: sequi ip_address: type: string description: 'IP address.' example: quidem latitude: type: string description: 'Latitude of the clock in location.' example: explicabo longitude: type: string description: 'Longitude of the clock in location.' example: repudiandae required: - user_id /connector/api/clock-out: post: summary: 'Clock Out' operationId: clockOut description: '[User must have "essentials.allow_users_for_attendance_from_api" permission to Clock out]' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: success: true msg: 'Clocked Out successfully' type: clock_out properties: success: type: boolean example: true msg: type: string example: 'Clocked Out successfully' type: type: string example: clock_out tags: - 'Attendance management' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_id: type: integer description: 'id of the user' example: 1 clock_out_time: type: string description: 'Clock out time.If not given current date time will be used Fromat: Y-m-d H:i:s' example: '2000-06-13 13:13:00' clock_out_note: type: string description: 'Clock out note.' example: cumque latitude: type: string description: 'Latitude of the clock out location.' example: voluptates longitude: type: string description: 'Longitude of the clock out location.' example: delectus required: - user_id /connector/api/holidays: get: summary: 'List Holidays' operationId: listHolidays description: '' parameters: - in: query name: location_id description: 'id of the location' example: '1' required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the location' example: '1' - in: query name: start_date description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2020-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2020-06-25' - in: query name: end_date description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2020-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2020-06-25' - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 2 name: 'Independence Day' start_date: '2020-08-15' end_date: '2020-09-15' business_id: 1 location_id: null note: 'test holiday' created_at: '2020-09-15 11:25:56' updated_at: '2020-09-15 11:25:56' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 2 name: 'Independence Day' start_date: '2020-08-15' end_date: '2020-09-15' business_id: 1 location_id: null note: 'test holiday' created_at: '2020-09-15 11:25:56' updated_at: '2020-09-15 11:25:56' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 2 name: type: string example: 'Independence Day' start_date: type: string example: '2020-08-15' end_date: type: string example: '2020-09-15' business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: string example: null note: type: string example: 'test holiday' created_at: type: string example: '2020-09-15 11:25:56' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-09-15 11:25:56' tags: - 'Attendance management' /connector/api/brand: get: summary: 'List brands' operationId: listBrands description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 business_id: 1 name: Levis description: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' - id: 2 business_id: 1 name: Espirit description: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:58' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:58' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 name: Levis description: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' - id: 2 business_id: 1 name: Espirit description: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:58' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:58' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: Levis description: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' tags: - 'Brand management' '/connector/api/brand/{id}': get: summary: 'Get the specified brand' operationId: getTheSpecifiedBrand description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 business_id: 1 name: Levis description: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 name: Levis description: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: Levis description: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' tags: - 'Brand management' parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'The ID of the brand.' example: modi required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: brand description: 'comma separated ids of the brands' example: '1' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/business-location: get: summary: 'List business locations' operationId: listBusinessLocations description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: - '5' - '71' is_active: 1 payment_methods: - name: cash label: Cash account_id: '1' - name: card label: Card account_id: null - name: cheque label: Cheque account_id: null - name: bank_transfer label: 'Bank Transfer' account_id: null - name: other label: Other account_id: null - name: custom_pay_1 label: 'Custom Payment 1' account_id: null - name: custom_pay_2 label: 'Custom Payment 2' account_id: null - name: custom_pay_3 label: 'Custom Payment 3' account_id: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2020-06-05 00:56:54' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: - '5' - '71' is_active: 1 payment_methods: - name: cash label: Cash account_id: '1' - name: card label: Card account_id: null - name: cheque label: Cheque account_id: null - name: bank_transfer label: 'Bank Transfer' account_id: null - name: other label: Other account_id: null - name: custom_pay_1 label: 'Custom Payment 1' account_id: null - name: custom_pay_2 label: 'Custom Payment 2' account_id: null - name: custom_pay_3 label: 'Custom Payment 3' account_id: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2020-06-05 00:56:54' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: string example: null name: type: string example: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: type: string example: 'Linking Street' country: type: string example: USA state: type: string example: Arizona city: type: string example: Phoenix zip_code: type: string example: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: type: integer example: 1 invoice_layout_id: type: integer example: 1 selling_price_group_id: type: string example: null print_receipt_on_invoice: type: integer example: 1 receipt_printer_type: type: string example: browser printer_id: type: string example: null mobile: type: string example: null alternate_number: type: string example: null email: type: string example: null website: type: string example: null featured_products: type: array example: - '5' - '71' items: type: string is_active: type: integer example: 1 payment_methods: type: array example: - name: cash label: Cash account_id: '1' - name: card label: Card account_id: null - name: cheque label: Cheque account_id: null - name: bank_transfer label: 'Bank Transfer' account_id: null - name: other label: Other account_id: null - name: custom_pay_1 label: 'Custom Payment 1' account_id: null - name: custom_pay_2 label: 'Custom Payment 2' account_id: null - name: custom_pay_3 label: 'Custom Payment 3' account_id: null items: type: object properties: name: type: string example: cash label: type: string example: Cash account_id: type: string example: '1' custom_field1: type: string example: null custom_field2: type: string example: null custom_field3: type: string example: null custom_field4: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-05 00:56:54' tags: - 'Business Location management' '/connector/api/business-location/{id}': get: summary: 'Get the specified business location' operationId: getTheSpecifiedBusinessLocation description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: - '5' - '71' is_active: 1 payment_methods: - name: cash label: Cash account_id: '1' - name: card label: Card account_id: null - name: cheque label: Cheque account_id: null - name: bank_transfer label: 'Bank Transfer' account_id: null - name: other label: Other account_id: null - name: custom_pay_1 label: 'Custom Payment 1' account_id: null - name: custom_pay_2 label: 'Custom Payment 2' account_id: null - name: custom_pay_3 label: 'Custom Payment 3' account_id: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2020-06-05 00:56:54' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: - '5' - '71' is_active: 1 payment_methods: - name: cash label: Cash account_id: '1' - name: card label: Card account_id: null - name: cheque label: Cheque account_id: null - name: bank_transfer label: 'Bank Transfer' account_id: null - name: other label: Other account_id: null - name: custom_pay_1 label: 'Custom Payment 1' account_id: null - name: custom_pay_2 label: 'Custom Payment 2' account_id: null - name: custom_pay_3 label: 'Custom Payment 3' account_id: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2020-06-05 00:56:54' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: string example: null name: type: string example: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: type: string example: 'Linking Street' country: type: string example: USA state: type: string example: Arizona city: type: string example: Phoenix zip_code: type: string example: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: type: integer example: 1 invoice_layout_id: type: integer example: 1 selling_price_group_id: type: string example: null print_receipt_on_invoice: type: integer example: 1 receipt_printer_type: type: string example: browser printer_id: type: string example: null mobile: type: string example: null alternate_number: type: string example: null email: type: string example: null website: type: string example: null featured_products: type: array example: - '5' - '71' items: type: string is_active: type: integer example: 1 payment_methods: type: array example: - name: cash label: Cash account_id: '1' - name: card label: Card account_id: null - name: cheque label: Cheque account_id: null - name: bank_transfer label: 'Bank Transfer' account_id: null - name: other label: Other account_id: null - name: custom_pay_1 label: 'Custom Payment 1' account_id: null - name: custom_pay_2 label: 'Custom Payment 2' account_id: null - name: custom_pay_3 label: 'Custom Payment 3' account_id: null items: type: object properties: name: type: string example: cash label: type: string example: Cash account_id: type: string example: '1' custom_field1: type: string example: null custom_field2: type: string example: null custom_field3: type: string example: null custom_field4: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-05 00:56:54' tags: - 'Business Location management' parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'The ID of the business location.' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: location description: 'comma separated ids of the business location' example: '1' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/crm/follow-ups: get: summary: 'List Follow ups' operationId: listFollowUps description: '' parameters: - in: query name: start_date description: 'format: Y-m-d (Ex: 2020-12-16)' example: '2020-12-16' required: false schema: type: string description: 'format: Y-m-d (Ex: 2020-12-16)' example: '2020-12-16' - in: query name: end_date description: 'format: Y-m-d (Ex: 2020-12-16)' example: '2020-12-16' required: false schema: type: string description: 'format: Y-m-d (Ex: 2020-12-16)' example: '2020-12-16' - in: query name: status description: 'filter the result through status, get status from getFollowUpResources->statuses' example: aspernatur required: false schema: type: string description: 'filter the result through status, get status from getFollowUpResources->statuses' example: aspernatur - in: query name: follow_up_type description: 'filter the result through follow_up_type, get follow_up_type from getFollowUpResources->follow_up_types' example: repellat required: false schema: type: string description: 'filter the result through follow_up_type, get follow_up_type from getFollowUpResources->follow_up_types' example: repellat - in: query name: followup_category_id description: 'filter the result through followup_category_id' example: non required: false schema: type: string description: 'filter the result through followup_category_id' example: non - in: query name: order_by description: 'Column name to sort the result, Column: start_datetime' example: start_datetime required: false schema: type: string description: 'Column name to sort the result, Column: start_datetime' example: start_datetime - in: query name: direction description: "Direction to sort the result, Required if using 'order_by', direction: desc, asc" example: desc required: false schema: type: string description: "Direction to sort the result, Required if using 'order_by', direction: desc, asc" example: desc - in: query name: per_page description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 business_id: 1 contact_id: 50 title: 'Test Follow up' status: scheduled start_datetime: '2020-12-16 15:15:00' end_datetime: '2020-12-16 15:15:00' description: '


' schedule_type: call allow_notification: 0 notify_via: sms: 0 mail: 1 notify_before: null notify_type: minute created_by: 1 followup_additional_info: null created_at: '2020-12-16 03:15:23' updated_at: '2020-12-16 15:46:34' customer: id: 50 business_id: 1 type: lead supplier_business_name: null name: ' Lead 4 ' prefix: null first_name: 'Lead 4' middle_name: null last_name: null email: null contact_id: CO0011 contact_status: active tax_number: null city: null state: null country: null address_line_1: null address_line_2: null zip_code: null dob: null mobile: '234567' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null credit_limit: null created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 0 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: '55' crm_life_stage: '62' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:14:48' updated_at: '2021-01-07 15:32:52' remember_token: null password: null - id: 2 business_id: 1 contact_id: 50 title: 'Test Follow up 1' status: completed start_datetime: '2020-12-16 15:46:00' end_datetime: '2020-12-16 15:46:00' description: '

Test Follow up

' schedule_type: call allow_notification: 0 notify_via: sms: 0 mail: 1 notify_before: null notify_type: minute created_by: 1 followup_additional_info: null created_at: '2020-12-16 15:46:57' updated_at: '2020-12-17 10:24:11' customer: id: 50 business_id: 1 type: lead supplier_business_name: null name: ' Lead 4 ' prefix: null first_name: 'Lead 4' middle_name: null last_name: null email: null contact_id: CO0011 contact_status: active tax_number: null city: null state: null country: null address_line_1: null address_line_2: null zip_code: null dob: null mobile: '234567' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null credit_limit: null created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 0 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: '55' crm_life_stage: '62' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:14:48' updated_at: '2021-01-07 15:32:52' remember_token: null password: null links: first: '' last: '' prev: null next: '' meta: current_page: 1 from: 1 last_page: 21 path: '' per_page: '2' to: 2 total: 42 properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 contact_id: 50 title: 'Test Follow up' status: scheduled start_datetime: '2020-12-16 15:15:00' end_datetime: '2020-12-16 15:15:00' description: '


' schedule_type: call allow_notification: 0 notify_via: sms: 0 mail: 1 notify_before: null notify_type: minute created_by: 1 followup_additional_info: null created_at: '2020-12-16 03:15:23' updated_at: '2020-12-16 15:46:34' customer: id: 50 business_id: 1 type: lead supplier_business_name: null name: ' Lead 4 ' prefix: null first_name: 'Lead 4' middle_name: null last_name: null email: null contact_id: CO0011 contact_status: active tax_number: null city: null state: null country: null address_line_1: null address_line_2: null zip_code: null dob: null mobile: '234567' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null credit_limit: null created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 0 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: '55' crm_life_stage: '62' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:14:48' updated_at: '2021-01-07 15:32:52' remember_token: null password: null - id: 2 business_id: 1 contact_id: 50 title: 'Test Follow up 1' status: completed start_datetime: '2020-12-16 15:46:00' end_datetime: '2020-12-16 15:46:00' description: '

Test Follow up

' schedule_type: call allow_notification: 0 notify_via: sms: 0 mail: 1 notify_before: null notify_type: minute created_by: 1 followup_additional_info: null created_at: '2020-12-16 15:46:57' updated_at: '2020-12-17 10:24:11' customer: id: 50 business_id: 1 type: lead supplier_business_name: null name: ' Lead 4 ' prefix: null first_name: 'Lead 4' middle_name: null last_name: null email: null contact_id: CO0011 contact_status: active tax_number: null city: null state: null country: null address_line_1: null address_line_2: null zip_code: null dob: null mobile: '234567' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null credit_limit: null created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 0 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: '55' crm_life_stage: '62' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:14:48' updated_at: '2021-01-07 15:32:52' remember_token: null password: null items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 contact_id: type: integer example: 50 title: type: string example: 'Test Follow up' status: type: string example: scheduled start_datetime: type: string example: '2020-12-16 15:15:00' end_datetime: type: string example: '2020-12-16 15:15:00' description: type: string example: '


' schedule_type: type: string example: call allow_notification: type: integer example: 0 notify_via: type: object properties: sms: type: integer example: 0 mail: type: integer example: 1 notify_before: type: string example: null notify_type: type: string example: minute created_by: type: integer example: 1 followup_additional_info: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-12-16 03:15:23' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-12-16 15:46:34' customer: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 50 business_id: type: integer example: 1 type: type: string example: lead supplier_business_name: type: string example: null name: type: string example: ' Lead 4 ' prefix: type: string example: null first_name: type: string example: 'Lead 4' middle_name: type: string example: null last_name: type: string example: null email: type: string example: null contact_id: type: string example: CO0011 contact_status: type: string example: active tax_number: type: string example: null city: type: string example: null state: type: string example: null country: type: string example: null address_line_1: type: string example: null address_line_2: type: string example: null zip_code: type: string example: null dob: type: string example: null mobile: type: string example: '234567' landline: type: string example: null alternate_number: type: string example: null pay_term_number: type: string example: null pay_term_type: type: string example: null credit_limit: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 balance: type: string example: '0.0000' total_rp: type: integer example: 0 total_rp_used: type: integer example: 0 total_rp_expired: type: integer example: 0 is_default: type: integer example: 0 shipping_address: type: string example: null position: type: string example: null customer_group_id: type: string example: null crm_source: type: string example: '55' crm_life_stage: type: string example: '62' custom_field1: type: string example: null custom_field2: type: string example: null custom_field3: type: string example: null custom_field4: type: string example: null custom_field5: type: string example: null custom_field6: type: string example: null custom_field7: type: string example: null custom_field8: type: string example: null custom_field9: type: string example: null custom_field10: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-12-15 23:14:48' updated_at: type: string example: '2021-01-07 15:32:52' remember_token: type: string example: null password: type: string example: null links: type: object properties: first: type: string example: '' last: type: string example: '' prev: type: string example: null next: type: string example: '' meta: type: object properties: current_page: type: integer example: 1 from: type: integer example: 1 last_page: type: integer example: 21 path: type: string example: '' per_page: type: string example: '2' to: type: integer example: 2 total: type: integer example: 42 tags: - CRM post: summary: 'Add follow up' operationId: addFollowUp description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: title: test contact_id: '1' description: null schedule_type: call followup_category_id: '1' notify_before: null status: null start_datetime: '2021-01-06 15:27:00' end_datetime: '2021-01-06 15:27:00' allow_notification: 0 notify_via: sms: 1 mail: 1 notify_type: hour business_id: 1 created_by: 1 updated_at: '2021-01-06 17:04:54' created_at: '2021-01-06 17:04:54' id: 20 properties: data: type: object properties: title: type: string example: test contact_id: type: string example: '1' description: type: string example: null schedule_type: type: string example: call followup_category_id: type: string example: '1' notify_before: type: string example: null status: type: string example: null start_datetime: type: string example: '2021-01-06 15:27:00' end_datetime: type: string example: '2021-01-06 15:27:00' allow_notification: type: integer example: 0 notify_via: type: object properties: sms: type: integer example: 1 mail: type: integer example: 1 notify_type: type: string example: hour business_id: type: integer example: 1 created_by: type: integer example: 1 updated_at: type: string example: '2021-01-06 17:04:54' created_at: type: string example: '2021-01-06 17:04:54' id: type: integer example: 20 tags: - CRM requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: title: type: string description: 'Follow up title' example: 'Meeting with client' contact_id: type: integer description: 'Contact to be followed up' example: 2 description: type: text description: 'Follow up description' example: 'Vero voluptates dolore et assumenda voluptas.' schedule_type: type: string description: 'Follow up type default get from getFollowUpResources->follow_up_types' example: quas user_id: type: array description: 'Integer ID; Follow up to be assigned Ex: [2,3,8]' example: - 2 - 3 - 5 items: type: string notify_before: type: integer description: 'Integer value will be used to send auto notification before follow up starts.' example: 5 notify_type: type: string description: "Notify type Ex: 'minute', 'hour', 'day'. default is hour" example: minute status: type: string description: 'Follow up status' example: open notify_via: type: array description: "Will be used to send notification Ex: ['sms' => 0 ,'mail' => 1]" example: - ex items: type: string start_datetime: type: datetime description: 'Follow up start datetime format: Y-m-d H:i:s Ex: 2020-12-16 03:15:23' example: '2021-01-06 13:05:00' end_datetime: type: datetime description: 'Follow up end datetime format: Y-m-d H:i:s Ex: 2020-12-16 03:15:23' example: '2021-01-06 13:05:00' followup_additional_info: type: array description: "Follow up additional info Ex: ['call duration' => '1 hour']" example: - voluptatibus items: type: string allow_notification: type: boolean description: '0/1 : If notification will be send before follow up starts. default is 1(true)' example: true required: - title - contact_id - schedule_type - user_id - start_datetime - end_datetime '/connector/api/crm/follow-ups/{id}': get: summary: 'Get the specified followup' operationId: getTheSpecifiedFollowup description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 20 business_id: 1 contact_id: 1 title: 'Meeting with client' status: null start_datetime: '2021-01-06 15:27:00' end_datetime: '2021-01-06 15:27:00' description: null schedule_type: call allow_notification: 0 notify_via: sms: 1 mail: 1 notify_before: null notify_type: hour created_by: 1 created_at: '2021-01-06 17:04:54' updated_at: '2021-01-06 17:04:54' customer: id: 1 business_id: 1 type: customer supplier_business_name: null name: 'Walk-In Customer' prefix: null first_name: 'Walk-In Customer' middle_name: null last_name: null email: null contact_id: CO0005 contact_status: active tax_number: null city: Phoenix state: Arizona country: USA address_line_1: 'Linking Street' address_line_2: null zip_code: null dob: null mobile: '(378) 400-1234' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null credit_limit: null created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 1 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 20:45:20' updated_at: '2018-06-11 22:22:05' remember_token: null password: null users: - id: 2 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: Demo last_name: Cashier username: cashier email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:20:58' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:20:58' pivot: schedule_id: 20 user_id: 2 properties: data: type: array example: - id: 20 business_id: 1 contact_id: 1 title: 'Meeting with client' status: null start_datetime: '2021-01-06 15:27:00' end_datetime: '2021-01-06 15:27:00' description: null schedule_type: call allow_notification: 0 notify_via: sms: 1 mail: 1 notify_before: null notify_type: hour created_by: 1 created_at: '2021-01-06 17:04:54' updated_at: '2021-01-06 17:04:54' customer: id: 1 business_id: 1 type: customer supplier_business_name: null name: 'Walk-In Customer' prefix: null first_name: 'Walk-In Customer' middle_name: null last_name: null email: null contact_id: CO0005 contact_status: active tax_number: null city: Phoenix state: Arizona country: USA address_line_1: 'Linking Street' address_line_2: null zip_code: null dob: null mobile: '(378) 400-1234' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null credit_limit: null created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 1 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 20:45:20' updated_at: '2018-06-11 22:22:05' remember_token: null password: null users: - id: 2 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: Demo last_name: Cashier username: cashier email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:20:58' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:20:58' pivot: schedule_id: 20 user_id: 2 items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 20 business_id: type: integer example: 1 contact_id: type: integer example: 1 title: type: string example: 'Meeting with client' status: type: string example: null start_datetime: type: string example: '2021-01-06 15:27:00' end_datetime: type: string example: '2021-01-06 15:27:00' description: type: string example: null schedule_type: type: string example: call allow_notification: type: integer example: 0 notify_via: type: object properties: sms: type: integer example: 1 mail: type: integer example: 1 notify_before: type: string example: null notify_type: type: string example: hour created_by: type: integer example: 1 created_at: type: string example: '2021-01-06 17:04:54' updated_at: type: string example: '2021-01-06 17:04:54' customer: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 type: type: string example: customer supplier_business_name: type: string example: null name: type: string example: 'Walk-In Customer' prefix: type: string example: null first_name: type: string example: 'Walk-In Customer' middle_name: type: string example: null last_name: type: string example: null email: type: string example: null contact_id: type: string example: CO0005 contact_status: type: string example: active tax_number: type: string example: null city: type: string example: Phoenix state: type: string example: Arizona country: type: string example: USA address_line_1: type: string example: 'Linking Street' address_line_2: type: string example: null zip_code: type: string example: null dob: type: string example: null mobile: type: string example: '(378) 400-1234' landline: type: string example: null alternate_number: type: string example: null pay_term_number: type: string example: null pay_term_type: type: string example: null credit_limit: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 balance: type: string example: '0.0000' total_rp: type: integer example: 0 total_rp_used: type: integer example: 0 total_rp_expired: type: integer example: 0 is_default: type: integer example: 1 shipping_address: type: string example: null position: type: string example: null customer_group_id: type: string example: null crm_source: type: string example: null crm_life_stage: type: string example: null custom_field1: type: string example: null custom_field2: type: string example: null custom_field3: type: string example: null custom_field4: type: string example: null custom_field5: type: string example: null custom_field6: type: string example: null custom_field7: type: string example: null custom_field8: type: string example: null custom_field9: type: string example: null custom_field10: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 20:45:20' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-06-11 22:22:05' remember_token: type: string example: null password: type: string example: null users: type: array example: - id: 2 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: Demo last_name: Cashier username: cashier email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:20:58' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:20:58' pivot: schedule_id: 20 user_id: 2 items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 2 user_type: type: string example: user surname: type: string example: Mr first_name: type: string example: Demo last_name: type: string example: Cashier username: type: string example: cashier email: type: string example: language: type: string example: en contact_no: type: string example: null address: type: string example: null business_id: type: integer example: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: type: string example: null allow_login: type: integer example: 1 essentials_department_id: type: string example: null essentials_designation_id: type: string example: null status: type: string example: active crm_contact_id: type: string example: null is_cmmsn_agnt: type: integer example: 0 cmmsn_percent: type: string example: '0.00' selected_contacts: type: integer example: 0 dob: type: string example: null gender: type: string example: null marital_status: type: string example: null blood_group: type: string example: null contact_number: type: string example: null fb_link: type: string example: null twitter_link: type: string example: null social_media_1: type: string example: null social_media_2: type: string example: null permanent_address: type: string example: null current_address: type: string example: null guardian_name: type: string example: null custom_field_1: type: string example: null custom_field_2: type: string example: null custom_field_3: type: string example: null custom_field_4: type: string example: null bank_details: type: string example: null id_proof_name: type: string example: null id_proof_number: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:20:58' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:20:58' pivot: type: object properties: schedule_id: type: integer example: 20 user_id: type: integer example: 2 tags: - CRM put: summary: 'Update follow up' operationId: updateFollowUp description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: id: 20 business_id: 1 contact_id: '1' title: 'Meeting with client' status: null start_datetime: '2021-01-06 15:27:00' end_datetime: '2021-01-06 15:27:00' description: null schedule_type: call allow_notification: 0 notify_via: sms: 1 mail: 0 notify_before: null notify_type: hour created_by: 1 created_at: '2021-01-06 17:04:54' updated_at: '2021-01-06 18:22:21' properties: data: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 20 business_id: type: integer example: 1 contact_id: type: string example: '1' title: type: string example: 'Meeting with client' status: type: string example: null start_datetime: type: string example: '2021-01-06 15:27:00' end_datetime: type: string example: '2021-01-06 15:27:00' description: type: string example: null schedule_type: type: string example: call allow_notification: type: integer example: 0 notify_via: type: object properties: sms: type: integer example: 1 mail: type: integer example: 0 notify_before: type: string example: null notify_type: type: string example: hour created_by: type: integer example: 1 created_at: type: string example: '2021-01-06 17:04:54' updated_at: type: string example: '2021-01-06 18:22:21' tags: - CRM requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: title: type: string description: 'Follow up title' example: 'Meeting with client' contact_id: type: integer description: 'Contact to be followed up' example: 2 description: type: text description: 'Follow up description' example: 'Delectus fuga repellat qui incidunt ducimus.' schedule_type: type: string description: 'Follow up type default get from getFollowUpResources->follow_up_types' example: cupiditate user_id: type: array description: 'Integer ID; Follow up to be assigned Ex: [2,3,8]' example: - 2 - 3 - 5 items: type: string notify_before: type: integer description: 'Integer value will be used to send auto notification before follow up starts.' example: 5 notify_type: type: string description: "Notify type Ex: 'minute', 'hour', 'day'. default is hour" example: minute status: type: string description: 'Follow up status' example: open notify_via: type: array description: "Will be used to send notification Ex: ['sms' => 0 ,'mail' => 1]" example: - eveniet items: type: string followup_additional_info: type: array description: "Follow up additional info Ex: ['call duration' => '1 hour']" example: - non items: type: string start_datetime: type: datetime description: 'Follow up start datetime format: Y-m-d H:i:s Ex: 2020-12-16 03:15:23' example: '2021-01-06 13:05:00' end_datetime: type: datetime description: 'Follow up end datetime format: Y-m-d H:i:s Ex: 2020-12-16 03:15:23' example: '2021-01-06 13:05:00' allow_notification: type: boolean description: '0/1 : If notification will be send before follow up starts. default is 1(true)' example: true required: - title - contact_id - schedule_type - user_id - start_datetime - end_datetime parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'The ID of the follow up.' example: corrupti required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: follow_up description: 'comma separated ids of the follow_ups' example: '1,2' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/crm/follow-up-resources: get: summary: 'Get follow up resources' operationId: getFollowUpResources description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: statuses: scheduled: Scheduled open: Open canceled: Cancelled completed: Completed follow_up_types: call: Call sms: Sms meeting: Meeting email: Email notify_type: minute: Minute hour: Hour day: Day notify_via: sms: Sms mail: Email properties: data: type: object properties: statuses: type: object properties: scheduled: type: string example: Scheduled open: type: string example: Open canceled: type: string example: Cancelled completed: type: string example: Completed follow_up_types: type: object properties: call: type: string example: Call sms: type: string example: Sms meeting: type: string example: Meeting email: type: string example: Email notify_type: type: object properties: minute: type: string example: Minute hour: type: string example: Hour day: type: string example: Day notify_via: type: object properties: sms: type: string example: Sms mail: type: string example: Email tags: - CRM /connector/api/crm/leads: get: summary: 'List lead' operationId: listLead description: '' parameters: - in: query name: assigned_to description: 'comma separated ids of users to whom lead is assigned (Ex: 1,2,3)' example: '1,2,3' required: false schema: type: string description: 'comma separated ids of users to whom lead is assigned (Ex: 1,2,3)' example: '1,2,3' - in: query name: name description: 'Search term for lead name' example: repellendus required: false schema: type: string description: 'Search term for lead name' example: repellendus - in: query name: biz_name description: "Search term for lead's business name" example: aut required: false schema: type: string description: "Search term for lead's business name" example: aut - in: query name: mobile_num description: "Search term for lead's mobile number" example: 1 required: false schema: type: integer description: "Search term for lead's mobile number" example: 1 - in: query name: contact_id description: "Search term for lead's contact_id. Ex(CO0005)" example: et required: false schema: type: string description: "Search term for lead's contact_id. Ex(CO0005)" example: et - in: query name: order_by description: 'Column name to sort the result, Column: name, supplier_business_name' example: officia required: false schema: type: string description: 'Column name to sort the result, Column: name, supplier_business_name' example: officia - in: query name: direction description: "Direction to sort the result, Required if using 'order_by', direction: desc, asc" example: desc required: false schema: type: string description: "Direction to sort the result, Required if using 'order_by', direction: desc, asc" example: desc - in: query name: per_page description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - contact_id: CO0010 name: 'mr Lead 3 kr kr 2' supplier_business_name: POS email: null mobile: '9437638555' tax_number: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:14:30' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null alternate_number: null landline: null dob: null contact_status: active type: lead custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null id: 49 business_id: 1 crm_source: '55' crm_life_stage: '60' address_line_1: null address_line_2: null city: null state: null country: null zip_code: null last_follow_up_id: 18 upcoming_follow_up_id: null last_follow_up: '2021-01-07 10:26:00' upcoming_follow_up: null last_follow_up_additional_info: '{"test":"test done","call_duration":"1.5 Hour","rand":1}' upcoming_follow_up_additional_info: null source: id: 55 name: Facebook business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: source description: Facebook slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:07:53' updated_at: '2020-12-15 23:07:53' life_stage: id: 60 name: 'Open Deal' business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: life_stage description: 'Open Deal' slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:11:05' updated_at: '2020-12-15 23:11:05' lead_users: - id: 10 user_type: user surname: Mr. first_name: WooCommerce last_name: User username: woocommerce_user email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-08-02 04:05:55' updated_at: '2018-08-02 04:05:55' pivot: contact_id: 49 user_id: 10 - contact_id: CO0011 name: ' Lead 4 ' supplier_business_name: null email: null mobile: '234567' tax_number: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:14:48' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null alternate_number: null landline: null dob: null contact_status: active type: lead custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null id: 50 business_id: 1 crm_source: '55' crm_life_stage: '62' address_line_1: null address_line_2: null city: null state: null country: null zip_code: null last_follow_up_id: 32 upcoming_follow_up_id: null last_follow_up: '2021-01-08 16:06:00' upcoming_follow_up: null last_follow_up_additional_info: '{"call_durartion":"5 hour"}' upcoming_follow_up_additional_info: null source: id: 55 name: Facebook business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: source description: Facebook slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:07:53' updated_at: '2020-12-15 23:07:53' life_stage: id: 62 name: New business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: life_stage description: New slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:11:26' updated_at: '2020-12-15 23:11:26' lead_users: - id: 11 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: 'Admin Essential' last_name: null username: admin-essentials email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' pivot: contact_id: 50 user_id: 11 - contact_id: CO0015 name: ' Lead kr ' supplier_business_name: null email: null mobile: '9437638555' tax_number: null created_at: '2021-01-07 18:31:08' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null alternate_number: null landline: null dob: '2021-01-07' contact_status: active type: lead custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null id: 82 business_id: 1 crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null address_line_1: null address_line_2: null city: null state: null country: null zip_code: null last_follow_up_id: 36 upcoming_follow_up_id: null last_follow_up: '2021-01-07 18:31:08' upcoming_follow_up: null last_follow_up_additional_info: '{"call duration":"1 hour","call descr":"talked to him and all okay"}' upcoming_follow_up_additional_info: null source: null life_stage: null lead_users: - id: 11 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: 'Admin Essential' last_name: null username: admin-essentials email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' pivot: contact_id: 82 user_id: 11 links: first: '' last: '' prev: null next: null meta: current_page: 1 from: 1 last_page: 1 path: '' per_page: '10' to: 3 total: 3 properties: data: type: array example: - contact_id: CO0010 name: 'mr Lead 3 kr kr 2' supplier_business_name: POS email: null mobile: '9437638555' tax_number: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:14:30' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null alternate_number: null landline: null dob: null contact_status: active type: lead custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null id: 49 business_id: 1 crm_source: '55' crm_life_stage: '60' address_line_1: null address_line_2: null city: null state: null country: null zip_code: null last_follow_up_id: 18 upcoming_follow_up_id: null last_follow_up: '2021-01-07 10:26:00' upcoming_follow_up: null last_follow_up_additional_info: '{"test":"test done","call_duration":"1.5 Hour","rand":1}' upcoming_follow_up_additional_info: null source: id: 55 name: Facebook business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: source description: Facebook slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:07:53' updated_at: '2020-12-15 23:07:53' life_stage: id: 60 name: 'Open Deal' business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: life_stage description: 'Open Deal' slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:11:05' updated_at: '2020-12-15 23:11:05' lead_users: - id: 10 user_type: user surname: Mr. first_name: WooCommerce last_name: User username: woocommerce_user email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-08-02 04:05:55' updated_at: '2018-08-02 04:05:55' pivot: contact_id: 49 user_id: 10 - contact_id: CO0011 name: ' Lead 4 ' supplier_business_name: null email: null mobile: '234567' tax_number: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:14:48' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null alternate_number: null landline: null dob: null contact_status: active type: lead custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null id: 50 business_id: 1 crm_source: '55' crm_life_stage: '62' address_line_1: null address_line_2: null city: null state: null country: null zip_code: null last_follow_up_id: 32 upcoming_follow_up_id: null last_follow_up: '2021-01-08 16:06:00' upcoming_follow_up: null last_follow_up_additional_info: '{"call_durartion":"5 hour"}' upcoming_follow_up_additional_info: null source: id: 55 name: Facebook business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: source description: Facebook slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:07:53' updated_at: '2020-12-15 23:07:53' life_stage: id: 62 name: New business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: life_stage description: New slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-12-15 23:11:26' updated_at: '2020-12-15 23:11:26' lead_users: - id: 11 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: 'Admin Essential' last_name: null username: admin-essentials email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' pivot: contact_id: 50 user_id: 11 - contact_id: CO0015 name: ' Lead kr ' supplier_business_name: null email: null mobile: '9437638555' tax_number: null created_at: '2021-01-07 18:31:08' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null alternate_number: null landline: null dob: '2021-01-07' contact_status: active type: lead custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null id: 82 business_id: 1 crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null address_line_1: null address_line_2: null city: null state: null country: null zip_code: null last_follow_up_id: 36 upcoming_follow_up_id: null last_follow_up: '2021-01-07 18:31:08' upcoming_follow_up: null last_follow_up_additional_info: '{"call duration":"1 hour","call descr":"talked to him and all okay"}' upcoming_follow_up_additional_info: null source: null life_stage: null lead_users: - id: 11 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: 'Admin Essential' last_name: null username: admin-essentials email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' pivot: contact_id: 82 user_id: 11 items: type: object properties: contact_id: type: string example: CO0010 name: type: string example: 'mr Lead 3 kr kr 2' supplier_business_name: type: string example: POS email: type: string example: null mobile: type: string example: '9437638555' tax_number: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-12-15 23:14:30' custom_field1: type: string example: null custom_field2: type: string example: null custom_field3: type: string example: null custom_field4: type: string example: null custom_field5: type: string example: null custom_field6: type: string example: null alternate_number: type: string example: null landline: type: string example: null dob: type: string example: null contact_status: type: string example: active type: type: string example: lead custom_field7: type: string example: null custom_field8: type: string example: null custom_field9: type: string example: null custom_field10: type: string example: null id: type: integer example: 49 business_id: type: integer example: 1 crm_source: type: string example: '55' crm_life_stage: type: string example: '60' address_line_1: type: string example: null address_line_2: type: string example: null city: type: string example: null state: type: string example: null country: type: string example: null zip_code: type: string example: null last_follow_up_id: type: integer example: 18 upcoming_follow_up_id: type: string example: null last_follow_up: type: string example: '2021-01-07 10:26:00' upcoming_follow_up: type: string example: null last_follow_up_additional_info: type: string example: '{"test":"test done","call_duration":"1.5 Hour","rand":1}' upcoming_follow_up_additional_info: type: string example: null source: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 55 name: type: string example: Facebook business_id: type: integer example: 1 short_code: type: string example: null parent_id: type: integer example: 0 created_by: type: integer example: 1 category_type: type: string example: source description: type: string example: Facebook slug: type: string example: null woocommerce_cat_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-12-15 23:07:53' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-12-15 23:07:53' life_stage: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 60 name: type: string example: 'Open Deal' business_id: type: integer example: 1 short_code: type: string example: null parent_id: type: integer example: 0 created_by: type: integer example: 1 category_type: type: string example: life_stage description: type: string example: 'Open Deal' slug: type: string example: null woocommerce_cat_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-12-15 23:11:05' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-12-15 23:11:05' lead_users: type: array example: - id: 10 user_type: user surname: Mr. first_name: WooCommerce last_name: User username: woocommerce_user email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-08-02 04:05:55' updated_at: '2018-08-02 04:05:55' pivot: contact_id: 49 user_id: 10 items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 10 user_type: type: string example: user surname: type: string example: Mr. first_name: type: string example: WooCommerce last_name: type: string example: User username: type: string example: woocommerce_user email: type: string example: language: type: string example: en contact_no: type: string example: null address: type: string example: null business_id: type: integer example: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: type: string example: null allow_login: type: integer example: 1 essentials_department_id: type: string example: null essentials_designation_id: type: string example: null status: type: string example: active crm_contact_id: type: string example: null is_cmmsn_agnt: type: integer example: 0 cmmsn_percent: type: string example: '0.00' selected_contacts: type: integer example: 0 dob: type: string example: null gender: type: string example: null marital_status: type: string example: null blood_group: type: string example: null contact_number: type: string example: null fb_link: type: string example: null twitter_link: type: string example: null social_media_1: type: string example: null social_media_2: type: string example: null permanent_address: type: string example: null current_address: type: string example: null guardian_name: type: string example: null custom_field_1: type: string example: null custom_field_2: type: string example: null custom_field_3: type: string example: null custom_field_4: type: string example: null bank_details: type: string example: null id_proof_name: type: string example: null id_proof_number: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-08-02 04:05:55' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-08-02 04:05:55' pivot: type: object properties: contact_id: type: integer example: 49 user_id: type: integer example: 10 links: type: object properties: first: type: string example: '' last: type: string example: '' prev: type: string example: null next: type: string example: null meta: type: object properties: current_page: type: integer example: 1 from: type: integer example: 1 last_page: type: integer example: 1 path: type: string example: '' per_page: type: string example: '10' to: type: integer example: 3 total: type: integer example: 3 tags: - CRM /connector/api/crm/call-logs: post: summary: 'Save Call Logs' operationId: saveCallLogs description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - CRM requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: call_logs: type: object description: '' example: '*': mobile_number: nulla properties: '*': type: object description: '' example: mobile_number: nulla properties: mobile_number: type: string description: 'Mobile number of the customer or user' example: nulla mobile_name: type: string description: 'Name of the contact saved in the mobile' example: facere call_type: type: string description: 'Call type (call, sms)' example: call start_time: type: string description: 'Start datetime of the call in "Y-m-d H:i:s" format' example: magnam end_time: type: string description: 'End datetime of the call in "Y-m-d H:i:s" format' example: qui duration: type: string description: 'Duration of the call in seconds' example: expedita /connector/api/cash-register: get: summary: 'List Cash Registers' operationId: listCashRegisters description: '' parameters: - in: query name: status description: 'status of the register (open, close)' example: open required: false schema: type: string description: 'status of the register (open, close)' example: open - in: query name: user_id description: 'id of the user' example: '10' required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the user' example: '10' - in: query name: start_date description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' - in: query name: end_date description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' - in: query name: location_id description: 'id of the location' example: '1' required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the location' example: '1' - in: query name: per_page description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 15 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 15 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 user_id: 9 status: open closed_at: null closing_amount: '0.0000' total_card_slips: 0 total_cheques: 0 closing_note: null created_at: '2020-07-02 12:03:00' updated_at: '2020-07-02 12:03:19' cash_register_transactions: - id: 1 cash_register_id: 1 amount: '0.0000' pay_method: cash type: credit transaction_type: initial transaction_id: null created_at: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' updated_at: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' - id: 2 cash_register_id: 1 amount: '42.5000' pay_method: cash type: credit transaction_type: sell transaction_id: 41 created_at: '2018-07-13 07:44:40' updated_at: '2018-07-13 07:44:40' - id: 2 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 user_id: 1 status: '' closed_at: '2020-07-02 12:03:00' closing_amount: '0.0000' total_card_slips: 0 total_cheques: 0 closing_note: null created_at: '2020-07-06 15:38:23' updated_at: '2020-07-06 15:38:23' cash_register_transactions: - id: 19 cash_register_id: 2 amount: '10.0000' pay_method: cash type: credit transaction_type: initial transaction_id: null created_at: '2020-07-06 15:38:23' updated_at: '2020-07-06 15:38:23' links: first: '' last: null prev: null next: null meta: current_page: 1 from: 1 path: '' per_page: 10 to: 2 properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 user_id: 9 status: open closed_at: null closing_amount: '0.0000' total_card_slips: 0 total_cheques: 0 closing_note: null created_at: '2020-07-02 12:03:00' updated_at: '2020-07-02 12:03:19' cash_register_transactions: - id: 1 cash_register_id: 1 amount: '0.0000' pay_method: cash type: credit transaction_type: initial transaction_id: null created_at: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' updated_at: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' - id: 2 cash_register_id: 1 amount: '42.5000' pay_method: cash type: credit transaction_type: sell transaction_id: 41 created_at: '2018-07-13 07:44:40' updated_at: '2018-07-13 07:44:40' - id: 2 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 user_id: 1 status: '' closed_at: '2020-07-02 12:03:00' closing_amount: '0.0000' total_card_slips: 0 total_cheques: 0 closing_note: null created_at: '2020-07-06 15:38:23' updated_at: '2020-07-06 15:38:23' cash_register_transactions: - id: 19 cash_register_id: 2 amount: '10.0000' pay_method: cash type: credit transaction_type: initial transaction_id: null created_at: '2020-07-06 15:38:23' updated_at: '2020-07-06 15:38:23' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 user_id: type: integer example: 9 status: type: string example: open closed_at: type: string example: null closing_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' total_card_slips: type: integer example: 0 total_cheques: type: integer example: 0 closing_note: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-07-02 12:03:00' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-07-02 12:03:19' cash_register_transactions: type: array example: - id: 1 cash_register_id: 1 amount: '0.0000' pay_method: cash type: credit transaction_type: initial transaction_id: null created_at: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' updated_at: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' - id: 2 cash_register_id: 1 amount: '42.5000' pay_method: cash type: credit transaction_type: sell transaction_id: 41 created_at: '2018-07-13 07:44:40' updated_at: '2018-07-13 07:44:40' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 cash_register_id: type: integer example: 1 amount: type: string example: '0.0000' pay_method: type: string example: cash type: type: string example: credit transaction_type: type: string example: initial transaction_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' links: type: object properties: first: type: string example: '' last: type: string example: null prev: type: string example: null next: type: string example: null meta: type: object properties: current_page: type: integer example: 1 from: type: integer example: 1 path: type: string example: '' per_page: type: integer example: 10 to: type: integer example: 2 tags: - 'Cash register management' post: summary: 'Create Cash Register' operationId: createCashRegister description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Cash register management' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: location_id: type: integer description: 'id of the business location' example: 1 initial_amount: type: number description: 'Initial amount' example: 3258584.2663 created_at: type: string description: 'Register open datetime format:Y-m-d H:i:s,' example: '2020-5-7 15:20:22' closed_at: type: string description: 'Register closed datetime format:Y-m-d H:i:s,' example: '2020-5-7 15:20:22' status: type: register description: 'status (open, close)' example: close closing_amount: type: number description: 'Closing amount' example: 3.87177252 total_card_slips: type: integer description: 'total number of card slips' example: 11 total_cheques: type: integer description: 'total number of checks' example: 18 closing_note: type: string description: 'Closing note' example: omnis transaction_ids: type: string description: 'Comma separated ids of sells associated with the register' example: "1,2,3\n\nresponse {\n\"data\": {\n\"status\": \"closed\",\n\"location_id\": \"1\",\n\"closed_at\": \"2020-07-02 12:03:00\",\n\"business_id\": 1,\n\"user_id\": 1,\n\"updated_at\": \"2020-07-06 16:28:42\",\n\"created_at\": \"2020-07-06 16:28:42\",\n\"id\": 3\n}\n}" required: - location_id '/connector/api/cash-register/{id}': get: summary: 'Get the specified Register' operationId: getTheSpecifiedRegister description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 user_id: 9 status: open closed_at: null closing_amount: '0.0000' total_card_slips: 0 total_cheques: 0 closing_note: null created_at: '2020-07-02 12:03:00' updated_at: '2020-07-02 12:03:19' cash_register_transactions: - id: 1 cash_register_id: 1 amount: '0.0000' pay_method: cash type: credit transaction_type: initial transaction_id: null created_at: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' updated_at: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' - id: 2 cash_register_id: 1 amount: '42.5000' pay_method: cash type: credit transaction_type: sell transaction_id: 41 created_at: '2018-07-13 07:44:40' updated_at: '2018-07-13 07:44:40' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 user_id: 9 status: open closed_at: null closing_amount: '0.0000' total_card_slips: 0 total_cheques: 0 closing_note: null created_at: '2020-07-02 12:03:00' updated_at: '2020-07-02 12:03:19' cash_register_transactions: - id: 1 cash_register_id: 1 amount: '0.0000' pay_method: cash type: credit transaction_type: initial transaction_id: null created_at: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' updated_at: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' - id: 2 cash_register_id: 1 amount: '42.5000' pay_method: cash type: credit transaction_type: sell transaction_id: 41 created_at: '2018-07-13 07:44:40' updated_at: '2018-07-13 07:44:40' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 user_id: type: integer example: 9 status: type: string example: open closed_at: type: string example: null closing_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' total_card_slips: type: integer example: 0 total_cheques: type: integer example: 0 closing_note: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-07-02 12:03:00' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-07-02 12:03:19' cash_register_transactions: type: array example: - id: 1 cash_register_id: 1 amount: '0.0000' pay_method: cash type: credit transaction_type: initial transaction_id: null created_at: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' updated_at: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' - id: 2 cash_register_id: 1 amount: '42.5000' pay_method: cash type: credit transaction_type: sell transaction_id: 41 created_at: '2018-07-13 07:44:40' updated_at: '2018-07-13 07:44:40' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 cash_register_id: type: integer example: 1 amount: type: string example: '0.0000' pay_method: type: string example: cash type: type: string example: credit transaction_type: type: string example: initial transaction_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-07-13 07:39:34' tags: - 'Cash register management' parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'The ID of the cash register.' example: 8 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: cash_register description: 'comma separated ids of the cash registers' example: '59' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/contactapi: get: summary: 'List contact' operationId: listContact description: '' parameters: - in: query name: type description: 'Type of contact (supplier, customer)' example: fugiat required: true schema: type: string description: 'Type of contact (supplier, customer)' example: fugiat - in: query name: name description: 'Search term for contact name' example: soluta required: false schema: type: string description: 'Search term for contact name' example: soluta - in: query name: biz_name description: "Search term for contact's business name" example: non required: false schema: type: string description: "Search term for contact's business name" example: non - in: query name: mobile_num description: "Search term for contact's mobile number" example: 5 required: false schema: type: integer description: "Search term for contact's mobile number" example: 5 - in: query name: contact_id description: "Search term for contact's contact_id. Ex(CO0005)" example: et required: false schema: type: string description: "Search term for contact's contact_id. Ex(CO0005)" example: et - in: query name: order_by description: 'Column name to sort the result, Column: name, supplier_business_name' example: ut required: false schema: type: string description: 'Column name to sort the result, Column: name, supplier_business_name' example: ut - in: query name: direction description: 'Direction to sort the result, Direction: desc, asc' example: est required: false schema: type: string description: 'Direction to sort the result, Direction: desc, asc' example: est - in: query name: per_page description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 2 business_id: 1 type: supplier supplier_business_name: 'Alpha Clothings' name: Michael prefix: null first_name: Michael middle_name: null last_name: null email: null contact_id: CO0001 contact_status: active tax_number: '4590091535' city: Phoenix state: Arizona country: USA address_line_1: 'Linking Street' address_line_2: null zip_code: null dob: null mobile: '(378) 400-1234' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: 15 pay_term_type: days credit_limit: null created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 0 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 20:59:38' updated_at: '2018-06-11 22:21:03' remember_token: null password: null - id: 3 business_id: 1 type: supplier supplier_business_name: 'Manhattan Clothing Ltd.' name: Philip prefix: null first_name: Philip middle_name: null last_name: null email: null contact_id: CO0003 contact_status: active tax_number: '54869310093' city: Phoenix state: Arizona country: USA address_line_1: 'Linking Street' address_line_2: null zip_code: null dob: null mobile: '(378) 400-1234' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: 15 pay_term_type: days credit_limit: null created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 0 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:00:55' updated_at: '2018-06-11 22:21:36' remember_token: null password: null - id: 5 business_id: 1 type: supplier supplier_business_name: 'Digital Ocean' name: 'Mike McCubbin' prefix: null first_name: 'Mike McCubbin' middle_name: null last_name: null email: null contact_id: CN0004 contact_status: active tax_number: '52965489001' city: Phoenix state: Arizona country: USA address_line_1: 'Linking Street' address_line_2: null zip_code: null dob: null mobile: '(378) 400-1234' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: 30 pay_term_type: days credit_limit: null created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 0 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-06 06:53:22' updated_at: '2018-06-11 22:21:47' remember_token: null password: null - id: 6 business_id: 1 type: supplier supplier_business_name: 'Univer Suppliers' name: 'Jackson Hill' prefix: null first_name: 'Jackson Hill' middle_name: null last_name: null email: null contact_id: CO0002 contact_status: active tax_number: '5459000655' city: Phoenix state: Arizona country: USA address_line_1: 'Linking Street' address_line_2: null zip_code: null dob: null mobile: '(378) 400-1234' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: 45 pay_term_type: days credit_limit: null created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 0 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-06 06:55:09' updated_at: '2018-06-11 22:21:18' remember_token: null password: null links: first: '' last: '' prev: null next: null meta: current_page: 1 from: 1 last_page: 1 path: '' per_page: '10' to: 4 total: 4 properties: data: type: array example: - id: 2 business_id: 1 type: supplier supplier_business_name: 'Alpha Clothings' name: Michael prefix: null first_name: Michael middle_name: null last_name: null email: null contact_id: CO0001 contact_status: active tax_number: '4590091535' city: Phoenix state: Arizona country: USA address_line_1: 'Linking Street' address_line_2: null zip_code: null dob: null mobile: '(378) 400-1234' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: 15 pay_term_type: days credit_limit: null created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 0 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 20:59:38' updated_at: '2018-06-11 22:21:03' remember_token: null password: null - id: 3 business_id: 1 type: supplier supplier_business_name: 'Manhattan Clothing Ltd.' name: Philip prefix: null first_name: Philip middle_name: null last_name: null email: null contact_id: CO0003 contact_status: active tax_number: '54869310093' city: Phoenix state: Arizona country: USA address_line_1: 'Linking Street' address_line_2: null zip_code: null dob: null mobile: '(378) 400-1234' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: 15 pay_term_type: days credit_limit: null created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 0 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:00:55' updated_at: '2018-06-11 22:21:36' remember_token: null password: null - id: 5 business_id: 1 type: supplier supplier_business_name: 'Digital Ocean' name: 'Mike McCubbin' prefix: null first_name: 'Mike McCubbin' middle_name: null last_name: null email: null contact_id: CN0004 contact_status: active tax_number: '52965489001' city: Phoenix state: Arizona country: USA address_line_1: 'Linking Street' address_line_2: null zip_code: null dob: null mobile: '(378) 400-1234' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: 30 pay_term_type: days credit_limit: null created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 0 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-06 06:53:22' updated_at: '2018-06-11 22:21:47' remember_token: null password: null - id: 6 business_id: 1 type: supplier supplier_business_name: 'Univer Suppliers' name: 'Jackson Hill' prefix: null first_name: 'Jackson Hill' middle_name: null last_name: null email: null contact_id: CO0002 contact_status: active tax_number: '5459000655' city: Phoenix state: Arizona country: USA address_line_1: 'Linking Street' address_line_2: null zip_code: null dob: null mobile: '(378) 400-1234' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: 45 pay_term_type: days credit_limit: null created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 0 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-06 06:55:09' updated_at: '2018-06-11 22:21:18' remember_token: null password: null items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 2 business_id: type: integer example: 1 type: type: string example: supplier supplier_business_name: type: string example: 'Alpha Clothings' name: type: string example: Michael prefix: type: string example: null first_name: type: string example: Michael middle_name: type: string example: null last_name: type: string example: null email: type: string example: null contact_id: type: string example: CO0001 contact_status: type: string example: active tax_number: type: string example: '4590091535' city: type: string example: Phoenix state: type: string example: Arizona country: type: string example: USA address_line_1: type: string example: 'Linking Street' address_line_2: type: string example: null zip_code: type: string example: null dob: type: string example: null mobile: type: string example: '(378) 400-1234' landline: type: string example: null alternate_number: type: string example: null pay_term_number: type: integer example: 15 pay_term_type: type: string example: days credit_limit: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 balance: type: string example: '0.0000' total_rp: type: integer example: 0 total_rp_used: type: integer example: 0 total_rp_expired: type: integer example: 0 is_default: type: integer example: 0 shipping_address: type: string example: null position: type: string example: null customer_group_id: type: string example: null crm_source: type: string example: null crm_life_stage: type: string example: null custom_field1: type: string example: null custom_field2: type: string example: null custom_field3: type: string example: null custom_field4: type: string example: null custom_field5: type: string example: null custom_field6: type: string example: null custom_field7: type: string example: null custom_field8: type: string example: null custom_field9: type: string example: null custom_field10: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 20:59:38' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-06-11 22:21:03' remember_token: type: string example: null password: type: string example: null links: type: object properties: first: type: string example: '' last: type: string example: '' prev: type: string example: null next: type: string example: null meta: type: object properties: current_page: type: integer example: 1 from: type: integer example: 1 last_page: type: integer example: 1 path: type: string example: '' per_page: type: string example: '10' to: type: integer example: 4 total: type: integer example: 4 tags: - 'Contact management' post: summary: 'Create contact' operationId: createContact description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: type: customer name: 'test customer' tax_number: 75879BHF mobile: '7878825008' business_id: 1 created_by: 9 credit_limit: null contact_id: CO0007 updated_at: '2020-06-04 21:59:21' created_at: '2020-06-04 21:59:21' id: 17 properties: data: type: object properties: type: type: string example: customer name: type: string example: 'test customer' tax_number: type: string example: 75879BHF mobile: type: string example: '7878825008' business_id: type: integer example: 1 created_by: type: integer example: 9 credit_limit: type: string example: null contact_id: type: string example: CO0007 updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 21:59:21' created_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 21:59:21' id: type: integer example: 17 tags: - 'Contact management' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: type: type: string description: 'Type of contact (supplier, customer, both, lead)' example: customer supplier_business_name: type: string description: 'Required if type is supplier' example: ipsa prefix: type: string description: 'Prefix for the name of the contact' example: itaque first_name: type: string description: 'Name of the contact' example: voluptate middle_name: type: string description: '' example: impedit last_name: type: string description: '' example: eius tax_number: type: string description: '' example: 8787fefef pay_term_number: type: number description: '' example: 3.0 pay_term_type: type: string description: '(months ,days)' example: months mobile: type: string description: '' example: '4578691009' landline: type: string description: '' example: 5487-8454-4145 alternate_number: type: string description: '' example: '841847541222' address_line_1: type: string description: '' example: quas address_line_2: type: string description: '' example: modi city: type: string description: '' example: vel state: type: string description: '' example: corrupti country: type: string description: '' example: maiores zip_code: type: string description: '' example: laudantium customer_group_id: type: string description: '' example: eos contact_id: type: string description: '' example: consequatur dob: type: string description: 'Fromat: Y-m-d' example: '2000-06-13' custom_field1: type: string description: '' example: sint custom_field2: type: string description: '' example: vel custom_field3: type: string description: '' example: aut custom_field4: type: string description: '' example: voluptate email: type: string description: '' example: shipping_address: type: string description: '' example: aut position: type: string description: '' example: voluptas opening_balance: type: number description: '' example: 0.0 source_id: type: integer description: 'Id of the source. Applicable only if the type is lead' example: 19 life_stage_id: type: integer description: 'Id of the Life stage. Applicable only if the type is lead' example: 3 assigned_to: type: array description: 'Ids of the users the lead is assigned to. Applicable only if the type is lead' example: - voluptatem items: type: string required: - type - supplier_business_name - first_name - mobile '/connector/api/contactapi/{id}': get: summary: 'Get the specified contact' operationId: getTheSpecifiedContact description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 business_id: 1 type: customer supplier_business_name: null name: ' Walk-In Customer ' prefix: null first_name: 'Walk-In Customer' middle_name: null last_name: null email: contact_id: CO0005 contact_status: active tax_number: null city: Phoenix state: Arizona country: USA address_line_1: 'Linking Street' address_line_2: null zip_code: '85001' dob: null mobile: '(378) 400-1234' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null credit_limit: '0.0000' created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 1 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 20:45:20' updated_at: '2020-08-10 10:26:45' remember_token: null password: null customer_group: null opening_balance: '0.0000' opening_balance_paid: '0.0000' total_purchase: '0.0000' purchase_paid: '0.0000' total_purchase_return: '0.0000' purchase_return_paid: '0.0000' total_invoice: '2050.0000' invoice_received: '1987.5000' total_sell_return: '0.0000' sell_return_paid: '0.0000' purchase_due: 0 sell_due: 62.5 purchase_return_due: 0 sell_return_due: 0 properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 type: customer supplier_business_name: null name: ' Walk-In Customer ' prefix: null first_name: 'Walk-In Customer' middle_name: null last_name: null email: contact_id: CO0005 contact_status: active tax_number: null city: Phoenix state: Arizona country: USA address_line_1: 'Linking Street' address_line_2: null zip_code: '85001' dob: null mobile: '(378) 400-1234' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null credit_limit: '0.0000' created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 1 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 20:45:20' updated_at: '2020-08-10 10:26:45' remember_token: null password: null customer_group: null opening_balance: '0.0000' opening_balance_paid: '0.0000' total_purchase: '0.0000' purchase_paid: '0.0000' total_purchase_return: '0.0000' purchase_return_paid: '0.0000' total_invoice: '2050.0000' invoice_received: '1987.5000' total_sell_return: '0.0000' sell_return_paid: '0.0000' purchase_due: 0 sell_due: 62.5 purchase_return_due: 0 sell_return_due: 0 items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 type: type: string example: customer supplier_business_name: type: string example: null name: type: string example: ' Walk-In Customer ' prefix: type: string example: null first_name: type: string example: 'Walk-In Customer' middle_name: type: string example: null last_name: type: string example: null email: type: string example: contact_id: type: string example: CO0005 contact_status: type: string example: active tax_number: type: string example: null city: type: string example: Phoenix state: type: string example: Arizona country: type: string example: USA address_line_1: type: string example: 'Linking Street' address_line_2: type: string example: null zip_code: type: string example: '85001' dob: type: string example: null mobile: type: string example: '(378) 400-1234' landline: type: string example: null alternate_number: type: string example: null pay_term_number: type: string example: null pay_term_type: type: string example: null credit_limit: type: string example: '0.0000' created_by: type: integer example: 1 balance: type: string example: '0.0000' total_rp: type: integer example: 0 total_rp_used: type: integer example: 0 total_rp_expired: type: integer example: 0 is_default: type: integer example: 1 shipping_address: type: string example: null position: type: string example: null customer_group_id: type: string example: null crm_source: type: string example: null crm_life_stage: type: string example: null custom_field1: type: string example: null custom_field2: type: string example: null custom_field3: type: string example: null custom_field4: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 20:45:20' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-08-10 10:26:45' remember_token: type: string example: null password: type: string example: null customer_group: type: string example: null opening_balance: type: string example: '0.0000' opening_balance_paid: type: string example: '0.0000' total_purchase: type: string example: '0.0000' purchase_paid: type: string example: '0.0000' total_purchase_return: type: string example: '0.0000' purchase_return_paid: type: string example: '0.0000' total_invoice: type: string example: '2050.0000' invoice_received: type: string example: '1987.5000' total_sell_return: type: string example: '0.0000' sell_return_paid: type: string example: '0.0000' purchase_due: type: integer example: 0 sell_due: type: number example: 62.5 purchase_return_due: type: integer example: 0 sell_return_due: type: integer example: 0 tags: - 'Contact management' put: summary: 'Update contact' operationId: updateContact description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: id: 21 business_id: 1 type: customer supplier_business_name: null name: 'created from api' prefix: null first_name: 'created from api' middle_name: null last_name: null email: null contact_id: CO0009 contact_status: active tax_number: null city: null state: null country: null address_line_1: 'test address' address_line_2: null zip_code: '54878787' dob: '2000-06-13' mobile: '8754154872154' landline: null alternate_number: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null credit_limit: null created_by: 1 balance: '0.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 is_default: 0 shipping_address: null position: null customer_group_id: null crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-08-10 10:41:42' updated_at: '2020-08-10 10:41:42' remember_token: null password: null properties: data: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 21 business_id: type: integer example: 1 type: type: string example: customer supplier_business_name: type: string example: null name: type: string example: 'created from api' prefix: type: string example: null first_name: type: string example: 'created from api' middle_name: type: string example: null last_name: type: string example: null email: type: string example: null contact_id: type: string example: CO0009 contact_status: type: string example: active tax_number: type: string example: null city: type: string example: null state: type: string example: null country: type: string example: null address_line_1: type: string example: 'test address' address_line_2: type: string example: null zip_code: type: string example: '54878787' dob: type: string example: '2000-06-13' mobile: type: string example: '8754154872154' landline: type: string example: null alternate_number: type: string example: null pay_term_number: type: string example: null pay_term_type: type: string example: null credit_limit: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 balance: type: string example: '0.0000' total_rp: type: integer example: 0 total_rp_used: type: integer example: 0 total_rp_expired: type: integer example: 0 is_default: type: integer example: 0 shipping_address: type: string example: null position: type: string example: null customer_group_id: type: string example: null crm_source: type: string example: null crm_life_stage: type: string example: null custom_field1: type: string example: null custom_field2: type: string example: null custom_field3: type: string example: null custom_field4: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-08-10 10:41:42' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-08-10 10:41:42' remember_token: type: string example: null password: type: string example: null tags: - 'Contact management' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: type: type: string description: 'Type of contact (supplier, customer, both)' example: customer supplier_business_name: type: string description: 'required* Required if type is supplier' example: incidunt prefix: type: string description: 'Prefix for the name of the contact' example: tempore first_name: type: string description: 'Name of the contact' example: vel middle_name: type: string description: '' example: libero last_name: type: string description: '' example: impedit tax_number: type: string description: '' example: 488744dwd pay_term_number: type: number description: '' example: 3.0 pay_term_type: type: string description: '(months ,days)' example: months mobile: type: string description: '' example: '8795461009' landline: type: string description: '' example: 65484-848-848 alternate_number: type: string description: '' example: '9898795220' address_line_1: type: string description: '' example: explicabo address_line_2: type: string description: '' example: numquam city: type: string description: '' example: veritatis state: type: string description: '' example: velit country: type: string description: '' example: voluptatibus zip_code: type: string description: '' example: aut customer_group_id: type: string description: '' example: quis contact_id: type: string description: '' example: quidem dob: type: string description: 'Fromat: Y-m-d' example: '2000-06-13' custom_field1: type: string description: '' example: praesentium custom_field2: type: string description: '' example: odio custom_field3: type: string description: '' example: quisquam custom_field4: type: string description: '' example: unde email: type: string description: '' example: shipping_address: type: string description: '' example: tempora position: type: string description: '' example: nisi opening_balance: type: number description: '' example: 10.3 source_id: type: integer description: 'Id of the source. Applicable only if the type is lead' example: 12 life_stage_id: type: integer description: 'Id of the Life stage. Applicable only if the type is lead' example: 5 assigned_to: type: array description: 'Ids of the users the lead is assigned to. Applicable only if the type is lead' example: - quia items: type: string required: - first_name - mobile parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'The ID of the contactapi.' example: non required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: contact description: 'comma separated ids of contacts' example: '2' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/contactapi-payment: post: summary: 'Contact payment' operationId: contactPayment description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: amount: '20' method: cash paid_on: '2020-07-22 15:48:29' created_by: 1 payment_for: '19' business_id: 1 is_advance: 1 payment_ref_no: SP2020/0127 document: null updated_at: '2020-07-22 15:48:29' created_at: '2020-07-22 15:48:29' id: 215 properties: data: type: object properties: amount: type: string example: '20' method: type: string example: cash paid_on: type: string example: '2020-07-22 15:48:29' created_by: type: integer example: 1 payment_for: type: string example: '19' business_id: type: integer example: 1 is_advance: type: integer example: 1 payment_ref_no: type: string example: SP2020/0127 document: type: string example: null updated_at: type: string example: '2020-07-22 15:48:29' created_at: type: string example: '2020-07-22 15:48:29' id: type: integer example: 215 tags: - 'Contact management' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: contact_id: type: integer description: 'id of the contact' example: 17 amount: type: number description: 'amount of the payment' example: 453.13 method: type: string description: "payment methods ('cash', 'card', 'cheque', 'bank_transfer', 'other', 'custom_pay_1', 'custom_pay_2', 'custom_pay_3')" example: cash paid_on: type: string description: 'transaction date format:Y-m-d H:i:s,' example: '2020-07-22 15:48:29' account_id: type: integer description: 'account id' example: 20 card_number: type: string description: '' example: ipsam card_holder_name: type: string description: '' example: quibusdam card_transaction_number: type: string description: '' example: ipsam card_type: type: string description: '' example: qui card_month: type: string description: '' example: hic card_year: type: string description: '' example: laudantium card_security: type: string description: '' example: aut transaction_no_1: type: string description: '' example: ea transaction_no_2: type: string description: '' example: eum transaction_no_3: type: string description: '' example: fugit cheque_number: type: string description: '' example: sed bank_account_number: type: string description: '' example: et note: type: string description: 'payment note' example: nisi required: - contact_id - amount /oauth/token: post: summary: "Authorize a client to access the user's account." operationId: authorizeAClientToAccessTheUsersAccount description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Endpoints security: [] /oauth/authorize: get: summary: "Authorize a client to access the user's account." operationId: authorizeAClientToAccessTheUsersAccount description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 404: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: 'The route oauth/authorize could not be found.' exception: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: 44 trace: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' properties: message: type: string example: 'The route oauth/authorize could not be found.' exception: type: string example: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 44 trace: type: array example: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' items: type: object properties: file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 162 function: type: string example: handleMatchedRoute class: type: string example: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: type: string example: '->' tags: - Endpoints security: [] post: summary: 'Approve the authorization request.' operationId: approveTheAuthorizationRequest description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Endpoints security: [] delete: summary: 'Deny the authorization request.' operationId: denyTheAuthorizationRequest description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Endpoints security: [] /oauth/token/refresh: post: summary: 'Get a fresh transient token cookie for the authenticated user.' operationId: getAFreshTransientTokenCookieForTheAuthenticatedUser description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Endpoints security: [] /oauth/tokens: get: summary: 'Get all of the authorized tokens for the authenticated user.' operationId: getAllOfTheAuthorizedTokensForTheAuthenticatedUser description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 404: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: 'The route oauth/tokens could not be found.' exception: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: 44 trace: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' properties: message: type: string example: 'The route oauth/tokens could not be found.' exception: type: string example: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 44 trace: type: array example: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' items: type: object properties: file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 162 function: type: string example: handleMatchedRoute class: type: string example: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: type: string example: '->' tags: - Endpoints security: [] '/oauth/tokens/{token_id}': delete: summary: 'Delete the given token.' operationId: deleteTheGivenToken description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Endpoints security: [] parameters: - in: path name: token_id description: 'The ID of the token.' example: perferendis required: true schema: type: string /oauth/clients: get: summary: 'Get all of the clients for the authenticated user.' operationId: getAllOfTheClientsForTheAuthenticatedUser description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 404: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: 'The route oauth/clients could not be found.' exception: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: 44 trace: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' properties: message: type: string example: 'The route oauth/clients could not be found.' exception: type: string example: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 44 trace: type: array example: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' items: type: object properties: file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 162 function: type: string example: handleMatchedRoute class: type: string example: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: type: string example: '->' tags: - Endpoints security: [] post: summary: 'Store a new client.' operationId: storeANewClient description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Endpoints security: [] '/oauth/clients/{client_id}': put: summary: 'Update the given client.' operationId: updateTheGivenClient description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Endpoints security: [] delete: summary: 'Delete the given client.' operationId: deleteTheGivenClient description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Endpoints security: [] parameters: - in: path name: client_id description: 'The ID of the client.' example: omnis required: true schema: type: string /oauth/scopes: get: summary: 'Get all of the available scopes for the application.' operationId: getAllOfTheAvailableScopesForTheApplication description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 404: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: 'The route oauth/scopes could not be found.' exception: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: 44 trace: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' properties: message: type: string example: 'The route oauth/scopes could not be found.' exception: type: string example: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 44 trace: type: array example: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' items: type: object properties: file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 162 function: type: string example: handleMatchedRoute class: type: string example: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: type: string example: '->' tags: - Endpoints security: [] /oauth/personal-access-tokens: get: summary: 'Get all of the personal access tokens for the authenticated user.' operationId: getAllOfThePersonalAccessTokensForTheAuthenticatedUser description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 404: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: 'The route oauth/personal-access-tokens could not be found.' exception: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: 44 trace: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' properties: message: type: string example: 'The route oauth/personal-access-tokens could not be found.' exception: type: string example: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 44 trace: type: array example: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' items: type: object properties: file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 162 function: type: string example: handleMatchedRoute class: type: string example: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: type: string example: '->' tags: - Endpoints security: [] post: summary: 'Create a new personal access token for the user.' operationId: createANewPersonalAccessTokenForTheUser description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Endpoints security: [] '/oauth/personal-access-tokens/{token_id}': delete: summary: 'Delete the given token.' operationId: deleteTheGivenToken description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Endpoints security: [] parameters: - in: path name: token_id description: 'The ID of the token.' example: iusto required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/payment-accounts: get: summary: 'List payment accounts' operationId: listPaymentAccounts description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 business_id: 1 name: 'Test Account' account_number: '8746888847455' account_type_id: 0 note: null created_by: 9 is_closed: 0 deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-06-04 21:34:21' updated_at: '2020-06-04 21:34:21' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 name: 'Test Account' account_number: '8746888847455' account_type_id: 0 note: null created_by: 9 is_closed: 0 deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-06-04 21:34:21' updated_at: '2020-06-04 21:34:21' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: 'Test Account' account_number: type: string example: '8746888847455' account_type_id: type: integer example: 0 note: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 9 is_closed: type: integer example: 0 deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 21:34:21' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 21:34:21' tags: - Endpoints /connector/api/payment-methods: get: summary: 'List payment methods' operationId: listPaymentMethods description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: cash: Cash card: Card cheque: Cheque bank_transfer: 'Bank Transfer' other: Other custom_pay_1: 'Custom Payment 1' custom_pay_2: 'Custom Payment 2' custom_pay_3: 'Custom Payment 3' properties: cash: type: string example: Cash card: type: string example: Card cheque: type: string example: Cheque bank_transfer: type: string example: 'Bank Transfer' other: type: string example: Other custom_pay_1: type: string example: 'Custom Payment 1' custom_pay_2: type: string example: 'Custom Payment 2' custom_pay_3: type: string example: 'Custom Payment 3' tags: - Endpoints /connector/api/business-details: get: summary: 'Get business details' operationId: getBusinessDetails description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: id: 1 name: 'Awesome Shop' currency_id: 2 start_date: '2018-01-01' tax_number_1: '3412569900' tax_label_1: GSTIN tax_number_2: null tax_label_2: null default_sales_tax: null default_profit_percent: 25 owner_id: 1 time_zone: America/Phoenix fy_start_month: 1 accounting_method: fifo default_sales_discount: '10.00' sell_price_tax: includes logo: null sku_prefix: AS enable_product_expiry: 0 expiry_type: add_expiry on_product_expiry: keep_selling stop_selling_before: 0 enable_tooltip: 1 purchase_in_diff_currency: 0 purchase_currency_id: null p_exchange_rate: '1.000' transaction_edit_days: 30 stock_expiry_alert_days: 30 keyboard_shortcuts: pos: express_checkout: shift+e pay_n_ckeckout: shift+p draft: shift+d cancel: shift+c recent_product_quantity: f2 weighing_scale: null edit_discount: shift+i edit_order_tax: shift+t add_payment_row: shift+r finalize_payment: shift+f add_new_product: f4 pos_settings: amount_rounding_method: null disable_pay_checkout: 0 disable_draft: 0 disable_express_checkout: 0 hide_product_suggestion: 0 hide_recent_trans: 0 disable_discount: 0 disable_order_tax: 0 is_pos_subtotal_editable: 0 weighing_scale_setting: label_prefix: null product_sku_length: '4' qty_length: '3' qty_length_decimal: '2' manufacturing_settings: null essentials_settings: null ecom_settings: null woocommerce_wh_oc_secret: null woocommerce_wh_ou_secret: null woocommerce_wh_od_secret: null woocommerce_wh_or_secret: null enable_brand: 1 enable_category: 1 enable_sub_category: 1 enable_price_tax: 1 enable_purchase_status: 1 enable_lot_number: 0 default_unit: null enable_sub_units: 0 enable_racks: 0 enable_row: 0 enable_position: 0 enable_editing_product_from_purchase: 1 sales_cmsn_agnt: null item_addition_method: 1 enable_inline_tax: 1 currency_symbol_placement: before enabled_modules: - purchases - add_sale - pos_sale - stock_transfers - stock_adjustment - expenses - account - tables - modifiers - service_staff - booking - kitchen - subscription - types_of_service date_format: m/d/Y time_format: '24' ref_no_prefixes: purchase: PO purchase_return: null stock_transfer: ST stock_adjustment: SA sell_return: CN expense: EP contacts: CO purchase_payment: PP sell_payment: SP expense_payment: null business_location: BL username: null subscription: null theme_color: null created_by: null enable_rp: 0 rp_name: null amount_for_unit_rp: '1.0000' min_order_total_for_rp: '1.0000' max_rp_per_order: null redeem_amount_per_unit_rp: '1.0000' min_order_total_for_redeem: '1.0000' min_redeem_point: null max_redeem_point: null rp_expiry_period: null rp_expiry_type: year repair_settings: null email_settings: mail_driver: smtp mail_host: null mail_port: null mail_username: null mail_password: null mail_encryption: null mail_from_address: null mail_from_name: null sms_settings: url: null send_to_param_name: to msg_param_name: text request_method: post param_1: null param_val_1: null param_2: null param_val_2: null param_3: null param_val_3: null param_4: null param_val_4: null param_5: null param_val_5: null param_6: null param_val_6: null param_7: null param_val_7: null param_8: null param_val_8: null param_9: null param_val_9: null param_10: null param_val_10: null custom_labels: payments: custom_pay_1: null custom_pay_2: null custom_pay_3: null contact: custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null product: custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null location: custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null user: custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null purchase: custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null sell: custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null types_of_service: custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null common_settings: default_datatable_page_entries: '25' is_active: 1 created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: '2020-06-04 22:33:01' locations: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: - '5' - '71' is_active: 1 default_payment_accounts: cash: is_enabled: '1' account: null card: is_enabled: '1' account: null cheque: is_enabled: '1' account: null bank_transfer: is_enabled: '1' account: null other: is_enabled: '1' account: null custom_pay_1: is_enabled: '1' account: null custom_pay_2: is_enabled: '1' account: null custom_pay_3: is_enabled: '1' account: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2020-06-05 00:56:54' currency: id: 2 country: America currency: Dollars code: USD symbol: $ thousand_separator: ',' decimal_separator: . created_at: null updated_at: null printers: [] currency_precision: 2 quantity_precision: 2 properties: data: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: 'Awesome Shop' currency_id: type: integer example: 2 start_date: type: string example: '2018-01-01' tax_number_1: type: string example: '3412569900' tax_label_1: type: string example: GSTIN tax_number_2: type: string example: null tax_label_2: type: string example: null default_sales_tax: type: string example: null default_profit_percent: type: integer example: 25 owner_id: type: integer example: 1 time_zone: type: string example: America/Phoenix fy_start_month: type: integer example: 1 accounting_method: type: string example: fifo default_sales_discount: type: string example: '10.00' sell_price_tax: type: string example: includes logo: type: string example: null sku_prefix: type: string example: AS enable_product_expiry: type: integer example: 0 expiry_type: type: string example: add_expiry on_product_expiry: type: string example: keep_selling stop_selling_before: type: integer example: 0 enable_tooltip: type: integer example: 1 purchase_in_diff_currency: type: integer example: 0 purchase_currency_id: type: string example: null p_exchange_rate: type: string example: '1.000' transaction_edit_days: type: integer example: 30 stock_expiry_alert_days: type: integer example: 30 keyboard_shortcuts: type: object properties: pos: type: object properties: express_checkout: type: string example: shift+e pay_n_ckeckout: type: string example: shift+p draft: type: string example: shift+d cancel: type: string example: shift+c recent_product_quantity: type: string example: f2 weighing_scale: type: string example: null edit_discount: type: string example: shift+i edit_order_tax: type: string example: shift+t add_payment_row: type: string example: shift+r finalize_payment: type: string example: shift+f add_new_product: type: string example: f4 pos_settings: type: object properties: amount_rounding_method: type: string example: null disable_pay_checkout: type: integer example: 0 disable_draft: type: integer example: 0 disable_express_checkout: type: integer example: 0 hide_product_suggestion: type: integer example: 0 hide_recent_trans: type: integer example: 0 disable_discount: type: integer example: 0 disable_order_tax: type: integer example: 0 is_pos_subtotal_editable: type: integer example: 0 weighing_scale_setting: type: object properties: label_prefix: type: string example: null product_sku_length: type: string example: '4' qty_length: type: string example: '3' qty_length_decimal: type: string example: '2' manufacturing_settings: type: string example: null essentials_settings: type: string example: null ecom_settings: type: string example: null woocommerce_wh_oc_secret: type: string example: null woocommerce_wh_ou_secret: type: string example: null woocommerce_wh_od_secret: type: string example: null woocommerce_wh_or_secret: type: string example: null enable_brand: type: integer example: 1 enable_category: type: integer example: 1 enable_sub_category: type: integer example: 1 enable_price_tax: type: integer example: 1 enable_purchase_status: type: integer example: 1 enable_lot_number: type: integer example: 0 default_unit: type: string example: null enable_sub_units: type: integer example: 0 enable_racks: type: integer example: 0 enable_row: type: integer example: 0 enable_position: type: integer example: 0 enable_editing_product_from_purchase: type: integer example: 1 sales_cmsn_agnt: type: string example: null item_addition_method: type: integer example: 1 enable_inline_tax: type: integer example: 1 currency_symbol_placement: type: string example: before enabled_modules: type: array example: - purchases - add_sale - pos_sale - stock_transfers - stock_adjustment - expenses - account - tables - modifiers - service_staff - booking - kitchen - subscription - types_of_service items: type: string date_format: type: string example: m/d/Y time_format: type: string example: '24' ref_no_prefixes: type: object properties: purchase: type: string example: PO purchase_return: type: string example: null stock_transfer: type: string example: ST stock_adjustment: type: string example: SA sell_return: type: string example: CN expense: type: string example: EP contacts: type: string example: CO purchase_payment: type: string example: PP sell_payment: type: string example: SP expense_payment: type: string example: null business_location: type: string example: BL username: type: string example: null subscription: type: string example: null theme_color: type: string example: null created_by: type: string example: null enable_rp: type: integer example: 0 rp_name: type: string example: null amount_for_unit_rp: type: string example: '1.0000' min_order_total_for_rp: type: string example: '1.0000' max_rp_per_order: type: string example: null redeem_amount_per_unit_rp: type: string example: '1.0000' min_order_total_for_redeem: type: string example: '1.0000' min_redeem_point: type: string example: null max_redeem_point: type: string example: null rp_expiry_period: type: string example: null rp_expiry_type: type: string example: year repair_settings: type: string example: null email_settings: type: object properties: mail_driver: type: string example: smtp mail_host: type: string example: null mail_port: type: string example: null mail_username: type: string example: null mail_password: type: string example: null mail_encryption: type: string example: null mail_from_address: type: string example: null mail_from_name: type: string example: null sms_settings: type: object properties: url: type: string example: null send_to_param_name: type: string example: to msg_param_name: type: string example: text request_method: type: string example: post param_1: type: string example: null param_val_1: type: string example: null param_2: type: string example: null param_val_2: type: string example: null param_3: type: string example: null param_val_3: type: string example: null param_4: type: string example: null param_val_4: type: string example: null param_5: type: string example: null param_val_5: type: string example: null param_6: type: string example: null param_val_6: type: string example: null param_7: type: string example: null param_val_7: type: string example: null param_8: type: string example: null param_val_8: type: string example: null param_9: type: string example: null param_val_9: type: string example: null param_10: type: string example: null param_val_10: type: string example: null custom_labels: type: object properties: payments: type: object properties: custom_pay_1: type: string example: null custom_pay_2: type: string example: null custom_pay_3: type: string example: null contact: type: object properties: custom_field_1: type: string example: null custom_field_2: type: string example: null custom_field_3: type: string example: null custom_field_4: type: string example: null product: type: object properties: custom_field_1: type: string example: null custom_field_2: type: string example: null custom_field_3: type: string example: null custom_field_4: type: string example: null location: type: object properties: custom_field_1: type: string example: null custom_field_2: type: string example: null custom_field_3: type: string example: null custom_field_4: type: string example: null user: type: object properties: custom_field_1: type: string example: null custom_field_2: type: string example: null custom_field_3: type: string example: null custom_field_4: type: string example: null purchase: type: object properties: custom_field_1: type: string example: null custom_field_2: type: string example: null custom_field_3: type: string example: null custom_field_4: type: string example: null sell: type: object properties: custom_field_1: type: string example: null custom_field_2: type: string example: null custom_field_3: type: string example: null custom_field_4: type: string example: null types_of_service: type: object properties: custom_field_1: type: string example: null custom_field_2: type: string example: null custom_field_3: type: string example: null custom_field_4: type: string example: null common_settings: type: object properties: default_datatable_page_entries: type: string example: '25' is_active: type: integer example: 1 created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 22:33:01' locations: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: - '5' - '71' is_active: 1 default_payment_accounts: cash: is_enabled: '1' account: null card: is_enabled: '1' account: null cheque: is_enabled: '1' account: null bank_transfer: is_enabled: '1' account: null other: is_enabled: '1' account: null custom_pay_1: is_enabled: '1' account: null custom_pay_2: is_enabled: '1' account: null custom_pay_3: is_enabled: '1' account: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2020-06-05 00:56:54' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: string example: null name: type: string example: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: type: string example: 'Linking Street' country: type: string example: USA state: type: string example: Arizona city: type: string example: Phoenix zip_code: type: string example: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: type: integer example: 1 invoice_layout_id: type: integer example: 1 selling_price_group_id: type: string example: null print_receipt_on_invoice: type: integer example: 1 receipt_printer_type: type: string example: browser printer_id: type: string example: null mobile: type: string example: null alternate_number: type: string example: null email: type: string example: null website: type: string example: null featured_products: type: array example: - '5' - '71' items: type: string is_active: type: integer example: 1 default_payment_accounts: type: object properties: cash: type: object properties: is_enabled: type: string example: '1' account: type: string example: null card: type: object properties: is_enabled: type: string example: '1' account: type: string example: null cheque: type: object properties: is_enabled: type: string example: '1' account: type: string example: null bank_transfer: type: object properties: is_enabled: type: string example: '1' account: type: string example: null other: type: object properties: is_enabled: type: string example: '1' account: type: string example: null custom_pay_1: type: object properties: is_enabled: type: string example: '1' account: type: string example: null custom_pay_2: type: object properties: is_enabled: type: string example: '1' account: type: string example: null custom_pay_3: type: object properties: is_enabled: type: string example: '1' account: type: string example: null custom_field1: type: string example: null custom_field2: type: string example: null custom_field3: type: string example: null custom_field4: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-05 00:56:54' currency: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 2 country: type: string example: America currency: type: string example: Dollars code: type: string example: USD symbol: type: string example: $ thousand_separator: type: string example: ',' decimal_separator: type: string example: . created_at: type: string example: null updated_at: type: string example: null printers: type: array example: [] currency_precision: type: integer example: 2 quantity_precision: type: integer example: 2 tags: - Endpoints /connector/api/profit-loss-report: get: summary: 'Get profit and loss report' operationId: getProfitAndLossReport description: '' parameters: - in: query name: location_id description: 'optional id of the location' example: '1' required: false schema: type: string description: 'optional id of the location' example: '1' - in: query name: start_date description: 'optional format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'optional format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' - in: query name: end_date description: 'optional format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'optional format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' - in: query name: user_id description: 'optional id of the user' example: '1' required: false schema: type: string description: 'optional id of the user' example: '1' - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: total_purchase_shipping_charge: 0 total_sell_shipping_charge: 0 total_transfer_shipping_charges: '0.0000' opening_stock: 0 closing_stock: '386859.00000000' total_purchase: 386936 total_purchase_discount: '0.000000000000' total_purchase_return: '0.0000' total_sell: 9764.5 total_sell_discount: '11.550000000000' total_sell_return: '0.0000' total_sell_round_off: '0.0000' total_expense: '0.0000' total_adjustment: '0.0000' total_recovered: '0.0000' total_reward_amount: '0.0000' left_side_module_data: - value: '0.0000' label: 'Total Payroll' add_to_net_profit: true - value: 0 label: 'Total Production Cost' add_to_net_profit: true right_side_module_data: [] net_profit: 9675.95 gross_profit: -11.55 total_sell_by_subtype: [] properties: data: type: object properties: total_purchase_shipping_charge: type: integer example: 0 total_sell_shipping_charge: type: integer example: 0 total_transfer_shipping_charges: type: string example: '0.0000' opening_stock: type: integer example: 0 closing_stock: type: string example: '386859.00000000' total_purchase: type: integer example: 386936 total_purchase_discount: type: string example: '0.000000000000' total_purchase_return: type: string example: '0.0000' total_sell: type: number example: 9764.5 total_sell_discount: type: string example: '11.550000000000' total_sell_return: type: string example: '0.0000' total_sell_round_off: type: string example: '0.0000' total_expense: type: string example: '0.0000' total_adjustment: type: string example: '0.0000' total_recovered: type: string example: '0.0000' total_reward_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' left_side_module_data: type: array example: - value: '0.0000' label: 'Total Payroll' add_to_net_profit: true - value: 0 label: 'Total Production Cost' add_to_net_profit: true items: type: object properties: value: type: string example: '0.0000' label: type: string example: 'Total Payroll' add_to_net_profit: type: boolean example: true right_side_module_data: type: array example: [] net_profit: type: number example: 9675.95 gross_profit: type: number example: -11.55 total_sell_by_subtype: type: array example: [] tags: - Endpoints /connector/api/product-stock-report: get: summary: 'Get product current stock' operationId: getProductCurrentStock description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - total_sold: null total_transfered: null total_adjusted: null stock_price: null stock: null sku: AS0001 product: "Men's Reverse Fleece Crew" type: single product_id: 1 unit: Pc(s) enable_stock: 1 unit_price: '143.0000' product_variation: DUMMY variation_name: DUMMY location_name: null location_id: null variation_id: 1 - total_sold: '50.0000' total_transfered: null total_adjusted: null stock_price: '3850.00000000' stock: '50.0000' sku: AS0002-1 product: "Levis Men's Slimmy Fit Jeans" type: variable product_id: 2 unit: Pc(s) enable_stock: 1 unit_price: '77.0000' product_variation: 'Waist Size' variation_name: '28' location_name: 'Awesome Shop' location_id: 1 variation_id: 2 - total_sold: '60.0000' total_transfered: null total_adjusted: null stock_price: '6930.00000000' stock: '90.0000' sku: AS0002-2 product: "Levis Men's Slimmy Fit Jeans" type: variable product_id: 2 unit: Pc(s) enable_stock: 1 unit_price: '77.0000' product_variation: 'Waist Size' variation_name: '30' location_name: 'Awesome Shop' location_id: 1 variation_id: 3 links: first: '' last: '' prev: null next: '' meta: current_page: 1 from: 1 last_page: 22 path: '' per_page: 3 to: 3 total: 66 properties: data: type: array example: - total_sold: null total_transfered: null total_adjusted: null stock_price: null stock: null sku: AS0001 product: "Men's Reverse Fleece Crew" type: single product_id: 1 unit: Pc(s) enable_stock: 1 unit_price: '143.0000' product_variation: DUMMY variation_name: DUMMY location_name: null location_id: null variation_id: 1 - total_sold: '50.0000' total_transfered: null total_adjusted: null stock_price: '3850.00000000' stock: '50.0000' sku: AS0002-1 product: "Levis Men's Slimmy Fit Jeans" type: variable product_id: 2 unit: Pc(s) enable_stock: 1 unit_price: '77.0000' product_variation: 'Waist Size' variation_name: '28' location_name: 'Awesome Shop' location_id: 1 variation_id: 2 - total_sold: '60.0000' total_transfered: null total_adjusted: null stock_price: '6930.00000000' stock: '90.0000' sku: AS0002-2 product: "Levis Men's Slimmy Fit Jeans" type: variable product_id: 2 unit: Pc(s) enable_stock: 1 unit_price: '77.0000' product_variation: 'Waist Size' variation_name: '30' location_name: 'Awesome Shop' location_id: 1 variation_id: 3 items: type: object properties: total_sold: type: string example: null total_transfered: type: string example: null total_adjusted: type: string example: null stock_price: type: string example: null stock: type: string example: null sku: type: string example: AS0001 product: type: string example: "Men's Reverse Fleece Crew" type: type: string example: single product_id: type: integer example: 1 unit: type: string example: Pc(s) enable_stock: type: integer example: 1 unit_price: type: string example: '143.0000' product_variation: type: string example: DUMMY variation_name: type: string example: DUMMY location_name: type: string example: null location_id: type: string example: null variation_id: type: integer example: 1 links: type: object properties: first: type: string example: '' last: type: string example: '' prev: type: string example: null next: type: string example: '' meta: type: object properties: current_page: type: integer example: 1 from: type: integer example: 1 last_page: type: integer example: 22 path: type: string example: '' per_page: type: integer example: 3 to: type: integer example: 3 total: type: integer example: 66 tags: - Endpoints /connector/api/notifications: get: summary: 'Get notifications' operationId: getNotifications description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - msg: 'Payroll for August/2020 added by Mr. Super Admin. Reference No. 2020/0002' icon_class: 'fas fa-money-bill-alt bg-green' link: '' read_at: null created_at: '3 hours ago' properties: data: type: array example: - msg: 'Payroll for August/2020 added by Mr. Super Admin. Reference No. 2020/0002' icon_class: 'fas fa-money-bill-alt bg-green' link: '' read_at: null created_at: '3 hours ago' items: type: object properties: msg: type: string example: 'Payroll for August/2020 added by Mr. Super Admin. Reference No. 2020/0002' icon_class: type: string example: 'fas fa-money-bill-alt bg-green' link: type: string example: '' read_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '3 hours ago' tags: - Endpoints /connector/api/get-location: get: summary: 'Get location details from coordinates' operationId: getLocationDetailsFromCoordinates description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: address: 'Radhanath Mullick Ln, Tiretta Bazaar, Bow Bazaar, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700 073, India' properties: address: type: string example: 'Radhanath Mullick Ln, Tiretta Bazaar, Bow Bazaar, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700 073, India' tags: - Endpoints requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: lat: type: decimal description: 'Lattitude of the location' example: '41.40338' lon: type: decimal description: 'Longitude of the location' example: '2.17403' required: - lat - lon /connector/install: get: summary: Install operationId: install description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 404: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: 'The route connector/install could not be found.' exception: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: 44 trace: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' properties: message: type: string example: 'The route connector/install could not be found.' exception: type: string example: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 44 trace: type: array example: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' items: type: object properties: file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 162 function: type: string example: handleMatchedRoute class: type: string example: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: type: string example: '->' tags: - Endpoints security: [] post: summary: 'Installing Connector Module' operationId: installingConnectorModule description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Endpoints security: [] /connector/install/uninstall: get: summary: Uninstall operationId: uninstall description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 404: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: 'The route connector/install/uninstall could not be found.' exception: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: 44 trace: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' properties: message: type: string example: 'The route connector/install/uninstall could not be found.' exception: type: string example: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 44 trace: type: array example: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' items: type: object properties: file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 162 function: type: string example: handleMatchedRoute class: type: string example: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: type: string example: '->' tags: - Endpoints security: [] /connector/install/update: get: summary: 'update module' operationId: updateModule description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 404: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: 'The route connector/install/update could not be found.' exception: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: 44 trace: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' properties: message: type: string example: 'The route connector/install/update could not be found.' exception: type: string example: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 44 trace: type: array example: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' items: type: object properties: file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 162 function: type: string example: handleMatchedRoute class: type: string example: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: type: string example: '->' tags: - Endpoints security: [] /connector/api: get: summary: 'Display a listing of the resource.' operationId: displayAListingOfTheResource description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 404: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: 'The route connector/api could not be found.' exception: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: 44 trace: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' properties: message: type: string example: 'The route connector/api could not be found.' exception: type: string example: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 44 trace: type: array example: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' items: type: object properties: file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 162 function: type: string example: handleMatchedRoute class: type: string example: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: type: string example: '->' tags: - Endpoints security: [] /connector/client: get: summary: 'Display a listing of the resource.' operationId: displayAListingOfTheResource description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 404: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: 'The route connector/client could not be found.' exception: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: 44 trace: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' properties: message: type: string example: 'The route connector/client could not be found.' exception: type: string example: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 44 trace: type: array example: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' items: type: object properties: file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 162 function: type: string example: handleMatchedRoute class: type: string example: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: type: string example: '->' tags: - Endpoints security: [] post: summary: 'Store a newly created resource in storage.' operationId: storeANewlyCreatedResourceInStorage description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Endpoints security: [] /connector/client/create: get: summary: 'Show the form for creating a new resource.' operationId: showTheFormForCreatingANewResource description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 404: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: 'The route connector/client/create could not be found.' exception: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: 44 trace: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' properties: message: type: string example: 'The route connector/client/create could not be found.' exception: type: string example: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 44 trace: type: array example: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' items: type: object properties: file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 162 function: type: string example: handleMatchedRoute class: type: string example: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: type: string example: '->' tags: - Endpoints security: [] '/connector/client/{id}': get: summary: 'Show the specified resource.' operationId: showTheSpecifiedResource description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 404: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: 'The route connector/client/commodi could not be found.' exception: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: 44 trace: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' properties: message: type: string example: 'The route connector/client/commodi could not be found.' exception: type: string example: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 44 trace: type: array example: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' items: type: object properties: file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 162 function: type: string example: handleMatchedRoute class: type: string example: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: type: string example: '->' tags: - Endpoints security: [] put: summary: 'Update the specified resource in storage.' operationId: updateTheSpecifiedResourceInStorage description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Endpoints security: [] delete: summary: 'Remove the specified resource from storage.' operationId: removeTheSpecifiedResourceFromStorage description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Endpoints security: [] parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'The ID of the client.' example: commodi required: true schema: type: string '/connector/client/{client}/edit': get: summary: 'Show the form for editing the specified resource.' operationId: showTheFormForEditingTheSpecifiedResource description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 404: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: 'The route connector/client/ea/edit could not be found.' exception: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: 44 trace: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' properties: message: type: string example: 'The route connector/client/ea/edit could not be found.' exception: type: string example: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 44 trace: type: array example: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' items: type: object properties: file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 162 function: type: string example: handleMatchedRoute class: type: string example: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: type: string example: '->' tags: - Endpoints security: [] parameters: - in: path name: client description: 'The client.' example: ea required: true schema: type: string /connector/regenerate: get: summary: '' operationId: getConnectorRegenerate description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 404: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: 'The route connector/regenerate could not be found.' exception: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: 44 trace: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' properties: message: type: string example: 'The route connector/regenerate could not be found.' exception: type: string example: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 44 trace: type: array example: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' items: type: object properties: file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 162 function: type: string example: handleMatchedRoute class: type: string example: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: type: string example: '->' tags: - Endpoints security: [] /connector/api/expense: get: summary: 'List expenses' operationId: listExpenses description: '' parameters: - in: query name: location_id description: 'id of the location' example: '1' required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the location' example: '1' - in: query name: payment_status description: 'payment status' example: paid required: false schema: type: string description: 'payment status' example: paid - in: query name: start_date description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' - in: query name: end_date description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' - in: query name: expense_for description: 'id of the user for which expense is created' example: vel required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the user for which expense is created' example: vel - in: query name: per_page description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 15 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 15 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 59 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 payment_status: due ref_no: EP2020/0001 transaction_date: '2020-07-03 12:58:00' total_before_tax: '50.0000' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '50.0000' expense_category_id: null document: null created_by: 9 is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: null recur_interval_type: null recur_repetitions: null recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null created_at: '2020-07-03 12:58:23' updated_at: '2020-07-03 12:58:24' transaction_for: id: 1 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: Admin last_name: null username: admin email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' links: first: '' last: null prev: null next: null meta: current_page: 1 from: 1 path: '' per_page: 10 to: 1 properties: data: type: array example: - id: 59 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 payment_status: due ref_no: EP2020/0001 transaction_date: '2020-07-03 12:58:00' total_before_tax: '50.0000' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '50.0000' expense_category_id: null document: null created_by: 9 is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: null recur_interval_type: null recur_repetitions: null recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null created_at: '2020-07-03 12:58:23' updated_at: '2020-07-03 12:58:24' transaction_for: id: 1 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: Admin last_name: null username: admin email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 59 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 payment_status: type: string example: due ref_no: type: string example: EP2020/0001 transaction_date: type: string example: '2020-07-03 12:58:00' total_before_tax: type: string example: '50.0000' tax_id: type: string example: null tax_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' final_total: type: string example: '50.0000' expense_category_id: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 9 is_recurring: type: integer example: 0 recur_interval: type: string example: null recur_interval_type: type: string example: null recur_repetitions: type: string example: null recur_stopped_on: type: string example: null recur_parent_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-07-03 12:58:23' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-07-03 12:58:24' transaction_for: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 user_type: type: string example: user surname: type: string example: Mr first_name: type: string example: Admin last_name: type: string example: null username: type: string example: admin email: type: string example: language: type: string example: en contact_no: type: string example: null address: type: string example: null business_id: type: integer example: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: type: string example: null allow_login: type: integer example: 1 essentials_department_id: type: string example: null essentials_designation_id: type: string example: null status: type: string example: active crm_contact_id: type: string example: null is_cmmsn_agnt: type: integer example: 0 cmmsn_percent: type: string example: '0.00' selected_contacts: type: integer example: 0 dob: type: string example: null gender: type: string example: null marital_status: type: string example: null blood_group: type: string example: null contact_number: type: string example: null fb_link: type: string example: null twitter_link: type: string example: null social_media_1: type: string example: null social_media_2: type: string example: null permanent_address: type: string example: null current_address: type: string example: null guardian_name: type: string example: null custom_field_1: type: string example: null custom_field_2: type: string example: null custom_field_3: type: string example: null custom_field_4: type: string example: null bank_details: type: string example: null id_proof_name: type: string example: null id_proof_number: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' links: type: object properties: first: type: string example: '' last: type: string example: null prev: type: string example: null next: type: string example: null meta: type: object properties: current_page: type: integer example: 1 from: type: integer example: 1 path: type: string example: '' per_page: type: integer example: 10 to: type: integer example: 1 tags: - 'Expense management' post: summary: 'Create expense / expense refund' operationId: createExpenseExpenseRefund description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: id: 75 business_id: 1 location_id: '1' payment_status: due ref_no: EP2020/0013 transaction_date: '2020-07-06T05:31:29.480975Z' total_before_tax: '43' tax_id: null tax_amount: 0 final_total: '43' expense_category_id: null document: null created_by: 1 is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: null recur_interval_type: null recur_repetitions: null recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null created_at: '2020-07-06 11:01:29' updated_at: '2020-07-06 11:01:29' expense_for: [] properties: data: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 75 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: string example: '1' payment_status: type: string example: due ref_no: type: string example: EP2020/0013 transaction_date: type: string example: '2020-07-06T05:31:29.480975Z' total_before_tax: type: string example: '43' tax_id: type: string example: null tax_amount: type: integer example: 0 final_total: type: string example: '43' expense_category_id: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 is_recurring: type: integer example: 0 recur_interval: type: string example: null recur_interval_type: type: string example: null recur_repetitions: type: string example: null recur_stopped_on: type: string example: null recur_parent_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-07-06 11:01:29' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-07-06 11:01:29' expense_for: type: array example: [] tags: - 'Expense management' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: location_id: type: integer description: 'id of the business location' example: 1 final_total: type: number description: 'Expense amount' example: 2678024.86118 transaction_date: type: string description: 'transaction date format:Y-m-d H:i:s,' example: '2020-5-7 15:20:22' tax_rate_id: type: integer description: 'id of the tax rate applicable to the expense' example: 19 expense_for: type: integer description: 'id of the user for which expense is created' example: 9 contact_id: type: integer description: 'id of the contact(customer or supplier) for which expense is created' example: 12 expense_category_id: type: integer description: 'id of the expense category' example: 10 expense_sub_category_id: type: integer description: 'id of the expense sub-category' example: 10 additional_notes: type: string description: '' example: exercitationem is_refund: type: integer description: 'whether expense refund (0, 1)' example: 0 is_recurring: type: integer description: 'whether expense is recurring (0, 1)' example: 0 recur_interval: type: integer description: 'value of the interval expense will be regenerated' example: 8 recur_interval_type: type: string description: "type of the recur interval ('days', 'months', 'years')" example: months subscription_repeat_on: type: integer description: 'day of the month on which expense will be generated if recur interval type is months (1-30)' example: 15 subscription_no: type: string description: 'subscription number' example: qui recur_repetitions: type: integer description: 'total number of expense to be generated' example: 10 payment: type: array description: 'payment lines for the expense' example: - dolor items: type: string required: - location_id - final_total '/connector/api/expense/{id}': get: summary: 'Get the specified expense / expense refund' operationId: getTheSpecifiedExpenseExpenseRefund description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 59 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 payment_status: due ref_no: EP2020/0001 transaction_date: '2020-07-03 12:58:00' total_before_tax: '50.0000' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '50.0000' expense_category_id: null document: null created_by: 9 is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: null recur_interval_type: null recur_repetitions: null recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null created_at: '2020-07-03 12:58:23' updated_at: '2020-07-03 12:58:24' transaction_for: id: 1 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: Admin last_name: null username: admin email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 59 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 payment_status: due ref_no: EP2020/0001 transaction_date: '2020-07-03 12:58:00' total_before_tax: '50.0000' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '50.0000' expense_category_id: null document: null created_by: 9 is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: null recur_interval_type: null recur_repetitions: null recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null created_at: '2020-07-03 12:58:23' updated_at: '2020-07-03 12:58:24' transaction_for: id: 1 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: Admin last_name: null username: admin email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 59 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 payment_status: type: string example: due ref_no: type: string example: EP2020/0001 transaction_date: type: string example: '2020-07-03 12:58:00' total_before_tax: type: string example: '50.0000' tax_id: type: string example: null tax_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' final_total: type: string example: '50.0000' expense_category_id: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 9 is_recurring: type: integer example: 0 recur_interval: type: string example: null recur_interval_type: type: string example: null recur_repetitions: type: string example: null recur_stopped_on: type: string example: null recur_parent_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-07-03 12:58:23' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-07-03 12:58:24' transaction_for: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 user_type: type: string example: user surname: type: string example: Mr first_name: type: string example: Admin last_name: type: string example: null username: type: string example: admin email: type: string example: language: type: string example: en contact_no: type: string example: null address: type: string example: null business_id: type: integer example: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: type: string example: null allow_login: type: integer example: 1 essentials_department_id: type: string example: null essentials_designation_id: type: string example: null status: type: string example: active crm_contact_id: type: string example: null is_cmmsn_agnt: type: integer example: 0 cmmsn_percent: type: string example: '0.00' selected_contacts: type: integer example: 0 dob: type: string example: null gender: type: string example: null marital_status: type: string example: null blood_group: type: string example: null contact_number: type: string example: null fb_link: type: string example: null twitter_link: type: string example: null social_media_1: type: string example: null social_media_2: type: string example: null permanent_address: type: string example: null current_address: type: string example: null guardian_name: type: string example: null custom_field_1: type: string example: null custom_field_2: type: string example: null custom_field_3: type: string example: null custom_field_4: type: string example: null bank_details: type: string example: null id_proof_name: type: string example: null id_proof_number: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' tags: - 'Expense management' put: summary: 'Update expense / expense refund' operationId: updateExpenseExpenseRefund description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: id: 75 business_id: 1 location_id: '1' payment_status: due ref_no: EP2020/0013 transaction_date: '2020-07-06T05:31:29.480975Z' total_before_tax: '43' tax_id: null tax_amount: 0 final_total: '43' expense_category_id: null document: null created_by: 1 is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: null recur_interval_type: null recur_repetitions: null recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null created_at: '2020-07-06 11:01:29' updated_at: '2020-07-06 11:01:29' expense_for: [] properties: data: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 75 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: string example: '1' payment_status: type: string example: due ref_no: type: string example: EP2020/0013 transaction_date: type: string example: '2020-07-06T05:31:29.480975Z' total_before_tax: type: string example: '43' tax_id: type: string example: null tax_amount: type: integer example: 0 final_total: type: string example: '43' expense_category_id: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 is_recurring: type: integer example: 0 recur_interval: type: string example: null recur_interval_type: type: string example: null recur_repetitions: type: string example: null recur_stopped_on: type: string example: null recur_parent_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-07-06 11:01:29' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-07-06 11:01:29' expense_for: type: array example: [] tags: - 'Expense management' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: final_total: type: number description: 'Expense amount' example: 0.0 transaction_date: type: string description: 'transaction date format:Y-m-d H:i:s,' example: '2020-5-7 15:20:22' tax_rate_id: type: integer description: 'id of the tax rate applicable to the expense' example: 3 expense_for: type: integer description: 'id of the user for which expense is created' example: 19 contact_id: type: integer description: 'id of the contact(customer or supplier) for which expense is created' example: 5 expense_category_id: type: integer description: 'id of the expense category' example: 12 expense_sub_category_id: type: integer description: 'id of the expense sub-category' example: 1 additional_notes: type: string description: '' example: voluptas is_recurring: type: integer description: 'whether expense is recurring (0, 1)' example: 0 recur_interval: type: integer description: 'value of the interval expense will be regenerated' example: 16 recur_interval_type: type: string description: "type of the recur interval ('days', 'months', 'years')" example: months subscription_repeat_on: type: integer description: 'day of the month on which expense will be generated if recur interval type is months (1-30)' example: 15 subscription_no: type: string description: 'subscription number' example: fuga recur_repetitions: type: integer description: 'total number of expense to be generated' example: 15 payment: type: array description: 'payment lines for the expense' example: - voluptatem items: type: string parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'The ID of the expense.' example: nemo required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: expense description: 'comma separated ids of the expenses' example: '59' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/expense-refund: get: summary: 'List expense refunds' operationId: listExpenseRefunds description: '' parameters: - in: query name: location_id description: 'id of the location' example: '1' required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the location' example: '1' - in: query name: payment_status description: 'payment status' example: paid required: false schema: type: string description: 'payment status' example: paid - in: query name: start_date description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' - in: query name: end_date description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' - in: query name: expense_for description: 'id of the user for which expense is created' example: qui required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the user for which expense is created' example: qui - in: query name: per_page description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 15 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 15 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 230 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 payment_status: partial ref_no: refund transaction_date: '2020-12-15 11:16:00' total_before_tax: '65.0000' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '65.0000' expense_category_id: null document: null created_by: 9 created_at: '2020-12-15 11:46:56' updated_at: '2020-12-15 12:47:30' expense_for: [] links: first: '' last: null prev: null next: null meta: current_page: 1 from: 1 path: '' per_page: 15 to: 1 properties: data: type: array example: - id: 230 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 payment_status: partial ref_no: refund transaction_date: '2020-12-15 11:16:00' total_before_tax: '65.0000' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '65.0000' expense_category_id: null document: null created_by: 9 created_at: '2020-12-15 11:46:56' updated_at: '2020-12-15 12:47:30' expense_for: [] items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 230 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 payment_status: type: string example: partial ref_no: type: string example: refund transaction_date: type: string example: '2020-12-15 11:16:00' total_before_tax: type: string example: '65.0000' tax_id: type: string example: null tax_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' final_total: type: string example: '65.0000' expense_category_id: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 9 created_at: type: string example: '2020-12-15 11:46:56' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-12-15 12:47:30' expense_for: type: array example: [] links: type: object properties: first: type: string example: '' last: type: string example: null prev: type: string example: null next: type: string example: null meta: type: object properties: current_page: type: integer example: 1 from: type: integer example: 1 path: type: string example: '' per_page: type: integer example: 15 to: type: integer example: 1 tags: - 'Expense management' /connector/api/expense-categories: get: summary: 'List expense categories' operationId: listExpenseCategories description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 name: 'cat 1' business_id: 1 code: null parent_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2021-12-16 17:54:40' updated_at: '2021-12-16 17:54:40' sub_categories: - id: 3 name: 'sub cat 1' business_id: 1 code: null parent_id: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2021-12-16 18:12:07' updated_at: '2021-12-16 18:12:07' - id: 7 name: 'cat 2' business_id: 1 code: null parent_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2021-12-17 10:36:13' updated_at: '2021-12-17 10:36:13' sub_categories: - id: 8 name: 'sub cat 2' business_id: 1 code: null parent_id: 7 deleted_at: null created_at: '2021-12-17 10:36:44' updated_at: '2021-12-17 10:36:44' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 name: 'cat 1' business_id: 1 code: null parent_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2021-12-16 17:54:40' updated_at: '2021-12-16 17:54:40' sub_categories: - id: 3 name: 'sub cat 1' business_id: 1 code: null parent_id: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2021-12-16 18:12:07' updated_at: '2021-12-16 18:12:07' - id: 7 name: 'cat 2' business_id: 1 code: null parent_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2021-12-17 10:36:13' updated_at: '2021-12-17 10:36:13' sub_categories: - id: 8 name: 'sub cat 2' business_id: 1 code: null parent_id: 7 deleted_at: null created_at: '2021-12-17 10:36:44' updated_at: '2021-12-17 10:36:44' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: 'cat 1' business_id: type: integer example: 1 code: type: string example: null parent_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2021-12-16 17:54:40' updated_at: type: string example: '2021-12-16 17:54:40' sub_categories: type: array example: - id: 3 name: 'sub cat 1' business_id: 1 code: null parent_id: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2021-12-16 18:12:07' updated_at: '2021-12-16 18:12:07' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 3 name: type: string example: 'sub cat 1' business_id: type: integer example: 1 code: type: string example: null parent_id: type: integer example: 1 deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2021-12-16 18:12:07' updated_at: type: string example: '2021-12-16 18:12:07' tags: - 'Expense management' /connector/api/field-force: get: summary: 'List visits' operationId: listVisits description: '' parameters: - in: query name: contact_id description: 'id of the contact' example: est required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the contact' example: est - in: query name: assigned_to description: 'id of the assigned user' example: cupiditate required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the assigned user' example: cupiditate - in: query name: status description: 'status of the visit (assigned, finished)' example: praesentium required: false schema: type: string description: 'status of the visit (assigned, finished)' example: praesentium - in: query name: start_date description: 'Start date filter for visit on format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'Start date filter for visit on format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' - in: query name: end_date description: 'End date filter for visit on format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'End date filter for visit on format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' - in: query name: per_page description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 15 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 15 - in: query name: order_by_date description: "Sort visit by visit on date ('asc', 'desc')" example: 0 required: false schema: type: integer description: "Sort visit by visit on date ('asc', 'desc')" example: 0 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 404: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: 'The route connector/api/field-force could not be found.' exception: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: 44 trace: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' properties: message: type: string example: 'The route connector/api/field-force could not be found.' exception: type: string example: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 44 trace: type: array example: - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: 162 function: handleMatchedRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 753 function: match class: Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 740 function: findRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php' line: 729 function: dispatchToRoute class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 190 function: dispatch class: Illuminate\Routing\Router type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 141 function: 'Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\barryvdh\laravel-debugbar\src\Middleware\InjectDebugbar.php' line: 59 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\InjectDebugbar type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php' line: 31 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest.php' line: 21 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php' line: 40 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize.php' line: 27 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.php' line: 86 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors.php' line: 49 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\HandleCors type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php' line: 39 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 180 function: handle class: Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline.php' line: 116 function: 'Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 165 function: then class: Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php' line: 134 function: sendRequestThroughRouter class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 299 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 287 function: callLaravelOrLumenRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 92 function: makeApiCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 45 function: makeResponseCall class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls.php' line: 35 function: makeResponseCallIfConditionsPass class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 209 function: __invoke class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 166 function: iterateThroughStrategies class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Extracting\Extractor.php' line: 95 function: fetchResponses class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 122 function: processRoute class: Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Extractor type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 69 function: extractEndpointsInfoFromLaravelApp class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp.php' line: 47 function: extractEndpointsInfoAndWriteToDisk class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\knuckleswtf\scribe\src\Commands\GenerateDocumentation.php' line: 51 function: get class: Knuckles\Scribe\GroupedEndpoints\GroupedEndpointsFromApp type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 36 function: handle class: Knuckles\Scribe\Commands\GenerateDocumentation type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Util.php' line: 41 function: 'Illuminate\Container\{closure}' class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 93 function: unwrapIfClosure class: Illuminate\Container\Util type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php' line: 37 function: callBoundMethod class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php' line: 661 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod type: '::' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 183 function: call class: Illuminate\Container\Container type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php' line: 312 function: execute class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php' line: 153 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 1022 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Command type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 314 function: doRunCommand class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php' line: 168 function: doRun class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Application.php' line: 102 function: run class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel.php' line: 155 function: run class: Illuminate\Console\Application type: '->' - file: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\artisan' line: 37 function: handle class: Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel type: '->' items: type: object properties: file: type: string example: 'D:\laragon\www\pos\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php' line: type: integer example: 162 function: type: string example: handleMatchedRoute class: type: string example: Illuminate\Routing\AbstractRouteCollection type: type: string example: '->' tags: - 'Field Force' /connector/api/field-force/create: post: summary: 'Create Visit' operationId: createVisit description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: contact_id: '6' assigned_to: '9' visit_on: '2022-01-15 17:23:00' visit_for: '' meet_with: '' meet_with2: '' meet_with3: '' meet_with_mobileno: '' meet_with_mobileno2: '' meet_with_mobileno3: '' meet_with_designation: '' meet_with_designation2: '' meet_with_designation3: '' visit_id: 2021/0031 status: assigned business_id: 1 updated_at: '2021-12-30 11:00:47' created_at: '2021-12-30 11:00:47' id: 3 properties: data: type: object properties: contact_id: type: string example: '6' assigned_to: type: string example: '9' visit_on: type: string example: '2022-01-15 17:23:00' visit_for: type: string example: '' meet_with: type: string example: '' meet_with2: type: string example: '' meet_with3: type: string example: '' meet_with_mobileno: type: string example: '' meet_with_mobileno2: type: string example: '' meet_with_mobileno3: type: string example: '' meet_with_designation: type: string example: '' meet_with_designation2: type: string example: '' meet_with_designation3: type: string example: '' visit_id: type: string example: 2021/0031 status: type: string example: assigned business_id: type: integer example: 1 updated_at: type: string example: '2021-12-30 11:00:47' created_at: type: string example: '2021-12-30 11:00:47' id: type: integer example: 3 tags: - 'Field Force' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: contact_id: type: integer description: 'id of the contact' example: 2 visit_to: type: string description: 'Name of the visiting person or company if contact_id is not given' example: id visit_address: type: string description: 'Address of the visiting person or company if contact_id is not given' example: deleniti assigned_to: type: integer description: 'id of the assigned user' example: 15 visit_on: type: 'format:Y-m-d' description: 'H:i:s' example: '2021-12-28 17:23:00' visit_for: type: string description: 'Purpose of visiting' example: expedita required: - assigned_to '/connector/api/field-force/update-visit-status/{id}': post: summary: 'Update Visit status' operationId: updateVisitStatus description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: id: 10 business_id: 1 contact_id: 6 assigned_to: 9 latitude: '23.6101808' longitude: '85.2799354' visited_address: 'New address' status: finished visit_on: '2021-12-28 17:23:00' visit_for: 'assigned from api' meet_with: Name meet_with2: Name meet_with3: Name meet_with_mobileno: '123456789' meet_with_mobileno2: '123456789' meet_with_mobileno3: '123456789' meet_with_designation: dr meet_with_designation2: dr meet_with_designation3: dr comments: 'Users comment' created_at: '2021-12-28 17:35:13' updated_at: '2021-12-28 18:06:03' properties: data: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 10 business_id: type: integer example: 1 contact_id: type: integer example: 6 assigned_to: type: integer example: 9 latitude: type: string example: '23.6101808' longitude: type: string example: '85.2799354' visited_address: type: string example: 'New address' status: type: string example: finished visit_on: type: string example: '2021-12-28 17:23:00' visit_for: type: string example: 'assigned from api' meet_with: type: string example: Name meet_with2: type: string example: Name meet_with3: type: string example: Name meet_with_mobileno: type: string example: '123456789' meet_with_mobileno2: type: string example: '123456789' meet_with_mobileno3: type: string example: '123456789' meet_with_designation: type: string example: dr meet_with_designation2: type: string example: dr meet_with_designation3: type: string example: dr comments: type: string example: 'Users comment' created_at: type: string example: '2021-12-28 17:35:13' updated_at: type: string example: '2021-12-28 18:06:03' tags: - 'Field Force' requestBody: required: false content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: status: type: string description: 'Current status of the visit (assigned, finished, met_contact, did_not_meet_contact)' example: finished reason_to_not_meet_contact: type: string description: 'Reason if status is did_not_meet_contact' example: autem visited_on: type: 'format:Y-m-d' description: 'H:i:s' example: '2021-12-28 17:23:00' visited_address: type: string description: 'Full address of the contact' example: 'Radhanath Mullick Ln, Tiretta Bazaar, Bow Bazaar, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700 073, India' latitude: type: decimal description: 'Lattitude of the user location if full address is not given' example: '41.40338' longitude: type: decimal description: 'Longitude of the user location if full address is not given' example: '2.17403' comments: type: string description: 'Extra comments' example: magni photo: type: string format: binary description: 'Upload Photo as a file of the visit if any or base64 encoded image' meet_with: type: required description: 'name of person field force meet with' example: iure meet_with_mobileno: type: required description: 'mobile number of the person field force meet with' example: est parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'id of the visit to be updated' example: '17' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/new_product: get: summary: 'New List products' operationId: newListProducts description: '' parameters: - in: query name: order_by description: 'Values: product_name or newest' example: aut required: false schema: type: string description: 'Values: product_name or newest' example: aut - in: query name: order_direction description: 'Values: asc or desc' example: velit required: false schema: type: string description: 'Values: asc or desc' example: velit - in: query name: location_custom_field_1 description: 'Custom field 1 of the location' example: aut required: false schema: type: string description: 'Custom field 1 of the location' example: aut - in: query name: category_id description: 'comma separated ids of one or multiple category' example: dolor required: false schema: type: string description: 'comma separated ids of one or multiple category' example: dolor - in: query name: sub_category_id description: 'comma separated ids of one or multiple sub-category' example: rem required: false schema: type: string description: 'comma separated ids of one or multiple sub-category' example: rem - in: query name: location_id description: '' example: '1' required: false schema: type: string description: '' example: '1' - in: query name: not_for_sell description: '(1, 0)' example: amet required: false schema: type: string description: '(1, 0)' example: amet - in: query name: send_lot_detail description: 'Send lot details in each variation location details(1, 0)' example: quod required: false schema: type: string description: 'Send lot details in each variation location details(1, 0)' example: quod - in: query name: name description: 'Search term for product name' example: quia required: false schema: type: string description: 'Search term for product name' example: quia - in: query name: sku description: 'Search term for product sku' example: illo required: false schema: type: string description: 'Search term for product sku' example: illo - in: query name: product_ids description: 'comma separated ids of products' example: '1,2' required: false schema: type: string description: 'comma separated ids of products' example: '1,2' - in: query name: per_page description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 2 name: "Levis Men's Slimmy Fit Jeans" business_id: 1 type: variable exemption_type_id: null enable_stock: 1 sku: AS0002 product_custom_field1: null product_custom_field2: null product_custom_field3: null product_custom_field4: null woocommerce_media_id: null product_description: null is_inactive: 0 repair_model_id: null not_for_selling: 0 ecom_shipping_class_id: null ecom_active_in_store: 1 woocommerce_product_id: 627 woocommerce_disable_sync: 0 image_url: '' product_variations: - id: 2 variation_template_id: 5 name: 'Waist Size' product_id: 2 is_dummy: 0 variations: - id: 2 name: '28' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-1 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 658 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 1 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 2 location_id: 1 qty_available: '71.0000' media: [] discounts: [] - id: 3 name: '30' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-2 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 659 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 2 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 3 location_id: 1 qty_available: '89.0000' media: [] discounts: [] - id: 4 name: '32' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-3 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 660 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 3 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 4 location_id: 1 qty_available: '127.0000' - id: 1371 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 4 location_id: 7 qty_available: '-1.0000' media: [] discounts: [] - id: 5 name: '34' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-4 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 661 default_purchase_price: '72.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '79.2000' default_sell_price: '72.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '79.2000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 4 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 5 location_id: 1 qty_available: '128.0000' media: [] discounts: [] - id: 6 name: '36' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-5 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 662 default_purchase_price: '72.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '79.2000' default_sell_price: '72.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '79.2000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 5 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 6 location_id: 1 qty_available: '99.0000' media: [] discounts: [] brand: id: 1 business_id: 1 name: Levis description: null created_by: 1 use_for_repair: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' unit: id: 1 business_id: 1 actual_name: Pieces short_name: Pc(s) allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: null base_unit_multiplier: null category: id: 1 name: "Men's" business_id: 1 short_code: sfefef parent_id: 0 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null sub_category: id: 4 name: Jeans business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null product_tax: id: 1 business_id: 1 name: VAT@10% amount: 10 is_tax_group: 0 for_tax_group: 0 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' product_locations: - id: 1 business_id: 1 name: 'Location 1' custom_field1: gdgdgd88 custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null links: first: '' last: '' prev: null next: '' meta: current_page: 1 from: 1 last_page: 1088 path: '' per_page: '1' to: 1 total: 1088 properties: data: type: array example: - id: 2 name: "Levis Men's Slimmy Fit Jeans" business_id: 1 type: variable exemption_type_id: null enable_stock: 1 sku: AS0002 product_custom_field1: null product_custom_field2: null product_custom_field3: null product_custom_field4: null woocommerce_media_id: null product_description: null is_inactive: 0 repair_model_id: null not_for_selling: 0 ecom_shipping_class_id: null ecom_active_in_store: 1 woocommerce_product_id: 627 woocommerce_disable_sync: 0 image_url: '' product_variations: - id: 2 variation_template_id: 5 name: 'Waist Size' product_id: 2 is_dummy: 0 variations: - id: 2 name: '28' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-1 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 658 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 1 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 2 location_id: 1 qty_available: '71.0000' media: [] discounts: [] - id: 3 name: '30' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-2 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 659 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 2 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 3 location_id: 1 qty_available: '89.0000' media: [] discounts: [] - id: 4 name: '32' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-3 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 660 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 3 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 4 location_id: 1 qty_available: '127.0000' - id: 1371 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 4 location_id: 7 qty_available: '-1.0000' media: [] discounts: [] - id: 5 name: '34' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-4 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 661 default_purchase_price: '72.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '79.2000' default_sell_price: '72.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '79.2000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 4 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 5 location_id: 1 qty_available: '128.0000' media: [] discounts: [] - id: 6 name: '36' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-5 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 662 default_purchase_price: '72.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '79.2000' default_sell_price: '72.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '79.2000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 5 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 6 location_id: 1 qty_available: '99.0000' media: [] discounts: [] brand: id: 1 business_id: 1 name: Levis description: null created_by: 1 use_for_repair: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' unit: id: 1 business_id: 1 actual_name: Pieces short_name: Pc(s) allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: null base_unit_multiplier: null category: id: 1 name: "Men's" business_id: 1 short_code: sfefef parent_id: 0 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null sub_category: id: 4 name: Jeans business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null product_tax: id: 1 business_id: 1 name: VAT@10% amount: 10 is_tax_group: 0 for_tax_group: 0 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' product_locations: - id: 1 business_id: 1 name: 'Location 1' custom_field1: gdgdgd88 custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 2 name: type: string example: "Levis Men's Slimmy Fit Jeans" business_id: type: integer example: 1 type: type: string example: variable exemption_type_id: type: string example: null enable_stock: type: integer example: 1 sku: type: string example: AS0002 product_custom_field1: type: string example: null product_custom_field2: type: string example: null product_custom_field3: type: string example: null product_custom_field4: type: string example: null woocommerce_media_id: type: string example: null product_description: type: string example: null is_inactive: type: integer example: 0 repair_model_id: type: string example: null not_for_selling: type: integer example: 0 ecom_shipping_class_id: type: string example: null ecom_active_in_store: type: integer example: 1 woocommerce_product_id: type: integer example: 627 woocommerce_disable_sync: type: integer example: 0 image_url: type: string example: '' product_variations: type: array example: - id: 2 variation_template_id: 5 name: 'Waist Size' product_id: 2 is_dummy: 0 variations: - id: 2 name: '28' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-1 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 658 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 1 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 2 location_id: 1 qty_available: '71.0000' media: [] discounts: [] - id: 3 name: '30' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-2 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 659 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 2 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 3 location_id: 1 qty_available: '89.0000' media: [] discounts: [] - id: 4 name: '32' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-3 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 660 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 3 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 4 location_id: 1 qty_available: '127.0000' - id: 1371 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 4 location_id: 7 qty_available: '-1.0000' media: [] discounts: [] - id: 5 name: '34' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-4 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 661 default_purchase_price: '72.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '79.2000' default_sell_price: '72.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '79.2000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 4 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 5 location_id: 1 qty_available: '128.0000' media: [] discounts: [] - id: 6 name: '36' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-5 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 662 default_purchase_price: '72.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '79.2000' default_sell_price: '72.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '79.2000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 5 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 6 location_id: 1 qty_available: '99.0000' media: [] discounts: [] items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 2 variation_template_id: type: integer example: 5 name: type: string example: 'Waist Size' product_id: type: integer example: 2 is_dummy: type: integer example: 0 variations: type: array example: - id: 2 name: '28' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-1 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 658 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - { id: 1, product_id: 2, product_variation_id: 2, variation_id: 2, location_id: 1, qty_available: '71.0000' } media: [] discounts: [] - id: 3 name: '30' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-2 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 659 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - { id: 2, product_id: 2, product_variation_id: 2, variation_id: 3, location_id: 1, qty_available: '89.0000' } media: [] discounts: [] - id: 4 name: '32' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-3 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 660 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - { id: 3, product_id: 2, product_variation_id: 2, variation_id: 4, location_id: 1, qty_available: '127.0000' } - { id: 1371, product_id: 2, product_variation_id: 2, variation_id: 4, location_id: 7, qty_available: '-1.0000' } media: [] discounts: [] - id: 5 name: '34' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-4 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 661 default_purchase_price: '72.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '79.2000' default_sell_price: '72.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '79.2000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - { id: 4, product_id: 2, product_variation_id: 2, variation_id: 5, location_id: 1, qty_available: '128.0000' } media: [] discounts: [] - id: 6 name: '36' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-5 product_variation_id: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: 662 default_purchase_price: '72.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '79.2000' default_sell_price: '72.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '79.2000' combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - { id: 5, product_id: 2, product_variation_id: 2, variation_id: 6, location_id: 1, qty_available: '99.0000' } media: [] discounts: [] items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 2 name: type: string example: '28' product_id: type: integer example: 2 sub_sku: type: string example: AS0002-1 product_variation_id: type: integer example: 2 woocommerce_variation_id: type: integer example: 658 default_purchase_price: type: string example: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: type: string example: '77.0000' default_sell_price: type: string example: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: type: string example: '77.0000' combo_variations: type: string example: null variation_location_details: type: array example: [{ id: 1, product_id: 2, product_variation_id: 2, variation_id: 2, location_id: 1, qty_available: '71.0000' }] items: { type: object, properties: { id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, product_id: { type: integer, example: 2 }, product_variation_id: { type: integer, example: 2 }, variation_id: { type: integer, example: 2 }, location_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, qty_available: { type: string, example: '71.0000' } } } media: type: array example: [] discounts: type: array example: [] brand: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: Levis description: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 use_for_repair: type: integer example: 1 deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' unit: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 actual_name: type: string example: Pieces short_name: type: string example: Pc(s) allow_decimal: type: integer example: 0 base_unit_id: type: string example: null base_unit_multiplier: type: string example: null category: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: "Men's" business_id: type: integer example: 1 short_code: type: string example: sfefef parent_id: type: integer example: 0 category_type: type: string example: product description: type: string example: null slug: type: string example: null woocommerce_cat_id: type: string example: null sub_category: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 4 name: type: string example: Jeans business_id: type: integer example: 1 short_code: type: string example: null parent_id: type: integer example: 1 category_type: type: string example: product description: type: string example: null slug: type: string example: null woocommerce_cat_id: type: string example: null product_tax: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: VAT@10% amount: type: integer example: 10 is_tax_group: type: integer example: 0 for_tax_group: type: integer example: 0 created_by: type: integer example: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' product_locations: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 name: 'Location 1' custom_field1: gdgdgd88 custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: 'Location 1' custom_field1: type: string example: gdgdgd88 custom_field2: type: string example: null custom_field3: type: string example: null custom_field4: type: string example: null links: type: object properties: first: type: string example: '' last: type: string example: '' prev: type: string example: null next: type: string example: '' meta: type: object properties: current_page: type: integer example: 1 from: type: integer example: 1 last_page: type: integer example: 1088 path: type: string example: '' per_page: type: string example: '1' to: type: integer example: 1 total: type: integer example: 1088 tags: - 'New end points' /connector/api/new_sell: get: summary: 'New List sells' operationId: newListSells description: '' parameters: - in: query name: location_id description: 'id of the location' example: '1' required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the location' example: '1' - in: query name: contact_id description: 'id of the customer' example: corrupti required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the customer' example: corrupti - in: query name: payment_status description: 'Comma separated values of payment statuses. Available values due, partial, paid, overdue' example: 'due,partial' required: false schema: type: string description: 'Comma separated values of payment statuses. Available values due, partial, paid, overdue' example: 'due,partial' - in: query name: start_date description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' - in: query name: end_date description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' - in: query name: user_id description: 'id of the user who created the sale' example: vel required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the user who created the sale' example: vel - in: query name: service_staff_id description: 'id of the service staff assigned with the sale' example: ut required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the service staff assigned with the sale' example: ut - in: query name: shipping_status description: "Shipping Status of the sale ('ordered', 'packed', 'shipped', 'delivered', 'cancelled')" example: ordered required: false schema: type: string description: "Shipping Status of the sale ('ordered', 'packed', 'shipped', 'delivered', 'cancelled')" example: ordered - in: query name: source description: 'Source of the sale' example: laudantium required: false schema: type: string description: 'Source of the sale' example: laudantium - in: query name: customer_group_id description: 'id of the customer group' example: sed required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the customer group' example: sed - in: query name: product_name description: 'name of the product' example: enim required: false schema: type: string description: 'name of the product' example: enim - in: query name: product_sku description: 'sku of the product or variation' example: esse required: false schema: type: string description: 'sku of the product or variation' example: esse - in: query name: product_custom_field_1 description: 'custome field 1 of the product' example: ratione required: false schema: type: string description: 'custome field 1 of the product' example: ratione - in: query name: location_custom_field_1 description: 'custome field 1 of the location' example: exercitationem required: false schema: type: string description: 'custome field 1 of the location' example: exercitationem - in: query name: location_invoice_scheme_prefix description: 'Invoice scheme prefix of the location' example: nisi required: false schema: type: string description: 'Invoice scheme prefix of the location' example: nisi - in: query name: product_category_id description: 'category id of the product' example: voluptas required: false schema: type: string description: 'category id of the product' example: voluptas - in: query name: product_sub_category_id description: 'Sub category id of the product' example: et required: false schema: type: string description: 'Sub category id of the product' example: et - in: query name: sell_ids description: 'comma separated ids of the sells' example: '55,64' required: false schema: type: string description: 'comma separated ids of the sells' example: '55,64' - in: query name: only_subscriptions description: 'Filter only subcription invoices (1, 0)' example: et required: false schema: type: string description: 'Filter only subcription invoices (1, 0)' example: et - in: query name: send_purchase_details description: 'Get purchase details of each sell line (1, 0)' example: tempore required: false schema: type: string description: 'Get purchase details of each sell line (1, 0)' example: tempore - in: query name: order_by_date description: "Sort sell list by date ('asc', 'desc')" example: desc required: false schema: type: string description: "Sort sell list by date ('asc', 'desc')" example: desc - in: query name: per_page description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 6 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 res_table_id: null type: sell status: final is_quotation: 0 payment_status: paid contact_id: 4 customer_group_id: null invoice_no: AS0001 ref_no: '' source: null unique_hash: null hash_control: null subscription_no: null subscription_repeat_on: null transaction_date: '2018-04-10 13:23:21' total_before_tax: '770.0000' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' discount_type: percentage discount_amount: '0.0000' rp_redeemed: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: '0.0000' shipping_details: null shipping_address: null shipping_status: null delivered_to: null additional_notes: null staff_note: null round_off_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '770.0000' expense_sub_category_id: null is_direct_sale: 0 is_suspend: 0 total_amount_recovered: null crm_is_order_request: 0 mfg_production_cost: '0.0000' mfg_production_cost_type: percentage mfg_is_final: 0 is_created_from_api: 0 essentials_duration: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: null essentials_deductions: null repair_completed_on: null repair_warranty_id: null repair_brand_id: null repair_status_id: null repair_model_id: null repair_job_sheet_id: null repair_defects: null repair_serial_no: null repair_checklist: null repair_security_pwd: null repair_security_pattern: null repair_due_date: null repair_device_id: null repair_updates_notif: 0 invoice_token: 00f79f7fd292225e8c303a6bf8626d06 pjt_project_id: null pjt_title: null woocommerce_order_id: null selling_price_group_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: '2021-10-23 11:42:13' location_name: 'Location 1' location_custom_field1: gdgdgd88 location_invoice_scheme_prefix: AS table_name: null table_description: null contact: Harry customer_group_name: 'grp 2' sell_lines: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 product_id: 2 quantity: 10 quantity_returned: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: '70.0000' unit_price: '70.0000' line_discount_type: null line_discount_amount: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' item_tax: '7.0000' tax_id: 1 discount_id: null lot_no_line_id: null sell_line_note: null woocommerce_line_items_id: null children_type: '' created_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' product_name: "Levis Men's Slimmy Fit Jeans" product_custom_field_1: null product_type: variable product_sku: AS0002 category: id: 1 name: "Men's" business_id: 1 short_code: sfefef parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null sub_category: id: 4 name: Jeans business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null product_variations: id: 3 name: '30' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-2 product_variation_id: 2 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' payment_lines: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 business_id: null is_return: 0 amount: '770.0000' method: cash card_type: visa paid_on: '2018-01-09 17:30:35' payment_ref_no: null invoice_url: '' payment_link: '' links: first: '' last: '' prev: null next: '' meta: current_page: 1 from: 1 last_page: 213 path: '' per_page: '1' to: 1 total: 213 properties: data: type: array example: - id: 6 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 res_table_id: null type: sell status: final is_quotation: 0 payment_status: paid contact_id: 4 customer_group_id: null invoice_no: AS0001 ref_no: '' source: null unique_hash: null hash_control: null subscription_no: null subscription_repeat_on: null transaction_date: '2018-04-10 13:23:21' total_before_tax: '770.0000' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' discount_type: percentage discount_amount: '0.0000' rp_redeemed: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: '0.0000' shipping_details: null shipping_address: null shipping_status: null delivered_to: null additional_notes: null staff_note: null round_off_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '770.0000' expense_sub_category_id: null is_direct_sale: 0 is_suspend: 0 total_amount_recovered: null crm_is_order_request: 0 mfg_production_cost: '0.0000' mfg_production_cost_type: percentage mfg_is_final: 0 is_created_from_api: 0 essentials_duration: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: null essentials_deductions: null repair_completed_on: null repair_warranty_id: null repair_brand_id: null repair_status_id: null repair_model_id: null repair_job_sheet_id: null repair_defects: null repair_serial_no: null repair_checklist: null repair_security_pwd: null repair_security_pattern: null repair_due_date: null repair_device_id: null repair_updates_notif: 0 invoice_token: 00f79f7fd292225e8c303a6bf8626d06 pjt_project_id: null pjt_title: null woocommerce_order_id: null selling_price_group_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: '2021-10-23 11:42:13' location_name: 'Location 1' location_custom_field1: gdgdgd88 location_invoice_scheme_prefix: AS table_name: null table_description: null contact: Harry customer_group_name: 'grp 2' sell_lines: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 product_id: 2 quantity: 10 quantity_returned: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: '70.0000' unit_price: '70.0000' line_discount_type: null line_discount_amount: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' item_tax: '7.0000' tax_id: 1 discount_id: null lot_no_line_id: null sell_line_note: null woocommerce_line_items_id: null children_type: '' created_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' product_name: "Levis Men's Slimmy Fit Jeans" product_custom_field_1: null product_type: variable product_sku: AS0002 category: id: 1 name: "Men's" business_id: 1 short_code: sfefef parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null sub_category: id: 4 name: Jeans business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null product_variations: id: 3 name: '30' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-2 product_variation_id: 2 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' payment_lines: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 business_id: null is_return: 0 amount: '770.0000' method: cash card_type: visa paid_on: '2018-01-09 17:30:35' payment_ref_no: null invoice_url: '' payment_link: '' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 6 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 res_table_id: type: string example: null type: type: string example: sell status: type: string example: final is_quotation: type: integer example: 0 payment_status: type: string example: paid contact_id: type: integer example: 4 customer_group_id: type: string example: null invoice_no: type: string example: AS0001 ref_no: type: string example: '' source: type: string example: null unique_hash: type: string example: null hash_control: type: string example: null subscription_no: type: string example: null subscription_repeat_on: type: string example: null transaction_date: type: string example: '2018-04-10 13:23:21' total_before_tax: type: string example: '770.0000' tax_id: type: string example: null tax_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' discount_type: type: string example: percentage discount_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' rp_redeemed: type: integer example: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' shipping_details: type: string example: null shipping_address: type: string example: null shipping_status: type: string example: null delivered_to: type: string example: null additional_notes: type: string example: null staff_note: type: string example: null round_off_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' final_total: type: string example: '770.0000' expense_sub_category_id: type: string example: null is_direct_sale: type: integer example: 0 is_suspend: type: integer example: 0 total_amount_recovered: type: string example: null crm_is_order_request: type: integer example: 0 mfg_production_cost: type: string example: '0.0000' mfg_production_cost_type: type: string example: percentage mfg_is_final: type: integer example: 0 is_created_from_api: type: integer example: 0 essentials_duration: type: string example: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: type: string example: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: type: string example: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: type: string example: null essentials_deductions: type: string example: null repair_completed_on: type: string example: null repair_warranty_id: type: string example: null repair_brand_id: type: string example: null repair_status_id: type: string example: null repair_model_id: type: string example: null repair_job_sheet_id: type: string example: null repair_defects: type: string example: null repair_serial_no: type: string example: null repair_checklist: type: string example: null repair_security_pwd: type: string example: null repair_security_pattern: type: string example: null repair_due_date: type: string example: null repair_device_id: type: string example: null repair_updates_notif: type: integer example: 0 invoice_token: type: string example: 00f79f7fd292225e8c303a6bf8626d06 pjt_project_id: type: string example: null pjt_title: type: string example: null woocommerce_order_id: type: string example: null selling_price_group_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: type: string example: '2021-10-23 11:42:13' location_name: type: string example: 'Location 1' location_custom_field1: type: string example: gdgdgd88 location_invoice_scheme_prefix: type: string example: AS table_name: type: string example: null table_description: type: string example: null contact: type: string example: Harry customer_group_name: type: string example: 'grp 2' sell_lines: type: array example: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 product_id: 2 quantity: 10 quantity_returned: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: '70.0000' unit_price: '70.0000' line_discount_type: null line_discount_amount: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' item_tax: '7.0000' tax_id: 1 discount_id: null lot_no_line_id: null sell_line_note: null woocommerce_line_items_id: null children_type: '' created_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' product_name: "Levis Men's Slimmy Fit Jeans" product_custom_field_1: null product_type: variable product_sku: AS0002 category: id: 1 name: "Men's" business_id: 1 short_code: sfefef parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null sub_category: id: 4 name: Jeans business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null product_variations: id: 3 name: '30' product_id: 2 sub_sku: AS0002-2 product_variation_id: 2 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 transaction_id: type: integer example: 6 product_id: type: integer example: 2 quantity: type: integer example: 10 quantity_returned: type: string example: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: type: string example: '70.0000' unit_price: type: string example: '70.0000' line_discount_type: type: string example: null line_discount_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: type: string example: '77.0000' item_tax: type: string example: '7.0000' tax_id: type: integer example: 1 discount_id: type: string example: null lot_no_line_id: type: string example: null sell_line_note: type: string example: null woocommerce_line_items_id: type: string example: null children_type: type: string example: '' created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' product_name: type: string example: "Levis Men's Slimmy Fit Jeans" product_custom_field_1: type: string example: null product_type: type: string example: variable product_sku: type: string example: AS0002 category: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: "Men's" business_id: type: integer example: 1 short_code: type: string example: sfefef parent_id: type: integer example: 0 created_by: type: integer example: 1 category_type: type: string example: product description: type: string example: null slug: type: string example: null woocommerce_cat_id: type: string example: null sub_category: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 4 name: type: string example: Jeans business_id: type: integer example: 1 short_code: type: string example: null parent_id: type: integer example: 1 created_by: type: integer example: 1 category_type: type: string example: product description: type: string example: null slug: type: string example: null woocommerce_cat_id: type: string example: null product_variations: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 3 name: type: string example: '30' product_id: type: integer example: 2 sub_sku: type: string example: AS0002-2 product_variation_id: type: integer example: 2 default_purchase_price: type: string example: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: type: string example: '77.0000' default_sell_price: type: string example: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: type: string example: '77.0000' payment_lines: type: array example: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 business_id: null is_return: 0 amount: '770.0000' method: cash card_type: visa paid_on: '2018-01-09 17:30:35' payment_ref_no: null items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 transaction_id: type: integer example: 6 business_id: type: string example: null is_return: type: integer example: 0 amount: type: string example: '770.0000' method: type: string example: cash card_type: type: string example: visa paid_on: type: string example: '2018-01-09 17:30:35' payment_ref_no: type: string example: null invoice_url: type: string example: '' payment_link: type: string example: '' links: type: object properties: first: type: string example: '' last: type: string example: '' prev: type: string example: null next: type: string example: '' meta: type: object properties: current_page: type: integer example: 1 from: type: integer example: 1 last_page: type: integer example: 213 path: type: string example: '' per_page: type: string example: '1' to: type: integer example: 1 total: type: integer example: 213 tags: - 'New end points' /connector/api/new_contactapi: get: summary: 'New List contact' operationId: newListContact description: '' parameters: - in: query name: type description: 'Type of contact (supplier, customer)' example: doloribus required: true schema: type: string description: 'Type of contact (supplier, customer)' example: doloribus - in: query name: customer_group_id description: 'id of the customer group' example: dignissimos required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the customer group' example: dignissimos - in: query name: custom_field_1 description: 'Custom field 1 of the contact' example: illum required: false schema: type: string description: 'Custom field 1 of the contact' example: illum - in: query name: contact_ids description: 'comma separated ids of contacts' example: '2,3' required: false schema: type: string description: 'comma separated ids of contacts' example: '2,3' - in: query name: name description: 'Search term for contact name' example: doloribus required: false schema: type: string description: 'Search term for contact name' example: doloribus - in: query name: biz_name description: "Search term for contact's business name" example: harum required: false schema: type: string description: "Search term for contact's business name" example: harum - in: query name: mobile_num description: "Search term for contact's mobile number" example: 2 required: false schema: type: integer description: "Search term for contact's mobile number" example: 2 - in: query name: contact_id description: "Search term for contact's contact_id. Ex(CO0005)" example: nihil required: false schema: type: string description: "Search term for contact's contact_id. Ex(CO0005)" example: nihil - in: query name: order_by description: 'Column name to sort the result, Column: name, supplier_business_name' example: nobis required: false schema: type: string description: 'Column name to sort the result, Column: name, supplier_business_name' example: nobis - in: query name: direction description: 'Direction to sort the result, Direction: desc, asc' example: dolorem required: false schema: type: string description: 'Direction to sort the result, Direction: desc, asc' example: dolorem - in: query name: per_page description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 18 business_id: 1 type: customer name: 'Mr. Rohit Kumar Agrawalla' prefix: Mr. first_name: Rohit middle_name: Kumar last_name: Agrawalla email: null contact_status: active mobile: '8596859647' credit_limit: null converted_by: null converted_on: null balance: '40.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 customer_group_id: 1 crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null remember_token: null password: null links: first: '' last: '' prev: null next: null meta: current_page: 1 from: 1 last_page: 1 path: '' per_page: 10 to: 1 total: 1 properties: data: type: array example: - id: 18 business_id: 1 type: customer name: 'Mr. Rohit Kumar Agrawalla' prefix: Mr. first_name: Rohit middle_name: Kumar last_name: Agrawalla email: null contact_status: active mobile: '8596859647' credit_limit: null converted_by: null converted_on: null balance: '40.0000' total_rp: 0 total_rp_used: 0 total_rp_expired: 0 customer_group_id: 1 crm_source: null crm_life_stage: null custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null custom_field5: null custom_field6: null custom_field7: null custom_field8: null custom_field9: null custom_field10: null remember_token: null password: null items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 18 business_id: type: integer example: 1 type: type: string example: customer name: type: string example: 'Mr. Rohit Kumar Agrawalla' prefix: type: string example: Mr. first_name: type: string example: Rohit middle_name: type: string example: Kumar last_name: type: string example: Agrawalla email: type: string example: null contact_status: type: string example: active mobile: type: string example: '8596859647' credit_limit: type: string example: null converted_by: type: string example: null converted_on: type: string example: null balance: type: string example: '40.0000' total_rp: type: integer example: 0 total_rp_used: type: integer example: 0 total_rp_expired: type: integer example: 0 customer_group_id: type: integer example: 1 crm_source: type: string example: null crm_life_stage: type: string example: null custom_field1: type: string example: null custom_field2: type: string example: null custom_field3: type: string example: null custom_field4: type: string example: null custom_field5: type: string example: null custom_field6: type: string example: null custom_field7: type: string example: null custom_field8: type: string example: null custom_field9: type: string example: null custom_field10: type: string example: null remember_token: type: string example: null password: type: string example: null links: type: object properties: first: type: string example: '' last: type: string example: '' prev: type: string example: null next: type: string example: null meta: type: object properties: current_page: type: integer example: 1 from: type: integer example: 1 last_page: type: integer example: 1 path: type: string example: '' per_page: type: integer example: 10 to: type: integer example: 1 total: type: integer example: 1 tags: - 'New end points' /connector/api/product: get: summary: 'List products' operationId: listProducts description: '' parameters: - in: query name: order_by description: 'Values: product_name or newest' example: et required: false schema: type: string description: 'Values: product_name or newest' example: et - in: query name: order_direction description: 'Values: asc or desc' example: molestiae required: false schema: type: string description: 'Values: asc or desc' example: molestiae - in: query name: brand_id description: 'comma separated ids of one or multiple brands' example: sapiente required: false schema: type: string description: 'comma separated ids of one or multiple brands' example: sapiente - in: query name: category_id description: 'comma separated ids of one or multiple category' example: ad required: false schema: type: string description: 'comma separated ids of one or multiple category' example: ad - in: query name: sub_category_id description: 'comma separated ids of one or multiple sub-category' example: eligendi required: false schema: type: string description: 'comma separated ids of one or multiple sub-category' example: eligendi - in: query name: location_id description: '' example: '1' required: false schema: type: string description: '' example: '1' - in: query name: selling_price_group description: '(1, 0)' example: harum required: false schema: type: string description: '(1, 0)' example: harum - in: query name: send_lot_detail description: 'Send lot details in each variation location details(1, 0)' example: eum required: false schema: type: string description: 'Send lot details in each variation location details(1, 0)' example: eum - in: query name: name description: 'Search term for product name' example: est required: false schema: type: string description: 'Search term for product name' example: est - in: query name: sku description: 'Search term for product sku' example: autem required: false schema: type: string description: 'Search term for product sku' example: autem - in: query name: per_page description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 name: "Men's Reverse Fleece Crew" business_id: 1 type: single sub_unit_ids: null enable_stock: 1 alert_quantity: '5.0000' sku: AS0001 barcode_type: C128 expiry_period: null expiry_period_type: null enable_sr_no: 0 weight: null product_custom_field1: null product_custom_field2: null product_custom_field3: null product_custom_field4: null image: null woocommerce_media_id: null product_description: null created_by: 1 warranty_id: null is_inactive: 0 repair_model_id: null not_for_selling: 0 ecom_shipping_class_id: null ecom_active_in_store: 1 woocommerce_product_id: 356 woocommerce_disable_sync: 0 image_url: '' product_variations: - id: 1 variation_template_id: null name: DUMMY product_id: 1 is_dummy: 1 created_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' variations: - id: 1 name: DUMMY product_id: 1 sub_sku: AS0001 product_variation_id: 1 woocommerce_variation_id: null variation_value_id: null default_purchase_price: '130.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '143.0000' profit_percent: '0.0000' default_sell_price: '130.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '143.0000' created_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:22' deleted_at: null combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 56 product_id: 1 product_variation_id: 1 variation_id: 1 location_id: 1 qty_available: '20.0000' created_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' updated_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' media: - id: 1 business_id: 1 file_name: 1591686466_978227300_nn.jpeg description: null uploaded_by: 9 model_type: App\Variation woocommerce_media_id: null model_id: 1 created_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' display_name: nn.jpeg display_url: '' discounts: - id: 2 name: 'FLAT 10%' business_id: 1 brand_id: null category_id: null location_id: 1 priority: 2 discount_type: fixed discount_amount: '5.0000' starts_at: '2021-09-01 11:45:00' ends_at: '2021-09-30 11:45:00' is_active: 1 spg: null applicable_in_cg: 1 created_at: '2021-09-01 11:46:00' updated_at: '2021-09-01 12:12:55' formated_starts_at: ' 11:45' formated_ends_at: ' 11:45' selling_price_group: - id: 2 variation_id: 1 price_group_id: 1 price_inc_tax: '140.0000' created_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' brand: id: 1 business_id: 1 name: Levis description: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' unit: id: 1 business_id: 1 actual_name: Pieces short_name: Pc(s) allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: null base_unit_multiplier: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' updated_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' category: id: 1 name: "Men's" business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' sub_category: id: 5 name: Shirts business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' product_tax: id: 1 business_id: 1 name: VAT@10% amount: 10 is_tax_group: 0 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' product_locations: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: - '5' - '71' is_active: 1 default_payment_accounts: '{"cash":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"card":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"cheque":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"bank_transfer":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"other":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"custom_pay_1":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"custom_pay_2":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"custom_pay_3":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"}}' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2020-06-09 01:07:05' pivot: product_id: 2 location_id: 1 links: first: '' last: '' prev: null next: '' meta: current_page: 1 from: 1 path: '' per_page: 10 to: 10 properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 name: "Men's Reverse Fleece Crew" business_id: 1 type: single sub_unit_ids: null enable_stock: 1 alert_quantity: '5.0000' sku: AS0001 barcode_type: C128 expiry_period: null expiry_period_type: null enable_sr_no: 0 weight: null product_custom_field1: null product_custom_field2: null product_custom_field3: null product_custom_field4: null image: null woocommerce_media_id: null product_description: null created_by: 1 warranty_id: null is_inactive: 0 repair_model_id: null not_for_selling: 0 ecom_shipping_class_id: null ecom_active_in_store: 1 woocommerce_product_id: 356 woocommerce_disable_sync: 0 image_url: '' product_variations: - id: 1 variation_template_id: null name: DUMMY product_id: 1 is_dummy: 1 created_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' variations: - id: 1 name: DUMMY product_id: 1 sub_sku: AS0001 product_variation_id: 1 woocommerce_variation_id: null variation_value_id: null default_purchase_price: '130.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '143.0000' profit_percent: '0.0000' default_sell_price: '130.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '143.0000' created_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:22' deleted_at: null combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 56 product_id: 1 product_variation_id: 1 variation_id: 1 location_id: 1 qty_available: '20.0000' created_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' updated_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' media: - id: 1 business_id: 1 file_name: 1591686466_978227300_nn.jpeg description: null uploaded_by: 9 model_type: App\Variation woocommerce_media_id: null model_id: 1 created_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' display_name: nn.jpeg display_url: '' discounts: - id: 2 name: 'FLAT 10%' business_id: 1 brand_id: null category_id: null location_id: 1 priority: 2 discount_type: fixed discount_amount: '5.0000' starts_at: '2021-09-01 11:45:00' ends_at: '2021-09-30 11:45:00' is_active: 1 spg: null applicable_in_cg: 1 created_at: '2021-09-01 11:46:00' updated_at: '2021-09-01 12:12:55' formated_starts_at: ' 11:45' formated_ends_at: ' 11:45' selling_price_group: - id: 2 variation_id: 1 price_group_id: 1 price_inc_tax: '140.0000' created_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' brand: id: 1 business_id: 1 name: Levis description: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' unit: id: 1 business_id: 1 actual_name: Pieces short_name: Pc(s) allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: null base_unit_multiplier: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' updated_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' category: id: 1 name: "Men's" business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' sub_category: id: 5 name: Shirts business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' product_tax: id: 1 business_id: 1 name: VAT@10% amount: 10 is_tax_group: 0 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' product_locations: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: - '5' - '71' is_active: 1 default_payment_accounts: '{"cash":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"card":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"cheque":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"bank_transfer":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"other":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"custom_pay_1":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"custom_pay_2":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"custom_pay_3":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"}}' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2020-06-09 01:07:05' pivot: product_id: 2 location_id: 1 items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: "Men's Reverse Fleece Crew" business_id: type: integer example: 1 type: type: string example: single sub_unit_ids: type: string example: null enable_stock: type: integer example: 1 alert_quantity: type: string example: '5.0000' sku: type: string example: AS0001 barcode_type: type: string example: C128 expiry_period: type: string example: null expiry_period_type: type: string example: null enable_sr_no: type: integer example: 0 weight: type: string example: null product_custom_field1: type: string example: null product_custom_field2: type: string example: null product_custom_field3: type: string example: null product_custom_field4: type: string example: null image: type: string example: null woocommerce_media_id: type: string example: null product_description: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 warranty_id: type: string example: null is_inactive: type: integer example: 0 repair_model_id: type: string example: null not_for_selling: type: integer example: 0 ecom_shipping_class_id: type: string example: null ecom_active_in_store: type: integer example: 1 woocommerce_product_id: type: integer example: 356 woocommerce_disable_sync: type: integer example: 0 image_url: type: string example: '' product_variations: type: array example: - id: 1 variation_template_id: null name: DUMMY product_id: 1 is_dummy: 1 created_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' variations: - id: 1 name: DUMMY product_id: 1 sub_sku: AS0001 product_variation_id: 1 woocommerce_variation_id: null variation_value_id: null default_purchase_price: '130.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '143.0000' profit_percent: '0.0000' default_sell_price: '130.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '143.0000' created_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:22' deleted_at: null combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 56 product_id: 1 product_variation_id: 1 variation_id: 1 location_id: 1 qty_available: '20.0000' created_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' updated_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' media: - id: 1 business_id: 1 file_name: 1591686466_978227300_nn.jpeg description: null uploaded_by: 9 model_type: App\Variation woocommerce_media_id: null model_id: 1 created_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' display_name: nn.jpeg display_url: '' discounts: - id: 2 name: 'FLAT 10%' business_id: 1 brand_id: null category_id: null location_id: 1 priority: 2 discount_type: fixed discount_amount: '5.0000' starts_at: '2021-09-01 11:45:00' ends_at: '2021-09-30 11:45:00' is_active: 1 spg: null applicable_in_cg: 1 created_at: '2021-09-01 11:46:00' updated_at: '2021-09-01 12:12:55' formated_starts_at: ' 11:45' formated_ends_at: ' 11:45' selling_price_group: - id: 2 variation_id: 1 price_group_id: 1 price_inc_tax: '140.0000' created_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 variation_template_id: type: string example: null name: type: string example: DUMMY product_id: type: integer example: 1 is_dummy: type: integer example: 1 created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' variations: type: array example: - id: 1 name: DUMMY product_id: 1 sub_sku: AS0001 product_variation_id: 1 woocommerce_variation_id: null variation_value_id: null default_purchase_price: '130.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '143.0000' profit_percent: '0.0000' default_sell_price: '130.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '143.0000' created_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:22' deleted_at: null combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - { id: 56, product_id: 1, product_variation_id: 1, variation_id: 1, location_id: 1, qty_available: '20.0000', created_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40', updated_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' } media: - { id: 1, business_id: 1, file_name: 1591686466_978227300_nn.jpeg, description: null, 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woocommerce_variation_id: type: string example: null variation_value_id: type: string example: null default_purchase_price: type: string example: '130.0000' dpp_inc_tax: type: string example: '143.0000' profit_percent: type: string example: '0.0000' default_sell_price: type: string example: '130.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: type: string example: '143.0000' created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-09 00:23:22' deleted_at: type: string example: null combo_variations: type: string example: null variation_location_details: type: array example: [{ id: 56, product_id: 1, product_variation_id: 1, variation_id: 1, location_id: 1, qty_available: '20.0000', created_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40', updated_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' }] items: { type: object, properties: { id: { type: integer, example: 56 }, product_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, product_variation_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, variation_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, location_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, qty_available: { type: string, example: '20.0000' }, created_at: { type: string, example: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' }, updated_at: { type: string, example: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' } } } media: type: array example: [{ id: 1, business_id: 1, file_name: 1591686466_978227300_nn.jpeg, description: null, uploaded_by: 9, model_type: App\Variation, woocommerce_media_id: null, model_id: 1, created_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46', updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46', display_name: nn.jpeg, display_url: '' }] items: { type: object, properties: { id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, business_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, file_name: { type: string, example: 1591686466_978227300_nn.jpeg }, description: { type: string, example: null }, uploaded_by: { type: integer, example: 9 }, model_type: { type: string, example: App\Variation }, woocommerce_media_id: { type: string, example: null }, model_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, created_at: { type: string, example: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' }, updated_at: { type: string, example: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' }, display_name: { type: string, example: nn.jpeg }, display_url: { type: string, example: '' } } } discounts: type: array example: [{ id: 2, name: 'FLAT 10%', business_id: 1, brand_id: null, category_id: null, location_id: 1, priority: 2, discount_type: fixed, discount_amount: '5.0000', starts_at: '2021-09-01 11:45:00', ends_at: '2021-09-30 11:45:00', is_active: 1, spg: null, applicable_in_cg: 1, created_at: '2021-09-01 11:46:00', updated_at: '2021-09-01 12:12:55', formated_starts_at: ' 11:45', formated_ends_at: ' 11:45' }] items: { type: object, properties: { id: { type: integer, example: 2 }, name: { type: string, example: 'FLAT 10%' }, business_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, brand_id: { type: string, example: null }, category_id: { type: string, example: null }, location_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, priority: { type: integer, example: 2 }, discount_type: { type: string, example: fixed }, discount_amount: { type: string, example: '5.0000' }, starts_at: { type: string, example: '2021-09-01 11:45:00' }, ends_at: { type: string, example: '2021-09-30 11:45:00' }, is_active: { type: integer, example: 1 }, spg: { type: string, example: null }, applicable_in_cg: { type: integer, example: 1 }, created_at: { type: string, example: '2021-09-01 11:46:00' }, updated_at: { type: string, example: '2021-09-01 12:12:55' }, formated_starts_at: { type: string, example: ' 11:45' }, formated_ends_at: { type: string, example: ' 11:45' } } } selling_price_group: type: array example: [{ id: 2, variation_id: 1, price_group_id: 1, price_inc_tax: '140.0000', created_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31', updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' }] items: { type: object, properties: { id: { type: integer, example: 2 }, variation_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, price_group_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, price_inc_tax: { type: string, example: '140.0000' }, created_at: { type: string, example: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' }, updated_at: { type: string, example: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' } } } brand: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: Levis description: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' unit: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 actual_name: type: string example: Pieces short_name: type: string example: Pc(s) allow_decimal: type: integer example: 0 base_unit_id: type: string example: null base_unit_multiplier: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' category: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: "Men's" business_id: type: integer example: 1 short_code: type: string example: null parent_id: type: integer example: 0 created_by: type: integer example: 1 category_type: type: string example: product description: type: string example: null slug: type: string example: null woocommerce_cat_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' sub_category: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 5 name: type: string example: Shirts business_id: type: integer example: 1 short_code: type: string example: null parent_id: type: integer example: 1 created_by: type: integer example: 1 category_type: type: string example: product description: type: string example: null slug: type: string example: null woocommerce_cat_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' product_tax: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: VAT@10% amount: type: integer example: 10 is_tax_group: type: integer example: 0 created_by: type: integer example: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' product_locations: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: - '5' - '71' is_active: 1 default_payment_accounts: '{"cash":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"card":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"cheque":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"bank_transfer":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"other":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"custom_pay_1":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"custom_pay_2":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"custom_pay_3":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"}}' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2020-06-09 01:07:05' pivot: product_id: 2 location_id: 1 items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: string example: null name: type: string example: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: type: string example: 'Linking Street' country: type: string example: USA state: type: string example: Arizona city: type: string example: Phoenix zip_code: type: string example: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: type: integer example: 1 invoice_layout_id: type: integer example: 1 selling_price_group_id: type: string example: null print_receipt_on_invoice: type: integer example: 1 receipt_printer_type: type: string example: browser printer_id: type: string example: null mobile: type: string example: null alternate_number: type: string example: null email: type: string example: null website: type: string example: null featured_products: type: array example: - '5' - '71' items: type: string is_active: type: integer example: 1 default_payment_accounts: type: string example: '{"cash":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"card":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"cheque":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"bank_transfer":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"other":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"custom_pay_1":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"custom_pay_2":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"custom_pay_3":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"}}' custom_field1: type: string example: null custom_field2: type: string example: null custom_field3: type: string example: null custom_field4: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-09 01:07:05' pivot: type: object properties: product_id: type: integer example: 2 location_id: type: integer example: 1 links: type: object properties: first: type: string example: '' last: type: string example: '' prev: type: string example: null next: type: string example: '' meta: type: object properties: current_page: type: integer example: 1 from: type: integer example: 1 path: type: string example: '' per_page: type: integer example: 10 to: type: integer example: 10 tags: - 'Product management' '/connector/api/product/{id}': get: summary: 'Get the specified product' operationId: getTheSpecifiedProduct description: '' parameters: - in: query name: selling_price_group description: '(1, 0)' example: laudantium required: false schema: type: string description: '(1, 0)' example: laudantium - in: query name: send_lot_detail description: 'Send lot details in each variation location details(1, 0)' example: ea required: false schema: type: string description: 'Send lot details in each variation location details(1, 0)' example: ea - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 name: "Men's Reverse Fleece Crew" business_id: 1 type: single sub_unit_ids: null enable_stock: 1 alert_quantity: '5.0000' sku: AS0001 barcode_type: C128 expiry_period: null expiry_period_type: null enable_sr_no: 0 weight: null product_custom_field1: null product_custom_field2: null product_custom_field3: null product_custom_field4: null image: null woocommerce_media_id: null product_description: null created_by: 1 warranty_id: null is_inactive: 0 repair_model_id: null not_for_selling: 0 ecom_shipping_class_id: null ecom_active_in_store: 1 woocommerce_product_id: 356 woocommerce_disable_sync: 0 image_url: '' product_variations: - id: 1 variation_template_id: null name: DUMMY product_id: 1 is_dummy: 1 created_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' variations: - id: 1 name: DUMMY product_id: 1 sub_sku: AS0001 product_variation_id: 1 woocommerce_variation_id: null variation_value_id: null default_purchase_price: '130.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '143.0000' profit_percent: '0.0000' default_sell_price: '130.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '143.0000' created_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:22' deleted_at: null combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 56 product_id: 1 product_variation_id: 1 variation_id: 1 location_id: 1 qty_available: '20.0000' created_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' updated_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' media: - id: 1 business_id: 1 file_name: 1591686466_978227300_nn.jpeg description: null uploaded_by: 9 model_type: App\Variation woocommerce_media_id: null model_id: 1 created_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' display_name: nn.jpeg display_url: '' discounts: - id: 2 name: 'FLAT 10%' business_id: 1 brand_id: null category_id: null location_id: 1 priority: 2 discount_type: fixed discount_amount: '5.0000' starts_at: '2021-09-01 11:45:00' ends_at: '2021-09-30 11:45:00' is_active: 1 spg: null applicable_in_cg: 1 created_at: '2021-09-01 11:46:00' updated_at: '2021-09-01 12:12:55' formated_starts_at: ' 11:45' formated_ends_at: ' 11:45' selling_price_group: - id: 2 variation_id: 1 price_group_id: 1 price_inc_tax: '140.0000' created_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' brand: id: 1 business_id: 1 name: Levis description: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' unit: id: 1 business_id: 1 actual_name: Pieces short_name: Pc(s) allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: null base_unit_multiplier: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' updated_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' category: id: 1 name: "Men's" business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' sub_category: id: 5 name: Shirts business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' product_tax: id: 1 business_id: 1 name: VAT@10% amount: 10 is_tax_group: 0 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' product_locations: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: - '5' - '71' is_active: 1 default_payment_accounts: '{"cash":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"card":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"cheque":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"bank_transfer":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"other":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"custom_pay_1":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"custom_pay_2":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"custom_pay_3":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"}}' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2020-06-09 01:07:05' pivot: product_id: 2 location_id: 1 properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 name: "Men's Reverse Fleece Crew" business_id: 1 type: single sub_unit_ids: null enable_stock: 1 alert_quantity: '5.0000' sku: AS0001 barcode_type: C128 expiry_period: null expiry_period_type: null enable_sr_no: 0 weight: null product_custom_field1: null product_custom_field2: null product_custom_field3: null product_custom_field4: null image: null woocommerce_media_id: null product_description: null created_by: 1 warranty_id: null is_inactive: 0 repair_model_id: null not_for_selling: 0 ecom_shipping_class_id: null ecom_active_in_store: 1 woocommerce_product_id: 356 woocommerce_disable_sync: 0 image_url: '' product_variations: - id: 1 variation_template_id: null name: DUMMY product_id: 1 is_dummy: 1 created_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' variations: - id: 1 name: DUMMY product_id: 1 sub_sku: AS0001 product_variation_id: 1 woocommerce_variation_id: null variation_value_id: null default_purchase_price: '130.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '143.0000' profit_percent: '0.0000' default_sell_price: '130.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '143.0000' created_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:22' deleted_at: null combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 56 product_id: 1 product_variation_id: 1 variation_id: 1 location_id: 1 qty_available: '20.0000' created_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' updated_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' media: - id: 1 business_id: 1 file_name: 1591686466_978227300_nn.jpeg description: null uploaded_by: 9 model_type: App\Variation woocommerce_media_id: null model_id: 1 created_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' display_name: nn.jpeg display_url: '' discounts: - id: 2 name: 'FLAT 10%' business_id: 1 brand_id: null category_id: null location_id: 1 priority: 2 discount_type: fixed discount_amount: '5.0000' starts_at: '2021-09-01 11:45:00' ends_at: '2021-09-30 11:45:00' is_active: 1 spg: null applicable_in_cg: 1 created_at: '2021-09-01 11:46:00' updated_at: '2021-09-01 12:12:55' formated_starts_at: ' 11:45' formated_ends_at: ' 11:45' selling_price_group: - id: 2 variation_id: 1 price_group_id: 1 price_inc_tax: '140.0000' created_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' brand: id: 1 business_id: 1 name: Levis description: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' unit: id: 1 business_id: 1 actual_name: Pieces short_name: Pc(s) allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: null base_unit_multiplier: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' updated_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' category: id: 1 name: "Men's" business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' sub_category: id: 5 name: Shirts business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' product_tax: id: 1 business_id: 1 name: VAT@10% amount: 10 is_tax_group: 0 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' product_locations: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: - '5' - '71' is_active: 1 default_payment_accounts: '{"cash":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"card":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"cheque":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"bank_transfer":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"other":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"custom_pay_1":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"custom_pay_2":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"custom_pay_3":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"}}' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2020-06-09 01:07:05' pivot: product_id: 2 location_id: 1 items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: "Men's Reverse Fleece Crew" business_id: type: integer example: 1 type: type: string example: single sub_unit_ids: type: string example: null enable_stock: type: integer example: 1 alert_quantity: type: string example: '5.0000' sku: type: string example: AS0001 barcode_type: type: string example: C128 expiry_period: type: string example: null expiry_period_type: type: string example: null enable_sr_no: type: integer example: 0 weight: type: string example: null product_custom_field1: type: string example: null product_custom_field2: type: string example: null product_custom_field3: type: string example: null product_custom_field4: type: string example: null image: type: string example: null woocommerce_media_id: type: string example: null product_description: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 warranty_id: type: string example: null is_inactive: type: integer example: 0 repair_model_id: type: string example: null not_for_selling: type: integer example: 0 ecom_shipping_class_id: type: string example: null ecom_active_in_store: type: integer example: 1 woocommerce_product_id: type: integer example: 356 woocommerce_disable_sync: type: integer example: 0 image_url: type: string example: '' product_variations: type: array example: - id: 1 variation_template_id: null name: DUMMY product_id: 1 is_dummy: 1 created_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' variations: - id: 1 name: DUMMY product_id: 1 sub_sku: AS0001 product_variation_id: 1 woocommerce_variation_id: null variation_value_id: null default_purchase_price: '130.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '143.0000' profit_percent: '0.0000' default_sell_price: '130.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '143.0000' created_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:22' deleted_at: null combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - id: 56 product_id: 1 product_variation_id: 1 variation_id: 1 location_id: 1 qty_available: '20.0000' created_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' updated_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' media: - id: 1 business_id: 1 file_name: 1591686466_978227300_nn.jpeg description: null uploaded_by: 9 model_type: App\Variation woocommerce_media_id: null model_id: 1 created_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' display_name: nn.jpeg display_url: '' discounts: - id: 2 name: 'FLAT 10%' business_id: 1 brand_id: null category_id: null location_id: 1 priority: 2 discount_type: fixed discount_amount: '5.0000' starts_at: '2021-09-01 11:45:00' ends_at: '2021-09-30 11:45:00' is_active: 1 spg: null applicable_in_cg: 1 created_at: '2021-09-01 11:46:00' updated_at: '2021-09-01 12:12:55' formated_starts_at: ' 11:45' formated_ends_at: ' 11:45' selling_price_group: - id: 2 variation_id: 1 price_group_id: 1 price_inc_tax: '140.0000' created_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 variation_template_id: type: string example: null name: type: string example: DUMMY product_id: type: integer example: 1 is_dummy: type: integer example: 1 created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' variations: type: array example: - id: 1 name: DUMMY product_id: 1 sub_sku: AS0001 product_variation_id: 1 woocommerce_variation_id: null variation_value_id: null default_purchase_price: '130.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '143.0000' profit_percent: '0.0000' default_sell_price: '130.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '143.0000' created_at: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:22' deleted_at: null combo_variations: null variation_location_details: - { id: 56, product_id: 1, product_variation_id: 1, variation_id: 1, location_id: 1, qty_available: '20.0000', created_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40', updated_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' } media: - { id: 1, business_id: 1, file_name: 1591686466_978227300_nn.jpeg, description: null, uploaded_by: 9, model_type: App\Variation, woocommerce_media_id: null, model_id: 1, created_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46', updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46', display_name: nn.jpeg, display_url: '' } discounts: - { id: 2, name: 'FLAT 10%', business_id: 1, brand_id: null, category_id: null, location_id: 1, priority: 2, discount_type: fixed, discount_amount: '5.0000', starts_at: '2021-09-01 11:45:00', ends_at: '2021-09-30 11:45:00', is_active: 1, spg: null, applicable_in_cg: 1, created_at: '2021-09-01 11:46:00', updated_at: '2021-09-01 12:12:55', formated_starts_at: ' 11:45', formated_ends_at: ' 11:45' } selling_price_group: - { id: 2, variation_id: 1, price_group_id: 1, price_inc_tax: '140.0000', created_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31', updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' } items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: DUMMY product_id: type: integer example: 1 sub_sku: type: string example: AS0001 product_variation_id: type: integer example: 1 woocommerce_variation_id: type: string example: null variation_value_id: type: string example: null default_purchase_price: type: string example: '130.0000' dpp_inc_tax: type: string example: '143.0000' profit_percent: type: string example: '0.0000' default_sell_price: type: string example: '130.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: type: string example: '143.0000' created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:29:08' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-09 00:23:22' deleted_at: type: string example: null combo_variations: type: string example: null variation_location_details: type: array example: [{ id: 56, product_id: 1, product_variation_id: 1, variation_id: 1, location_id: 1, qty_available: '20.0000', created_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40', updated_at: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' }] items: { type: object, properties: { id: { type: integer, example: 56 }, product_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, product_variation_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, variation_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, location_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, qty_available: { type: string, example: '20.0000' }, created_at: { type: string, example: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' }, updated_at: { type: string, example: '2020-06-08 23:46:40' } } } media: type: array example: [{ id: 1, business_id: 1, file_name: 1591686466_978227300_nn.jpeg, description: null, uploaded_by: 9, model_type: App\Variation, woocommerce_media_id: null, model_id: 1, created_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46', updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:07:46', display_name: nn.jpeg, display_url: '' }] items: { type: object, properties: { id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, business_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, file_name: { type: string, example: 1591686466_978227300_nn.jpeg }, description: { type: string, example: null }, uploaded_by: { type: integer, example: 9 }, model_type: { type: string, example: App\Variation }, woocommerce_media_id: { type: string, example: null }, model_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, created_at: { type: string, example: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' }, updated_at: { type: string, example: '2020-06-09 00:07:46' }, display_name: { type: string, example: nn.jpeg }, display_url: { type: string, example: '' } } } discounts: type: array example: [{ id: 2, name: 'FLAT 10%', business_id: 1, brand_id: null, category_id: null, location_id: 1, priority: 2, discount_type: fixed, discount_amount: '5.0000', starts_at: '2021-09-01 11:45:00', ends_at: '2021-09-30 11:45:00', is_active: 1, spg: null, applicable_in_cg: 1, created_at: '2021-09-01 11:46:00', updated_at: '2021-09-01 12:12:55', formated_starts_at: ' 11:45', formated_ends_at: ' 11:45' }] items: { type: object, properties: { id: { type: integer, example: 2 }, name: { type: string, example: 'FLAT 10%' }, business_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, brand_id: { type: string, example: null }, category_id: { type: string, example: null }, location_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, priority: { type: integer, example: 2 }, discount_type: { type: string, example: fixed }, discount_amount: { type: string, example: '5.0000' }, starts_at: { type: string, example: '2021-09-01 11:45:00' }, ends_at: { type: string, example: '2021-09-30 11:45:00' }, is_active: { type: integer, example: 1 }, spg: { type: string, example: null }, applicable_in_cg: { type: integer, example: 1 }, created_at: { type: string, example: '2021-09-01 11:46:00' }, updated_at: { type: string, example: '2021-09-01 12:12:55' }, formated_starts_at: { type: string, example: ' 11:45' }, formated_ends_at: { type: string, example: ' 11:45' } } } selling_price_group: type: array example: [{ id: 2, variation_id: 1, price_group_id: 1, price_inc_tax: '140.0000', created_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31', updated_at: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' }] items: { type: object, properties: { id: { type: integer, example: 2 }, variation_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, price_group_id: { type: integer, example: 1 }, price_inc_tax: { type: string, example: '140.0000' }, created_at: { type: string, example: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' }, updated_at: { type: string, example: '2020-06-09 00:23:31' } } } brand: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: Levis description: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:19:47' unit: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 actual_name: type: string example: Pieces short_name: type: string example: Pc(s) allow_decimal: type: integer example: 0 base_unit_id: type: string example: null base_unit_multiplier: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' category: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: "Men's" business_id: type: integer example: 1 short_code: type: string example: null parent_id: type: integer example: 0 created_by: type: integer example: 1 category_type: type: string example: product description: type: string example: null slug: type: string example: null woocommerce_cat_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' sub_category: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 5 name: type: string example: Shirts business_id: type: integer example: 1 short_code: type: string example: null parent_id: type: integer example: 1 created_by: type: integer example: 1 category_type: type: string example: product description: type: string example: null slug: type: string example: null woocommerce_cat_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' product_tax: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: VAT@10% amount: type: integer example: 10 is_tax_group: type: integer example: 0 created_by: type: integer example: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' product_locations: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: - '5' - '71' is_active: 1 default_payment_accounts: '{"cash":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"card":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"cheque":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"bank_transfer":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"other":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"custom_pay_1":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"custom_pay_2":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"custom_pay_3":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"}}' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2020-06-09 01:07:05' pivot: product_id: 2 location_id: 1 items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: string example: null name: type: string example: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: type: string example: 'Linking Street' country: type: string example: USA state: type: string example: Arizona city: type: string example: Phoenix zip_code: type: string example: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: type: integer example: 1 invoice_layout_id: type: integer example: 1 selling_price_group_id: type: string example: null print_receipt_on_invoice: type: integer example: 1 receipt_printer_type: type: string example: browser printer_id: type: string example: null mobile: type: string example: null alternate_number: type: string example: null email: type: string example: null website: type: string example: null featured_products: type: array example: - '5' - '71' items: type: string is_active: type: integer example: 1 default_payment_accounts: type: string example: '{"cash":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"card":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"cheque":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"bank_transfer":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"other":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"},"custom_pay_1":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"1"},"custom_pay_2":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"2"},"custom_pay_3":{"is_enabled":"1","account":"3"}}' custom_field1: type: string example: null custom_field2: type: string example: null custom_field3: type: string example: null custom_field4: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-09 01:07:05' pivot: type: object properties: product_id: type: integer example: 2 location_id: type: integer example: 1 tags: - 'Product management' parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'The ID of the product.' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: product description: 'comma separated ids of products' example: '1' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/selling-price-group: get: summary: 'List Selling Price Group' operationId: listSellingPriceGroup description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 name: Retail description: null business_id: 1 is_active: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-10-21 04:30:06' updated_at: '2020-11-16 18:23:15' - id: 2 name: Wholesale description: null business_id: 1 is_active: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-10-21 04:30:21' updated_at: '2020-11-16 18:23:00' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 name: Retail description: null business_id: 1 is_active: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-10-21 04:30:06' updated_at: '2020-11-16 18:23:15' - id: 2 name: Wholesale description: null business_id: 1 is_active: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-10-21 04:30:21' updated_at: '2020-11-16 18:23:00' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: Retail description: type: string example: null business_id: type: integer example: 1 is_active: type: integer example: 1 deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-10-21 04:30:06' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-11-16 18:23:15' tags: - 'Product management' '/connector/api/variation/{id}': get: summary: 'List Variations' operationId: listVariations description: '' parameters: - in: query name: product_id description: 'Filter by comma separated products ids' example: officiis required: false schema: type: string description: 'Filter by comma separated products ids' example: officiis - in: query name: location_id description: '' example: '1' required: false schema: type: string description: '' example: '1' - in: query name: brand_id description: '' example: natus required: false schema: type: string description: '' example: natus - in: query name: category_id description: '' example: totam required: false schema: type: string description: '' example: totam - in: query name: sub_category_id description: '' example: et required: false schema: type: string description: '' example: et - in: query name: not_for_selling description: 'Values: 0 or 1' example: omnis required: false schema: type: string description: 'Values: 0 or 1' example: omnis - in: query name: name description: 'Search term for product name' example: ipsam required: false schema: type: string description: 'Search term for product name' example: ipsam - in: query name: sku description: 'Search term for product sku' example: laboriosam required: false schema: type: string description: 'Search term for product sku' example: laboriosam - in: query name: per_page description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - variation_id: 1 variation_name: '' sub_sku: AS0001 product_id: 1 product_name: "Men's Reverse Fleece Crew" sku: AS0001 type: single business_id: 1 barcode_type: C128 expiry_period: null expiry_period_type: null enable_sr_no: 0 weight: null product_custom_field1: null product_custom_field2: null product_custom_field3: null product_custom_field4: null product_image: 1528728059_fleece_crew.jpg product_description: null warranty_id: null brand_id: 1 brand_name: Levis unit_id: 1 enable_stock: 1 not_for_selling: 0 unit_name: Pc(s) unit_allow_decimal: 0 category_id: 1 category: "Men's" sub_category_id: 5 sub_category: Shirts tax_id: 1 tax_type: exclusive tax_name: VAT@10% tax_amount: 10 product_variation_id: 1 default_purchase_price: '130.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '143.0000' profit_percent: '0.0000' default_sell_price: '130.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '143.0000' product_variation_name: '' variation_location_details: [] media: [] selling_price_group: [] product_image_url: '' product_locations: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: null is_active: 1 default_payment_accounts: '' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2019-12-11 04:53:39' pivot: product_id: 1 location_id: 1 - variation_id: 2 variation_name: '28' sub_sku: AS0002-1 product_id: 2 product_name: "Levis Men's Slimmy Fit Jeans" sku: AS0002 type: variable business_id: 1 barcode_type: C128 expiry_period: null expiry_period_type: null enable_sr_no: 0 weight: null product_custom_field1: null product_custom_field2: null product_custom_field3: null product_custom_field4: null product_image: 1528727964_levis_jeans.jpg product_description: null warranty_id: null brand_id: 1 brand_name: Levis unit_id: 1 enable_stock: 1 not_for_selling: 0 unit_name: Pc(s) unit_allow_decimal: 0 category_id: 1 category: "Men's" sub_category_id: 4 sub_category: Jeans tax_id: 1 tax_type: exclusive tax_name: VAT@10% tax_amount: 10 product_variation_id: 2 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' profit_percent: '0.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' product_variation_name: 'Waist Size' variation_location_details: - id: 1 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 2 location_id: 1 qty_available: '50.0000' created_at: '2018-01-06 06:57:11' updated_at: '2020-08-04 04:11:27' media: - id: 1 business_id: 1 file_name: 1596701997_743693452_test.jpg description: null uploaded_by: 9 model_type: App\Variation woocommerce_media_id: null model_id: 2 created_at: '2020-08-06 13:49:57' updated_at: '2020-08-06 13:49:57' display_name: test.jpg display_url: '' selling_price_group: [] product_image_url: '' product_locations: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: null is_active: 1 default_payment_accounts: '' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2019-12-11 04:53:39' pivot: product_id: 2 location_id: 1 discounts: - id: 2 name: 'FLAT 10%' business_id: 1 brand_id: null category_id: null location_id: 1 priority: 2 discount_type: fixed discount_amount: '5.0000' starts_at: '2021-09-01 11:45:00' ends_at: '2021-09-30 11:45:00' is_active: 1 spg: null applicable_in_cg: 1 created_at: '2021-09-01 11:46:00' updated_at: '2021-09-01 12:12:55' formated_starts_at: ' 11:45' formated_ends_at: ' 11:45' links: first: '' last: null prev: null next: '' meta: current_page: 1 from: 1 path: '' per_page: '2' to: 2 properties: data: type: array example: - variation_id: 1 variation_name: '' sub_sku: AS0001 product_id: 1 product_name: "Men's Reverse Fleece Crew" sku: AS0001 type: single business_id: 1 barcode_type: C128 expiry_period: null expiry_period_type: null enable_sr_no: 0 weight: null product_custom_field1: null product_custom_field2: null product_custom_field3: null product_custom_field4: null product_image: 1528728059_fleece_crew.jpg product_description: null warranty_id: null brand_id: 1 brand_name: Levis unit_id: 1 enable_stock: 1 not_for_selling: 0 unit_name: Pc(s) unit_allow_decimal: 0 category_id: 1 category: "Men's" sub_category_id: 5 sub_category: Shirts tax_id: 1 tax_type: exclusive tax_name: VAT@10% tax_amount: 10 product_variation_id: 1 default_purchase_price: '130.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '143.0000' profit_percent: '0.0000' default_sell_price: '130.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '143.0000' product_variation_name: '' variation_location_details: [] media: [] selling_price_group: [] product_image_url: '' product_locations: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: null is_active: 1 default_payment_accounts: '' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2019-12-11 04:53:39' pivot: product_id: 1 location_id: 1 - variation_id: 2 variation_name: '28' sub_sku: AS0002-1 product_id: 2 product_name: "Levis Men's Slimmy Fit Jeans" sku: AS0002 type: variable business_id: 1 barcode_type: C128 expiry_period: null expiry_period_type: null enable_sr_no: 0 weight: null product_custom_field1: null product_custom_field2: null product_custom_field3: null product_custom_field4: null product_image: 1528727964_levis_jeans.jpg product_description: null warranty_id: null brand_id: 1 brand_name: Levis unit_id: 1 enable_stock: 1 not_for_selling: 0 unit_name: Pc(s) unit_allow_decimal: 0 category_id: 1 category: "Men's" sub_category_id: 4 sub_category: Jeans tax_id: 1 tax_type: exclusive tax_name: VAT@10% tax_amount: 10 product_variation_id: 2 default_purchase_price: '70.0000' dpp_inc_tax: '77.0000' profit_percent: '0.0000' default_sell_price: '70.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' product_variation_name: 'Waist Size' variation_location_details: - id: 1 product_id: 2 product_variation_id: 2 variation_id: 2 location_id: 1 qty_available: '50.0000' created_at: '2018-01-06 06:57:11' updated_at: '2020-08-04 04:11:27' media: - id: 1 business_id: 1 file_name: 1596701997_743693452_test.jpg description: null uploaded_by: 9 model_type: App\Variation woocommerce_media_id: null model_id: 2 created_at: '2020-08-06 13:49:57' updated_at: '2020-08-06 13:49:57' display_name: test.jpg display_url: '' selling_price_group: [] product_image_url: '' product_locations: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: null is_active: 1 default_payment_accounts: '' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2019-12-11 04:53:39' pivot: product_id: 2 location_id: 1 discounts: - id: 2 name: 'FLAT 10%' business_id: 1 brand_id: null category_id: null location_id: 1 priority: 2 discount_type: fixed discount_amount: '5.0000' starts_at: '2021-09-01 11:45:00' ends_at: '2021-09-30 11:45:00' is_active: 1 spg: null applicable_in_cg: 1 created_at: '2021-09-01 11:46:00' updated_at: '2021-09-01 12:12:55' formated_starts_at: ' 11:45' formated_ends_at: ' 11:45' items: type: object properties: variation_id: type: integer example: 1 variation_name: type: string example: '' sub_sku: type: string example: AS0001 product_id: type: integer example: 1 product_name: type: string example: "Men's Reverse Fleece Crew" sku: type: string example: AS0001 type: type: string example: single business_id: type: integer example: 1 barcode_type: type: string example: C128 expiry_period: type: string example: null expiry_period_type: type: string example: null enable_sr_no: type: integer example: 0 weight: type: string example: null product_custom_field1: type: string example: null product_custom_field2: type: string example: null product_custom_field3: type: string example: null product_custom_field4: type: string example: null product_image: type: string example: 1528728059_fleece_crew.jpg product_description: type: string example: null warranty_id: type: string example: null brand_id: type: integer example: 1 brand_name: type: string example: Levis unit_id: type: integer example: 1 enable_stock: type: integer example: 1 not_for_selling: type: integer example: 0 unit_name: type: string example: Pc(s) unit_allow_decimal: type: integer example: 0 category_id: type: integer example: 1 category: type: string example: "Men's" sub_category_id: type: integer example: 5 sub_category: type: string example: Shirts tax_id: type: integer example: 1 tax_type: type: string example: exclusive tax_name: type: string example: VAT@10% tax_amount: type: integer example: 10 product_variation_id: type: integer example: 1 default_purchase_price: type: string example: '130.0000' dpp_inc_tax: type: string example: '143.0000' profit_percent: type: string example: '0.0000' default_sell_price: type: string example: '130.0000' sell_price_inc_tax: type: string example: '143.0000' product_variation_name: type: string example: '' variation_location_details: type: array example: [] media: type: array example: [] selling_price_group: type: array example: [] product_image_url: type: string example: '' product_locations: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 location_id: null name: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: 'Linking Street' country: USA state: Arizona city: Phoenix zip_code: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: 1 invoice_layout_id: 1 selling_price_group_id: null print_receipt_on_invoice: 1 receipt_printer_type: browser printer_id: null mobile: null alternate_number: null email: null website: null featured_products: null is_active: 1 default_payment_accounts: '' custom_field1: null custom_field2: null custom_field3: null custom_field4: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: '2019-12-11 04:53:39' pivot: product_id: 1 location_id: 1 items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: string example: null name: type: string example: 'Awesome Shop' landmark: type: string example: 'Linking Street' country: type: string example: USA state: type: string example: Arizona city: type: string example: Phoenix zip_code: type: string example: '85001' invoice_scheme_id: type: integer example: 1 invoice_layout_id: type: integer example: 1 selling_price_group_id: type: string example: null print_receipt_on_invoice: type: integer example: 1 receipt_printer_type: type: string example: browser printer_id: type: string example: null mobile: type: string example: null alternate_number: type: string example: null email: type: string example: null website: type: string example: null featured_products: type: string example: null is_active: type: integer example: 1 default_payment_accounts: type: string example: '' custom_field1: type: string example: null custom_field2: type: string example: null custom_field3: type: string example: null custom_field4: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:20' updated_at: type: string example: '2019-12-11 04:53:39' pivot: type: object properties: product_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 links: type: object properties: first: type: string example: '' last: type: string example: null prev: type: string example: null next: type: string example: '' meta: type: object properties: current_page: type: integer example: 1 from: type: integer example: 1 path: type: string example: '' per_page: type: string example: '2' to: type: integer example: 2 tags: - 'Product management' parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'Optional parameter. comma separated ids of variations' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: '2' /connector/api/sell: get: summary: 'List sells' operationId: listSells description: '' parameters: - in: query name: location_id description: 'id of the location' example: '1' required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the location' example: '1' - in: query name: contact_id description: 'id of the customer' example: animi required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the customer' example: animi - in: query name: status description: 'Sell status. Available values final, draft, quotation, proforma' example: final required: false schema: type: string description: 'Sell status. Available values final, draft, quotation, proforma' example: final - in: query name: payment_status description: 'Comma separated values of payment statuses. Available values due, partial, paid, overdue' example: 'due,partial' required: false schema: type: string description: 'Comma separated values of payment statuses. Available values due, partial, paid, overdue' example: 'due,partial' - in: query name: start_date description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' - in: query name: end_date description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' required: false schema: type: string description: 'format:Y-m-d' example: '2018-06-25' - in: query name: user_id description: 'id of the user who created the sale' example: id required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the user who created the sale' example: id - in: query name: service_staff_id description: 'id of the service staff assigned with the sale' example: voluptas required: false schema: type: string description: 'id of the service staff assigned with the sale' example: voluptas - in: query name: shipping_status description: "Shipping Status of the sale ('ordered', 'packed', 'shipped', 'delivered', 'cancelled')" example: ordered required: false schema: type: string description: "Shipping Status of the sale ('ordered', 'packed', 'shipped', 'delivered', 'cancelled')" example: ordered - in: query name: source description: 'Source of the sale' example: vel required: false schema: type: string description: 'Source of the sale' example: vel - in: query name: only_subscriptions description: 'Filter only subcription invoices (1, 0)' example: inventore required: false schema: type: string description: 'Filter only subcription invoices (1, 0)' example: inventore - in: query name: send_purchase_details description: 'Get purchase details of each sell line (1, 0)' example: illo required: false schema: type: string description: 'Get purchase details of each sell line (1, 0)' example: illo - in: query name: order_by_date description: "Sort sell list by date ('asc', 'desc')" example: desc required: false schema: type: string description: "Sort sell list by date ('asc', 'desc')" example: desc - in: query name: per_page description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'Total records per page. default: 10, Set -1 for no pagination' example: 10 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 6 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 res_table_id: null res_waiter_id: null res_order_status: null type: sell sub_type: null status: final is_quotation: 0 payment_status: paid adjustment_type: null contact_id: 4 customer_group_id: null invoice_no: AS0001 ref_no: '' source: null subscription_no: null subscription_repeat_on: null transaction_date: '2018-04-10 13:23:21' total_before_tax: '770.0000' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' discount_type: percentage discount_amount: '0.0000' rp_redeemed: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: '0.0000' shipping_details: null shipping_address: null shipping_status: null delivered_to: null shipping_charges: '0.0000' additional_notes: null staff_note: null round_off_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '770.0000' expense_category_id: null expense_for: null commission_agent: null document: null is_direct_sale: 0 is_suspend: 0 exchange_rate: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: null transfer_parent_id: null return_parent_id: null opening_stock_product_id: null created_by: 1 import_batch: null import_time: null types_of_service_id: null packing_charge: null packing_charge_type: null service_custom_field_1: null service_custom_field_2: null service_custom_field_3: null service_custom_field_4: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: null mfg_wasted_units: null mfg_production_cost: '0.0000' mfg_is_final: 0 is_created_from_api: 0 essentials_duration: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: null essentials_deductions: null rp_earned: 0 repair_completed_on: null repair_warranty_id: null repair_brand_id: null repair_status_id: null repair_model_id: null repair_defects: null repair_serial_no: null repair_updates_email: 0 repair_updates_sms: 0 repair_checklist: null repair_security_pwd: null repair_security_pattern: null repair_due_date: null repair_device_id: null order_addresses: null is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: null recur_interval_type: null recur_repetitions: null recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null invoice_token: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null pjt_project_id: null pjt_title: null woocommerce_order_id: null selling_price_group_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' sell_lines: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 product_id: 2 variation_id: 3 quantity: 10 mfg_waste_percent: '0.0000' quantity_returned: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: '70.0000' unit_price: '70.0000' line_discount_type: null line_discount_amount: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' item_tax: '7.0000' tax_id: 1 discount_id: null lot_no_line_id: null sell_line_note: null res_service_staff_id: null res_line_order_status: null woocommerce_line_items_id: null parent_sell_line_id: null children_type: '' sub_unit_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' payment_lines: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 business_id: null is_return: 0 amount: '770.0000' method: cash transaction_no: null card_transaction_number: null card_number: null card_type: visa card_holder_name: null card_month: null card_year: null card_security: null cheque_number: null bank_account_number: null paid_on: '2018-01-09 17:30:35' created_by: 1 payment_for: null parent_id: null note: null document: null payment_ref_no: null account_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' invoice_url: '' payment_link: '' links: first: '' last: '' prev: null next: '' meta: current_page: 1 from: 1 path: '' per_page: 10 to: 10 properties: data: type: array example: - id: 6 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 res_table_id: null res_waiter_id: null res_order_status: null type: sell sub_type: null status: final is_quotation: 0 payment_status: paid adjustment_type: null contact_id: 4 customer_group_id: null invoice_no: AS0001 ref_no: '' source: null subscription_no: null subscription_repeat_on: null transaction_date: '2018-04-10 13:23:21' total_before_tax: '770.0000' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' discount_type: percentage discount_amount: '0.0000' rp_redeemed: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: '0.0000' shipping_details: null shipping_address: null shipping_status: null delivered_to: null shipping_charges: '0.0000' additional_notes: null staff_note: null round_off_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '770.0000' expense_category_id: null expense_for: null commission_agent: null document: null is_direct_sale: 0 is_suspend: 0 exchange_rate: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: null transfer_parent_id: null return_parent_id: null opening_stock_product_id: null created_by: 1 import_batch: null import_time: null types_of_service_id: null packing_charge: null packing_charge_type: null service_custom_field_1: null service_custom_field_2: null service_custom_field_3: null service_custom_field_4: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: null mfg_wasted_units: null mfg_production_cost: '0.0000' mfg_is_final: 0 is_created_from_api: 0 essentials_duration: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: null essentials_deductions: null rp_earned: 0 repair_completed_on: null repair_warranty_id: null repair_brand_id: null repair_status_id: null repair_model_id: null repair_defects: null repair_serial_no: null repair_updates_email: 0 repair_updates_sms: 0 repair_checklist: null repair_security_pwd: null repair_security_pattern: null repair_due_date: null repair_device_id: null order_addresses: null is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: null recur_interval_type: null recur_repetitions: null recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null invoice_token: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null pjt_project_id: null pjt_title: null woocommerce_order_id: null selling_price_group_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' sell_lines: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 product_id: 2 variation_id: 3 quantity: 10 mfg_waste_percent: '0.0000' quantity_returned: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: '70.0000' unit_price: '70.0000' line_discount_type: null line_discount_amount: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' item_tax: '7.0000' tax_id: 1 discount_id: null lot_no_line_id: null sell_line_note: null res_service_staff_id: null res_line_order_status: null woocommerce_line_items_id: null parent_sell_line_id: null children_type: '' sub_unit_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' payment_lines: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 business_id: null is_return: 0 amount: '770.0000' method: cash transaction_no: null card_transaction_number: null card_number: null card_type: visa card_holder_name: null card_month: null card_year: null card_security: null cheque_number: null bank_account_number: null paid_on: '2018-01-09 17:30:35' created_by: 1 payment_for: null parent_id: null note: null document: null payment_ref_no: null account_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' invoice_url: '' payment_link: '' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 6 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 res_table_id: type: string example: null res_waiter_id: type: string example: null res_order_status: type: string example: null type: type: string example: sell sub_type: type: string example: null status: type: string example: final is_quotation: type: integer example: 0 payment_status: type: string example: paid 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example: null service_custom_field_4: type: string example: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: type: string example: null mfg_wasted_units: type: string example: null mfg_production_cost: type: string example: '0.0000' mfg_is_final: type: integer example: 0 is_created_from_api: type: integer example: 0 essentials_duration: type: string example: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: type: string example: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: type: string example: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: type: string example: null essentials_deductions: type: string example: null rp_earned: type: integer example: 0 repair_completed_on: type: string example: null repair_warranty_id: type: string example: null repair_brand_id: type: string example: null repair_status_id: type: string example: null repair_model_id: type: string example: null repair_defects: type: string example: null repair_serial_no: type: string example: null repair_updates_email: type: integer example: 0 repair_updates_sms: type: integer example: 0 repair_checklist: type: string example: null repair_security_pwd: type: string example: null repair_security_pattern: type: string example: null repair_due_date: type: string example: null repair_device_id: type: string example: null order_addresses: type: string example: null is_recurring: type: integer example: 0 recur_interval: type: string example: null recur_interval_type: type: string example: null recur_repetitions: type: string example: null recur_stopped_on: type: string example: null recur_parent_id: type: string example: null invoice_token: type: string example: null pay_term_number: type: string example: null pay_term_type: type: string example: null pjt_project_id: type: string example: null pjt_title: type: string example: null woocommerce_order_id: type: string example: null selling_price_group_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' sell_lines: type: array example: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 product_id: 2 variation_id: 3 quantity: 10 mfg_waste_percent: '0.0000' quantity_returned: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: '70.0000' unit_price: '70.0000' line_discount_type: null line_discount_amount: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' item_tax: '7.0000' tax_id: 1 discount_id: null lot_no_line_id: null sell_line_note: null res_service_staff_id: null res_line_order_status: null woocommerce_line_items_id: null parent_sell_line_id: null children_type: '' sub_unit_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 transaction_id: type: integer example: 6 product_id: type: integer example: 2 variation_id: type: integer example: 3 quantity: type: integer example: 10 mfg_waste_percent: type: string example: '0.0000' quantity_returned: type: string example: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: type: string example: '70.0000' unit_price: type: string example: '70.0000' line_discount_type: type: string example: null line_discount_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: type: string example: '77.0000' item_tax: type: string example: '7.0000' tax_id: type: integer example: 1 discount_id: type: string example: null lot_no_line_id: type: string example: null sell_line_note: type: string example: null res_service_staff_id: type: string example: null res_line_order_status: type: string example: null woocommerce_line_items_id: type: string example: null parent_sell_line_id: type: string example: null children_type: type: string example: '' sub_unit_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' payment_lines: type: array example: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 business_id: null is_return: 0 amount: '770.0000' method: cash transaction_no: null card_transaction_number: null card_number: null card_type: visa card_holder_name: null card_month: null card_year: null card_security: null cheque_number: null bank_account_number: null paid_on: '2018-01-09 17:30:35' created_by: 1 payment_for: null parent_id: null note: null document: null payment_ref_no: null account_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 transaction_id: type: integer example: 6 business_id: type: string example: null is_return: type: integer example: 0 amount: type: string example: '770.0000' method: type: string example: cash transaction_no: type: string example: null card_transaction_number: type: string example: null card_number: type: string example: null card_type: type: string example: visa card_holder_name: type: string example: null card_month: type: string example: null card_year: type: string example: null card_security: type: string example: null cheque_number: type: string example: null bank_account_number: type: string example: null paid_on: type: string example: '2018-01-09 17:30:35' created_by: type: integer example: 1 payment_for: type: string example: null parent_id: type: string example: null note: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null payment_ref_no: type: string example: null account_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' invoice_url: type: string example: '' payment_link: type: string example: '' links: type: object properties: first: type: string example: '' last: type: string example: '' prev: type: string example: null next: type: string example: '' meta: type: object properties: current_page: type: integer example: 1 from: type: integer example: 1 path: type: string example: '' per_page: type: integer example: 10 to: type: integer example: 10 tags: - 'Sales management' post: summary: 'Create sell' operationId: createSell description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 6 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 res_table_id: null res_waiter_id: null res_order_status: null type: sell sub_type: null status: final is_quotation: 0 payment_status: paid adjustment_type: null contact_id: 4 customer_group_id: null invoice_no: AS0001 ref_no: '' source: null subscription_no: null subscription_repeat_on: null transaction_date: '2018-04-10 13:23:21' total_before_tax: '770.0000' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' discount_type: percentage discount_amount: '0.0000' rp_redeemed: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: '0.0000' shipping_details: null shipping_address: null shipping_status: null delivered_to: null shipping_charges: '0.0000' additional_notes: null staff_note: null round_off_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '770.0000' expense_category_id: null expense_for: null commission_agent: null document: null is_direct_sale: 0 is_suspend: 0 exchange_rate: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: null transfer_parent_id: null return_parent_id: null opening_stock_product_id: null created_by: 1 import_batch: null import_time: null types_of_service_id: null packing_charge: null packing_charge_type: null service_custom_field_1: null service_custom_field_2: null service_custom_field_3: null service_custom_field_4: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: null mfg_wasted_units: null mfg_production_cost: '0.0000' mfg_is_final: 0 is_created_from_api: 0 essentials_duration: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: null essentials_deductions: null rp_earned: 0 repair_completed_on: null repair_warranty_id: null repair_brand_id: null repair_status_id: null repair_model_id: null repair_defects: null repair_serial_no: null repair_updates_email: 0 repair_updates_sms: 0 repair_checklist: null repair_security_pwd: null repair_security_pattern: null repair_due_date: null repair_device_id: null order_addresses: null is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: null recur_interval_type: null recur_repetitions: null recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null invoice_token: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null pjt_project_id: null pjt_title: null woocommerce_order_id: null selling_price_group_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' invoice_url: '' payment_link: '' sell_lines: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 product_id: 2 variation_id: 3 quantity: 10 mfg_waste_percent: '0.0000' quantity_returned: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: '70.0000' unit_price: '70.0000' line_discount_type: null line_discount_amount: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' item_tax: '7.0000' tax_id: 1 discount_id: null lot_no_line_id: null sell_line_note: null res_service_staff_id: null res_line_order_status: null woocommerce_line_items_id: null parent_sell_line_id: null children_type: '' sub_unit_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' payment_lines: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 business_id: null is_return: 0 amount: '770.0000' method: cash transaction_no: null card_transaction_number: null card_number: null card_type: visa card_holder_name: null card_month: null card_year: null card_security: null cheque_number: null bank_account_number: null paid_on: '2018-01-09 17:30:35' created_by: 1 payment_for: null parent_id: null note: null document: null payment_ref_no: null account_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 6 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 res_table_id: null res_waiter_id: null res_order_status: null type: sell sub_type: null status: final is_quotation: 0 payment_status: paid adjustment_type: null contact_id: 4 customer_group_id: null invoice_no: AS0001 ref_no: '' source: null subscription_no: null subscription_repeat_on: null transaction_date: '2018-04-10 13:23:21' total_before_tax: '770.0000' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' discount_type: percentage discount_amount: '0.0000' rp_redeemed: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: '0.0000' shipping_details: null shipping_address: null shipping_status: null delivered_to: null shipping_charges: '0.0000' additional_notes: null staff_note: null round_off_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '770.0000' expense_category_id: null expense_for: null commission_agent: null document: null is_direct_sale: 0 is_suspend: 0 exchange_rate: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: null transfer_parent_id: null return_parent_id: null opening_stock_product_id: null created_by: 1 import_batch: null import_time: null types_of_service_id: null packing_charge: null packing_charge_type: null service_custom_field_1: null service_custom_field_2: null service_custom_field_3: null service_custom_field_4: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: null mfg_wasted_units: null mfg_production_cost: '0.0000' mfg_is_final: 0 is_created_from_api: 0 essentials_duration: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: null essentials_deductions: null rp_earned: 0 repair_completed_on: null repair_warranty_id: null repair_brand_id: null repair_status_id: null repair_model_id: null repair_defects: null repair_serial_no: null repair_updates_email: 0 repair_updates_sms: 0 repair_checklist: null repair_security_pwd: null repair_security_pattern: null repair_due_date: null repair_device_id: null order_addresses: null is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: null recur_interval_type: null recur_repetitions: null recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null invoice_token: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null pjt_project_id: null pjt_title: null woocommerce_order_id: null selling_price_group_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' invoice_url: '' payment_link: '' sell_lines: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 product_id: 2 variation_id: 3 quantity: 10 mfg_waste_percent: '0.0000' quantity_returned: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: '70.0000' unit_price: '70.0000' line_discount_type: null line_discount_amount: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' item_tax: '7.0000' tax_id: 1 discount_id: null lot_no_line_id: null sell_line_note: null res_service_staff_id: null res_line_order_status: null woocommerce_line_items_id: null parent_sell_line_id: null children_type: '' sub_unit_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' payment_lines: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 business_id: null is_return: 0 amount: '770.0000' method: cash transaction_no: null card_transaction_number: null card_number: null card_type: visa card_holder_name: null card_month: null card_year: null card_security: null cheque_number: null bank_account_number: null paid_on: '2018-01-09 17:30:35' created_by: 1 payment_for: null parent_id: null note: null document: null payment_ref_no: null account_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 6 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 res_table_id: type: string example: null res_waiter_id: type: string example: null res_order_status: type: string example: null type: type: string example: sell sub_type: type: string example: null status: type: string example: final is_quotation: type: integer example: 0 payment_status: type: string example: paid adjustment_type: type: string example: null contact_id: type: integer example: 4 customer_group_id: type: string example: null invoice_no: type: string example: AS0001 ref_no: type: string example: '' source: type: string example: null subscription_no: type: string example: null subscription_repeat_on: type: string example: null transaction_date: type: string example: '2018-04-10 13:23:21' total_before_tax: type: string example: '770.0000' tax_id: type: string example: null tax_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' discount_type: type: string example: percentage discount_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' rp_redeemed: type: integer example: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' shipping_details: type: string example: null shipping_address: type: string example: null shipping_status: type: string example: null delivered_to: type: string example: null shipping_charges: type: string example: '0.0000' additional_notes: type: string example: null staff_note: type: string example: null round_off_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' final_total: type: string example: '770.0000' expense_category_id: type: string example: null expense_for: type: string example: null commission_agent: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null is_direct_sale: type: integer example: 0 is_suspend: type: integer example: 0 exchange_rate: type: string example: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: type: string example: null transfer_parent_id: type: string example: null return_parent_id: type: string example: null opening_stock_product_id: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 import_batch: type: string example: null import_time: type: string example: null types_of_service_id: type: string example: null packing_charge: type: string example: null packing_charge_type: type: string example: null service_custom_field_1: type: string example: null service_custom_field_2: type: string example: null service_custom_field_3: type: string example: null service_custom_field_4: type: string example: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: type: string example: null mfg_wasted_units: type: string example: null mfg_production_cost: type: string example: '0.0000' mfg_is_final: type: integer example: 0 is_created_from_api: type: integer example: 0 essentials_duration: type: string example: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: type: string example: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: type: string example: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: type: string example: null essentials_deductions: type: string example: null rp_earned: type: integer example: 0 repair_completed_on: type: string example: null repair_warranty_id: type: string example: null repair_brand_id: type: string example: null repair_status_id: type: string example: null repair_model_id: type: string example: null repair_defects: type: string example: null repair_serial_no: type: string example: null repair_updates_email: type: integer example: 0 repair_updates_sms: type: integer example: 0 repair_checklist: type: string example: null repair_security_pwd: type: string example: null repair_security_pattern: type: string example: null repair_due_date: type: string example: null repair_device_id: type: string example: null order_addresses: type: string example: null is_recurring: type: integer example: 0 recur_interval: type: string example: null recur_interval_type: type: string example: null recur_repetitions: type: string example: null recur_stopped_on: type: string example: null recur_parent_id: type: string example: null invoice_token: type: string example: null pay_term_number: type: string example: null pay_term_type: type: string example: null pjt_project_id: type: string example: null pjt_title: type: string example: null woocommerce_order_id: type: string example: null selling_price_group_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' invoice_url: type: string example: '' payment_link: type: string example: '' sell_lines: type: array example: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 product_id: 2 variation_id: 3 quantity: 10 mfg_waste_percent: '0.0000' quantity_returned: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: '70.0000' unit_price: '70.0000' line_discount_type: null line_discount_amount: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: '77.0000' item_tax: '7.0000' tax_id: 1 discount_id: null lot_no_line_id: null sell_line_note: null res_service_staff_id: null res_line_order_status: null woocommerce_line_items_id: null parent_sell_line_id: null children_type: '' sub_unit_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 transaction_id: type: integer example: 6 product_id: type: integer example: 2 variation_id: type: integer example: 3 quantity: type: integer example: 10 mfg_waste_percent: type: string example: '0.0000' quantity_returned: type: string example: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: type: string example: '70.0000' unit_price: type: string example: '70.0000' line_discount_type: type: string example: null line_discount_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: type: string example: '77.0000' item_tax: type: string example: '7.0000' tax_id: type: integer example: 1 discount_id: type: string example: null lot_no_line_id: type: string example: null sell_line_note: type: string example: null res_service_staff_id: type: string example: null res_line_order_status: type: string example: null woocommerce_line_items_id: type: string example: null parent_sell_line_id: type: string example: null children_type: type: string example: '' sub_unit_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-06 07:06:11' payment_lines: type: array example: - id: 1 transaction_id: 6 business_id: null is_return: 0 amount: '770.0000' method: cash transaction_no: null card_transaction_number: null card_number: null card_type: visa card_holder_name: null card_month: null card_year: null card_security: null cheque_number: null bank_account_number: null paid_on: '2018-01-09 17:30:35' created_by: 1 payment_for: null parent_id: null note: null document: null payment_ref_no: null account_id: null created_at: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' updated_at: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 transaction_id: type: integer example: 6 business_id: type: string example: null is_return: type: integer example: 0 amount: type: string example: '770.0000' method: type: string example: cash transaction_no: type: string example: null card_transaction_number: type: string example: null card_number: type: string example: null card_type: type: string example: visa card_holder_name: type: string example: null card_month: type: string example: null card_year: type: string example: null card_security: type: string example: null cheque_number: type: string example: null bank_account_number: type: string example: null paid_on: type: string example: '2018-01-09 17:30:35' created_by: type: integer example: 1 payment_for: type: string example: null parent_id: type: string example: null note: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null payment_ref_no: type: string example: null account_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-06 01:36:11' tags: - 'Sales management' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: sells: type: object description: '' example: '*': location_id: 1 properties: '*': type: object description: '' example: location_id: 1 properties: location_id: type: integer description: 'id of the business location' example: 1 contact_id: type: integer description: 'id of the customer' example: 12 transaction_date: type: string description: 'transaction date format:Y-m-d H:i:s,' example: '2020-07-22 15:48:29' invoice_no: type: string description: 'Invoice number' example: et source: type: string description: 'Source of the invoice' example: 'api, phone, woocommerce' status: type: string description: 'sale status (final, draft)' example: final sub_status: type: string description: 'sale sub status ("quotation" for quotation and "proforma" for proforma invoice)' example: 'null' is_quotation: type: boolean description: 'Is sell quotation (0, 1), If 1 status should be draft' example: true tax_rate_id: type: integer description: 'id of the tax rate applicable to the sale' example: 1 discount_amount: type: number description: 'discount amount applicable to the sale' example: 10.0 discount_type: type: string description: 'type of the discount amount (fixed, percentage)' example: fixed sale_note: type: string description: '' example: consequuntur staff_note: type: string description: '' example: quos commission_agent: type: integer description: 'commission agent id' example: 18 shipping_details: type: string description: 'shipping details' example: 'Express Delivery' shipping_address: type: string description: 'shipping address' example: quod shipping_status: type: string description: "('ordered', 'packed', 'shipped', 'delivered', 'cancelled')" example: ordered delivered_to: type: string description: 'Name of the person recieved the consignment' example: "'Mr robin'" shipping_charges: type: number description: 'shipping amount' example: 10.0 packing_charge: type: number description: 'packing charge' example: 10.0 exchange_rate: type: number description: 'exchange rate for the currency used' example: 1.0 selling_price_group_id: type: integer description: 'id of the selling price group' example: 20 pay_term_number: type: integer description: 'pay term value' example: 3 pay_term_type: type: string description: "type of the pay term value ('days', 'months')" example: months is_suspend: type: boolean description: 'Is suspended sale (0, 1)' example: false is_recurring: type: integer description: 'whether the invoice is recurring (0, 1)' example: 0 recur_interval: type: integer description: 'value of the interval invoice will be regenerated' example: 5 recur_interval_type: type: string description: "type of the recur interval ('days', 'months', 'years')" example: months subscription_repeat_on: type: integer description: 'day of the month on which invoice will be generated if recur interval type is months (1-30)' example: 15 subscription_no: type: string description: 'subscription number' example: incidunt recur_repetitions: type: integer description: 'total number of invoices to be generated' example: 15 rp_redeemed: type: integer description: 'reward points redeemed' example: 20 rp_redeemed_amount: type: number description: 'reward point redeemed amount after conversion' example: 13.5 types_of_service_id: type: integer description: 'types of service id' example: 12 service_custom_field_1: type: string description: 'types of service custom field 1' example: esse service_custom_field_2: type: string description: 'types of service custom field 2' example: voluptate service_custom_field_3: type: string description: 'types of service custom field 3' example: ab service_custom_field_4: type: string description: 'types of service custom field 4' example: voluptatem service_custom_field_5: type: string description: 'types of service custom field 5' example: earum service_custom_field_6: type: string description: 'types of service custom field 6' example: totam round_off_amount: type: number description: 'round off amount on total payable' example: 50.0 table_id: type: integer description: 'id of the table' example: 12 service_staff_id: type: integer description: 'id of the service staff assigned to the sale' example: 11 change_return: type: number description: 'Excess paid amount' example: 0.0 products: type: array description: 'array of the products for the sale' example: - quaerat items: type: string payments: type: array description: 'payment lines for the sale' example: - recusandae items: type: string '/connector/api/sell/{id}': get: summary: 'Get the specified sell' operationId: getTheSpecifiedSell description: '' parameters: - in: query name: send_purchase_details description: 'Get purchase details of each sell line (1, 0)' example: dolorem required: false schema: type: string description: 'Get purchase details of each sell line (1, 0)' example: dolorem - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 55 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 res_table_id: 5 res_waiter_id: null res_order_status: null type: sell sub_type: null status: final is_quotation: 0 payment_status: paid adjustment_type: null contact_id: 1 customer_group_id: null invoice_no: AS0007 ref_no: '' source: null subscription_no: null subscription_repeat_on: null transaction_date: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' total_before_tax: '437.5000' tax_id: 1 tax_amount: '39.3750' discount_type: percentage discount_amount: '10.0000' rp_redeemed: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: '0.0000' shipping_details: 'Express Delivery' shipping_address: null shipping_status: ordered delivered_to: 'Mr Robin' shipping_charges: '10.0000' additional_notes: null staff_note: null round_off_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '453.1300' expense_category_id: null expense_for: null commission_agent: null document: null is_direct_sale: 0 is_suspend: 0 exchange_rate: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: null transfer_parent_id: null return_parent_id: null opening_stock_product_id: null created_by: 9 import_batch: null import_time: null types_of_service_id: 1 packing_charge: '10.0000' packing_charge_type: fixed service_custom_field_1: null service_custom_field_2: null service_custom_field_3: null service_custom_field_4: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: null mfg_wasted_units: null mfg_production_cost: '0.0000' mfg_is_final: 0 is_created_from_api: 0 essentials_duration: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: null essentials_deductions: null rp_earned: 0 repair_completed_on: null repair_warranty_id: null repair_brand_id: null repair_status_id: null repair_model_id: null repair_defects: null repair_serial_no: null repair_updates_email: 0 repair_updates_sms: 0 repair_checklist: null repair_security_pwd: null repair_security_pattern: null repair_due_date: null repair_device_id: null order_addresses: null is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: null recur_interval_type: days recur_repetitions: 0 recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null invoice_token: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null pjt_project_id: null pjt_title: null woocommerce_order_id: null selling_price_group_id: 0 created_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' updated_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' sell_lines: - id: 38 transaction_id: 55 product_id: 17 variation_id: 58 quantity: 1 mfg_waste_percent: '0.0000' quantity_returned: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: '437.5000' unit_price: '437.5000' line_discount_type: fixed line_discount_amount: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: '437.5000' item_tax: '0.0000' tax_id: null discount_id: null lot_no_line_id: null sell_line_note: '' res_service_staff_id: null res_line_order_status: null woocommerce_line_items_id: null parent_sell_line_id: null children_type: '' sub_unit_id: null created_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' updated_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' payment_lines: - id: 37 transaction_id: 55 business_id: 1 is_return: 0 amount: '453.1300' method: cash transaction_no: null card_transaction_number: null card_number: null card_type: credit card_holder_name: null card_month: null card_year: null card_security: null cheque_number: null bank_account_number: null paid_on: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' created_by: 9 payment_for: 1 parent_id: null note: null document: null payment_ref_no: SP2020/0002 account_id: null created_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' updated_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' invoice_url: '' payment_link: '' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 55 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 res_table_id: 5 res_waiter_id: null res_order_status: null type: sell sub_type: null status: final is_quotation: 0 payment_status: paid adjustment_type: null contact_id: 1 customer_group_id: null invoice_no: AS0007 ref_no: '' source: null subscription_no: null subscription_repeat_on: null transaction_date: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' total_before_tax: '437.5000' tax_id: 1 tax_amount: '39.3750' discount_type: percentage discount_amount: '10.0000' rp_redeemed: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: '0.0000' shipping_details: 'Express Delivery' shipping_address: null shipping_status: ordered delivered_to: 'Mr Robin' shipping_charges: '10.0000' additional_notes: null staff_note: null round_off_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '453.1300' expense_category_id: null expense_for: null commission_agent: null document: null is_direct_sale: 0 is_suspend: 0 exchange_rate: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: null transfer_parent_id: null return_parent_id: null opening_stock_product_id: null created_by: 9 import_batch: null import_time: null types_of_service_id: 1 packing_charge: '10.0000' packing_charge_type: fixed service_custom_field_1: null service_custom_field_2: null service_custom_field_3: null service_custom_field_4: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: null mfg_wasted_units: null mfg_production_cost: '0.0000' mfg_is_final: 0 is_created_from_api: 0 essentials_duration: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: null essentials_deductions: null rp_earned: 0 repair_completed_on: null repair_warranty_id: null repair_brand_id: null repair_status_id: null repair_model_id: null repair_defects: null repair_serial_no: null repair_updates_email: 0 repair_updates_sms: 0 repair_checklist: null repair_security_pwd: null repair_security_pattern: null repair_due_date: null repair_device_id: null order_addresses: null is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: null recur_interval_type: days recur_repetitions: 0 recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null invoice_token: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null pjt_project_id: null pjt_title: null woocommerce_order_id: null selling_price_group_id: 0 created_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' updated_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' sell_lines: - id: 38 transaction_id: 55 product_id: 17 variation_id: 58 quantity: 1 mfg_waste_percent: '0.0000' quantity_returned: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: '437.5000' unit_price: '437.5000' line_discount_type: fixed line_discount_amount: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: '437.5000' item_tax: '0.0000' tax_id: null discount_id: null lot_no_line_id: null sell_line_note: '' res_service_staff_id: null res_line_order_status: null woocommerce_line_items_id: null parent_sell_line_id: null children_type: '' sub_unit_id: null created_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' updated_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' payment_lines: - id: 37 transaction_id: 55 business_id: 1 is_return: 0 amount: '453.1300' method: cash transaction_no: null card_transaction_number: null card_number: null card_type: credit card_holder_name: null card_month: null card_year: null card_security: null cheque_number: null bank_account_number: null paid_on: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' created_by: 9 payment_for: 1 parent_id: null note: null document: null payment_ref_no: SP2020/0002 account_id: null created_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' updated_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' invoice_url: '' payment_link: '' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 55 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 res_table_id: type: integer example: 5 res_waiter_id: type: string example: null res_order_status: type: string example: null type: type: string example: sell sub_type: type: string example: null status: type: string example: final is_quotation: type: integer example: 0 payment_status: type: string example: paid adjustment_type: type: string example: null contact_id: type: integer example: 1 customer_group_id: type: string example: null invoice_no: type: string example: AS0007 ref_no: type: string example: '' source: type: string example: null subscription_no: type: string example: null subscription_repeat_on: type: string example: null transaction_date: type: string example: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' total_before_tax: type: string example: '437.5000' tax_id: type: integer example: 1 tax_amount: type: string example: '39.3750' discount_type: type: string example: percentage discount_amount: type: string example: '10.0000' rp_redeemed: type: integer example: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' shipping_details: type: string example: 'Express Delivery' shipping_address: type: string example: null shipping_status: type: string example: ordered delivered_to: type: string example: 'Mr Robin' shipping_charges: type: string example: '10.0000' additional_notes: type: string example: null staff_note: type: string example: null round_off_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' final_total: type: string example: '453.1300' expense_category_id: type: string example: null expense_for: type: string example: null commission_agent: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null is_direct_sale: type: integer example: 0 is_suspend: type: integer example: 0 exchange_rate: type: string example: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: type: string example: null transfer_parent_id: type: string example: null return_parent_id: type: string example: null opening_stock_product_id: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 9 import_batch: type: string example: null import_time: type: string example: null types_of_service_id: type: integer example: 1 packing_charge: type: string example: '10.0000' packing_charge_type: type: string example: fixed service_custom_field_1: type: string example: null service_custom_field_2: type: string example: null service_custom_field_3: type: string example: null service_custom_field_4: type: string example: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: type: string example: null mfg_wasted_units: type: string example: null mfg_production_cost: type: string example: '0.0000' mfg_is_final: type: integer example: 0 is_created_from_api: type: integer example: 0 essentials_duration: type: string example: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: type: string example: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: type: string example: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: type: string example: null essentials_deductions: type: string example: null rp_earned: type: integer example: 0 repair_completed_on: type: string example: null repair_warranty_id: type: string example: null repair_brand_id: type: string example: null repair_status_id: type: string example: null repair_model_id: type: string example: null repair_defects: type: string example: null repair_serial_no: type: string example: null repair_updates_email: type: integer example: 0 repair_updates_sms: type: integer example: 0 repair_checklist: type: string example: null repair_security_pwd: type: string example: null repair_security_pattern: type: string example: null repair_due_date: type: string example: null repair_device_id: type: string example: null order_addresses: type: string example: null is_recurring: type: integer example: 0 recur_interval: type: string example: null recur_interval_type: type: string example: days recur_repetitions: type: integer example: 0 recur_stopped_on: type: string example: null recur_parent_id: type: string example: null invoice_token: type: string example: null pay_term_number: type: string example: null pay_term_type: type: string example: null pjt_project_id: type: string example: null pjt_title: type: string example: null woocommerce_order_id: type: string example: null selling_price_group_id: type: integer example: 0 created_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' sell_lines: type: array example: - id: 38 transaction_id: 55 product_id: 17 variation_id: 58 quantity: 1 mfg_waste_percent: '0.0000' quantity_returned: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: '437.5000' unit_price: '437.5000' line_discount_type: fixed line_discount_amount: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: '437.5000' item_tax: '0.0000' tax_id: null discount_id: null lot_no_line_id: null sell_line_note: '' res_service_staff_id: null res_line_order_status: null woocommerce_line_items_id: null parent_sell_line_id: null children_type: '' sub_unit_id: null created_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' updated_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 38 transaction_id: type: integer example: 55 product_id: type: integer example: 17 variation_id: type: integer example: 58 quantity: type: integer example: 1 mfg_waste_percent: type: string example: '0.0000' quantity_returned: type: string example: '0.0000' unit_price_before_discount: type: string example: '437.5000' unit_price: type: string example: '437.5000' line_discount_type: type: string example: fixed line_discount_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: type: string example: '437.5000' item_tax: type: string example: '0.0000' tax_id: type: string example: null discount_id: type: string example: null lot_no_line_id: type: string example: null sell_line_note: type: string example: '' res_service_staff_id: type: string example: null res_line_order_status: type: string example: null woocommerce_line_items_id: type: string example: null parent_sell_line_id: type: string example: null children_type: type: string example: '' sub_unit_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' payment_lines: type: array example: - id: 37 transaction_id: 55 business_id: 1 is_return: 0 amount: '453.1300' method: cash transaction_no: null card_transaction_number: null card_number: null card_type: credit card_holder_name: null card_month: null card_year: null card_security: null cheque_number: null bank_account_number: null paid_on: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' created_by: 9 payment_for: 1 parent_id: null note: null document: null payment_ref_no: SP2020/0002 account_id: null created_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' updated_at: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 37 transaction_id: type: integer example: 55 business_id: type: integer example: 1 is_return: type: integer example: 0 amount: type: string example: '453.1300' method: type: string example: cash transaction_no: type: string example: null card_transaction_number: type: string example: null card_number: type: string example: null card_type: type: string example: credit card_holder_name: type: string example: null card_month: type: string example: null card_year: type: string example: null card_security: type: string example: null cheque_number: type: string example: null bank_account_number: type: string example: null paid_on: type: string example: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' created_by: type: integer example: 9 payment_for: type: integer example: 1 parent_id: type: string example: null note: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null payment_ref_no: type: string example: SP2020/0002 account_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 23:29:36' invoice_url: type: string example: '' payment_link: type: string example: '' tags: - 'Sales management' put: summary: 'Update sell' operationId: updateSell description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: id: 91 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 res_table_id: null res_waiter_id: null res_order_status: null type: sell sub_type: null status: final is_quotation: 0 payment_status: paid adjustment_type: null contact_id: 1 customer_group_id: 1 invoice_no: AS0020 ref_no: '' source: null subscription_no: null subscription_repeat_on: null transaction_date: '25-09-2020 15:22' total_before_tax: 962.5 tax_id: null tax_amount: 0 discount_type: fixed discount_amount: '19.5000' rp_redeemed: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: '0.0000' shipping_details: null shipping_address: null shipping_status: null delivered_to: null shipping_charges: '0.0000' additional_notes: null staff_note: null round_off_amount: '0.0000' final_total: 943 expense_category_id: null expense_for: null commission_agent: null document: null is_direct_sale: 0 is_suspend: 0 exchange_rate: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: null transfer_parent_id: null return_parent_id: null opening_stock_product_id: null created_by: 9 import_batch: null import_time: null types_of_service_id: null packing_charge: '0.0000' packing_charge_type: null service_custom_field_1: null service_custom_field_2: null service_custom_field_3: null service_custom_field_4: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: null mfg_wasted_units: null mfg_production_cost: '0.0000' mfg_production_cost_type: percentage mfg_is_final: 0 is_created_from_api: 0 essentials_duration: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: null essentials_deductions: null rp_earned: 0 repair_completed_on: null repair_warranty_id: null repair_brand_id: null repair_status_id: null repair_model_id: null repair_job_sheet_id: null repair_defects: null repair_serial_no: null repair_checklist: null repair_security_pwd: null repair_security_pattern: null repair_due_date: null repair_device_id: null repair_updates_notif: 0 order_addresses: null is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: 1 recur_interval_type: days recur_repetitions: 0 recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null invoice_token: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null pjt_project_id: null pjt_title: null woocommerce_order_id: null selling_price_group_id: 0 created_at: '2020-09-23 20:16:19' updated_at: '2020-09-25 17:57:08' payment_lines: - id: 55 transaction_id: 91 business_id: 1 is_return: 0 amount: '461.7500' method: cash transaction_no: null card_transaction_number: null card_number: null card_type: credit card_holder_name: null card_month: null card_year: null card_security: null cheque_number: null bank_account_number: null paid_on: '2020-09-23 20:16:19' created_by: 9 is_advance: 0 payment_for: 1 parent_id: null note: null document: null payment_ref_no: SP2020/0018 account_id: null created_at: '2020-09-23 20:16:19' updated_at: '2020-09-23 20:16:19' invoice_url: '' payment_link: '' properties: id: type: integer example: 91 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 res_table_id: type: string example: null res_waiter_id: type: string example: null res_order_status: type: string example: null type: type: string example: sell sub_type: type: string example: null status: type: string example: final is_quotation: type: integer example: 0 payment_status: type: string example: paid adjustment_type: type: string example: null contact_id: type: integer example: 1 customer_group_id: type: integer example: 1 invoice_no: type: string example: AS0020 ref_no: type: string example: '' source: type: string example: null subscription_no: type: string example: null subscription_repeat_on: type: string example: null transaction_date: type: string example: '25-09-2020 15:22' total_before_tax: type: number example: 962.5 tax_id: type: string example: null tax_amount: type: integer example: 0 discount_type: type: string example: fixed discount_amount: type: string example: '19.5000' rp_redeemed: type: integer example: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' shipping_details: type: string example: null shipping_address: type: string example: null shipping_status: type: string example: null delivered_to: type: string example: null shipping_charges: type: string example: '0.0000' additional_notes: type: string example: null staff_note: type: string example: null round_off_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' final_total: type: integer example: 943 expense_category_id: type: string example: null expense_for: type: string example: null commission_agent: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null is_direct_sale: type: integer example: 0 is_suspend: type: integer example: 0 exchange_rate: type: string example: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: type: string example: null transfer_parent_id: type: string example: null return_parent_id: type: string example: null opening_stock_product_id: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 9 import_batch: type: string example: null import_time: type: string example: null types_of_service_id: type: string example: null packing_charge: type: string example: '0.0000' packing_charge_type: type: string example: null service_custom_field_1: type: string example: null service_custom_field_2: type: string example: null service_custom_field_3: type: string example: null service_custom_field_4: type: string example: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: type: string example: null mfg_wasted_units: type: string example: null mfg_production_cost: type: string example: '0.0000' mfg_production_cost_type: type: string example: percentage mfg_is_final: type: integer example: 0 is_created_from_api: type: integer example: 0 essentials_duration: type: string example: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: type: string example: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: type: string example: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: type: string example: null essentials_deductions: type: string example: null rp_earned: type: integer example: 0 repair_completed_on: type: string example: null repair_warranty_id: type: string example: null repair_brand_id: type: string example: null repair_status_id: type: string example: null repair_model_id: type: string example: null repair_job_sheet_id: type: string example: null repair_defects: type: string example: null repair_serial_no: type: string example: null repair_checklist: type: string example: null repair_security_pwd: type: string example: null repair_security_pattern: type: string example: null repair_due_date: type: string example: null repair_device_id: type: string example: null repair_updates_notif: type: integer example: 0 order_addresses: type: string example: null is_recurring: type: integer example: 0 recur_interval: type: integer example: 1 recur_interval_type: type: string example: days recur_repetitions: type: integer example: 0 recur_stopped_on: type: string example: null recur_parent_id: type: string example: null invoice_token: type: string example: null pay_term_number: type: string example: null pay_term_type: type: string example: null pjt_project_id: type: string example: null pjt_title: type: string example: null woocommerce_order_id: type: string example: null selling_price_group_id: type: integer example: 0 created_at: type: string example: '2020-09-23 20:16:19' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-09-25 17:57:08' payment_lines: type: array example: - id: 55 transaction_id: 91 business_id: 1 is_return: 0 amount: '461.7500' method: cash transaction_no: null card_transaction_number: null card_number: null card_type: credit card_holder_name: null card_month: null card_year: null card_security: null cheque_number: null bank_account_number: null paid_on: '2020-09-23 20:16:19' created_by: 9 is_advance: 0 payment_for: 1 parent_id: null note: null document: null payment_ref_no: SP2020/0018 account_id: null created_at: '2020-09-23 20:16:19' updated_at: '2020-09-23 20:16:19' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 55 transaction_id: type: integer example: 91 business_id: type: integer example: 1 is_return: type: integer example: 0 amount: type: string example: '461.7500' method: type: string example: cash transaction_no: type: string example: null card_transaction_number: type: string example: null card_number: type: string example: null card_type: type: string example: credit card_holder_name: type: string example: null card_month: type: string example: null card_year: type: string example: null card_security: type: string example: null cheque_number: type: string example: null bank_account_number: type: string example: null paid_on: type: string example: '2020-09-23 20:16:19' created_by: type: integer example: 9 is_advance: type: integer example: 0 payment_for: type: integer example: 1 parent_id: type: string example: null note: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null payment_ref_no: type: string example: SP2020/0018 account_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-09-23 20:16:19' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-09-23 20:16:19' invoice_url: type: string example: '' payment_link: type: string example: '' tags: - 'Sales management' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: contact_id: type: integer description: 'id of the customer' example: 10 transaction_date: type: string description: 'transaction date format:Y-m-d H:i:s,' example: '2020-5-7 15:20:22' status: type: string description: 'sale status (final, draft)' example: final sub_status: type: string description: 'sale sub status ("quotation" for quotation and "proforma" for proforma invoice)' example: 'null' is_quotation: type: boolean description: 'Is sell quotation (0, 1), If 1 status should be draft' example: true tax_rate_id: type: integer description: 'id of the tax rate applicable to the sale' example: 8 discount_amount: type: number description: 'discount amount applicable to the sale' example: 10.0 discount_type: type: string description: 'type of the discount amount (fixed, percentage)' example: fixed sale_note: type: string description: '' example: beatae source: type: string description: 'Source of the invoice' example: ullam staff_note: type: string description: '' example: minima is_suspend: type: boolean description: 'Is suspended sale (0, 1)' example: false commission_agent: type: integer description: 'commission agent id' example: 15 shipping_details: type: string description: 'shipping details' example: 'Express Delivery' shipping_address: type: string description: 'shipping address' example: molestiae shipping_status: type: string description: "('ordered', 'packed', 'shipped', 'delivered', 'cancelled')" example: ordered delivered_to: type: string description: 'Name of the person recieved the consignment' example: 'Mr Robin' shipping_charges: type: number description: 'shipping amount' example: 10.0 packing_charge: type: number description: 'packing charge' example: 10.0 exchange_rate: type: number description: 'exchange rate for the currency used' example: 1.0 selling_price_group_id: type: integer description: 'id of the selling price group' example: 11 pay_term_number: type: integer description: 'pay term value' example: 9 pay_term_type: type: string description: "type of the pay term value ('days', 'months')" example: months is_recurring: type: integer description: 'whether the invoice is recurring (0, 1)' example: 0 recur_interval: type: integer description: 'value of the interval invoice will be regenerated' example: 11 recur_interval_type: type: string description: "type of the recur interval ('days', 'months', 'years')" example: days subscription_repeat_on: type: integer description: 'day of the month on which invoice will be generated if recur interval type is months (1-30)' example: 7 subscription_no: type: string description: 'subscription number' example: repellat recur_repetitions: type: integer description: 'total number of invoices to be generated' example: 6 rp_redeemed: type: integer description: 'reward points redeemed' example: 16 rp_redeemed_amount: type: number description: 'reward point redeemed amount after conversion' example: 13.5 types_of_service_id: type: integer description: 'types of service id' example: 10 service_custom_field_1: type: string description: 'types of service custom field 1' example: aperiam service_custom_field_2: type: string description: 'types of service custom field 2' example: nisi service_custom_field_3: type: string description: 'types of service custom field 3' example: ut service_custom_field_4: type: string description: 'types of service custom field 4' example: inventore service_custom_field_5: type: string description: 'types of service custom field 5' example: sunt service_custom_field_6: type: string description: 'types of service custom field 6' example: qui round_off_amount: type: number description: 'round off amount on total payable' example: 192.1 table_id: type: integer description: 'id of the table' example: 15 service_staff_id: type: integer description: 'id of the service staff assigned to the sale' example: 5 change_return: type: number description: 'Excess paid amount' example: 0.0 change_return_id: type: integer description: 'id of the change return payment if exists' example: 5 products: type: array description: 'array of the products for the sale' example: - distinctio items: type: string payments: type: array description: 'payment lines for the sale' example: - qui items: type: string required: - products delete: summary: 'Delete Sell' operationId: deleteSell description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Sales management' parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'The ID of the sell.' example: eveniet required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: sell description: 'comma separated ids of the sells' example: '55' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/sell-return: post: summary: 'Add Sell Return' operationId: addSellReturn description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: id: 159 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 res_table_id: null res_waiter_id: null res_order_status: null type: sell_return sub_type: null status: final is_quotation: 0 payment_status: paid adjustment_type: null contact_id: 1 customer_group_id: null invoice_no: CN2020/0005 ref_no: null subscription_no: null subscription_repeat_on: null transaction_date: '2020-11-17 00:00:00' total_before_tax: 3 tax_id: null tax_amount: 0 discount_type: percentage discount_amount: 12 rp_redeemed: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: '0.0000' shipping_details: null shipping_address: null shipping_status: null delivered_to: null shipping_charges: '0.0000' additional_notes: null staff_note: null round_off_amount: '0.0000' final_total: 2.64 expense_category_id: null expense_for: null commission_agent: null document: null is_direct_sale: 0 is_suspend: 0 exchange_rate: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: null transfer_parent_id: null return_parent_id: 157 opening_stock_product_id: null created_by: 9 import_batch: null import_time: null types_of_service_id: null packing_charge: null packing_charge_type: null service_custom_field_1: null service_custom_field_2: null service_custom_field_3: null service_custom_field_4: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: null mfg_wasted_units: null mfg_production_cost: '0.0000' mfg_production_cost_type: percentage mfg_is_final: 0 is_created_from_api: 0 essentials_duration: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: null essentials_deductions: null rp_earned: 0 repair_completed_on: null repair_warranty_id: null repair_brand_id: null repair_status_id: null repair_model_id: null repair_job_sheet_id: null repair_defects: null repair_serial_no: null repair_checklist: null repair_security_pwd: null repair_security_pattern: null repair_due_date: null repair_device_id: null repair_updates_notif: 0 order_addresses: null is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: null recur_interval_type: null recur_repetitions: null recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null invoice_token: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null pjt_project_id: null pjt_title: null woocommerce_order_id: null selling_price_group_id: null created_at: '2020-11-17 12:05:11' updated_at: '2020-11-17 13:22:09' properties: id: type: integer example: 159 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 res_table_id: type: string example: null res_waiter_id: type: string example: null res_order_status: type: string example: null type: type: string example: sell_return sub_type: type: string example: null status: type: string example: final is_quotation: type: integer example: 0 payment_status: type: string example: paid adjustment_type: type: string example: null contact_id: type: integer example: 1 customer_group_id: type: string example: null invoice_no: type: string example: CN2020/0005 ref_no: type: string example: null subscription_no: type: string example: null subscription_repeat_on: type: string example: null transaction_date: type: string example: '2020-11-17 00:00:00' total_before_tax: type: integer example: 3 tax_id: type: string example: null tax_amount: type: integer example: 0 discount_type: type: string example: percentage discount_amount: type: integer example: 12 rp_redeemed: type: integer example: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' shipping_details: type: string example: null shipping_address: type: string example: null shipping_status: type: string example: null delivered_to: type: string example: null shipping_charges: type: string example: '0.0000' additional_notes: type: string example: null staff_note: type: string example: null round_off_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' final_total: type: number example: 2.64 expense_category_id: type: string example: null expense_for: type: string example: null commission_agent: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null is_direct_sale: type: integer example: 0 is_suspend: type: integer example: 0 exchange_rate: type: string example: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: type: string example: null transfer_parent_id: type: string example: null return_parent_id: type: integer example: 157 opening_stock_product_id: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 9 import_batch: type: string example: null import_time: type: string example: null types_of_service_id: type: string example: null packing_charge: type: string example: null packing_charge_type: type: string example: null service_custom_field_1: type: string example: null service_custom_field_2: type: string example: null service_custom_field_3: type: string example: null service_custom_field_4: type: string example: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: type: string example: null mfg_wasted_units: type: string example: null mfg_production_cost: type: string example: '0.0000' mfg_production_cost_type: type: string example: percentage mfg_is_final: type: integer example: 0 is_created_from_api: type: integer example: 0 essentials_duration: type: string example: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: type: string example: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: type: string example: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: type: string example: null essentials_deductions: type: string example: null rp_earned: type: integer example: 0 repair_completed_on: type: string example: null repair_warranty_id: type: string example: null repair_brand_id: type: string example: null repair_status_id: type: string example: null repair_model_id: type: string example: null repair_job_sheet_id: type: string example: null repair_defects: type: string example: null repair_serial_no: type: string example: null repair_checklist: type: string example: null repair_security_pwd: type: string example: null repair_security_pattern: type: string example: null repair_due_date: type: string example: null repair_device_id: type: string example: null repair_updates_notif: type: integer example: 0 order_addresses: type: string example: null is_recurring: type: integer example: 0 recur_interval: type: string example: null recur_interval_type: type: string example: null recur_repetitions: type: string example: null recur_stopped_on: type: string example: null recur_parent_id: type: string example: null invoice_token: type: string example: null pay_term_number: type: string example: null pay_term_type: type: string example: null pjt_project_id: type: string example: null pjt_title: type: string example: null woocommerce_order_id: type: string example: null selling_price_group_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-11-17 12:05:11' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-11-17 13:22:09' tags: - 'Sales management' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: transaction_id: type: integer description: 'Id of the sell' example: 8 transaction_date: type: string description: 'transaction date format:Y-m-d H:i:s,' example: '2020-5-7 15:20:22' invoice_no: type: string description: 'Invoice number of the return' example: accusamus discount_amount: type: number description: 'discount amount applicable to the sale' example: 10.0 discount_type: type: string description: 'type of the discount amount (fixed, percentage)' example: fixed products: type: array description: 'array of the products for the sale' example: - qui items: type: string required: - transaction_id - products /connector/api/list-sell-return: get: summary: 'List Sell Return' operationId: listSellReturn description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 159 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 res_table_id: null res_waiter_id: null res_order_status: null type: sell_return sub_type: null status: final is_quotation: 0 payment_status: partial adjustment_type: null contact_id: 1 customer_group_id: null invoice_no: CN2020/0005 ref_no: null subscription_no: null subscription_repeat_on: null transaction_date: '2020-11-17 00:00:00' total_before_tax: '3.0000' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' discount_type: percentage discount_amount: '12.0000' rp_redeemed: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: '0.0000' shipping_details: null shipping_address: null shipping_status: null delivered_to: null shipping_charges: '0.0000' additional_notes: null staff_note: null round_off_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '2.6400' expense_category_id: null expense_for: null commission_agent: null document: null is_direct_sale: 0 is_suspend: 0 exchange_rate: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: null transfer_parent_id: null return_parent_id: 157 opening_stock_product_id: null created_by: 9 import_batch: null import_time: null types_of_service_id: null packing_charge: null packing_charge_type: null service_custom_field_1: null service_custom_field_2: null service_custom_field_3: null service_custom_field_4: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: null mfg_wasted_units: null mfg_production_cost: '0.0000' mfg_production_cost_type: percentage mfg_is_final: 0 is_created_from_api: 0 essentials_duration: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: null essentials_deductions: null rp_earned: 0 repair_completed_on: null repair_warranty_id: null repair_brand_id: null repair_status_id: null repair_model_id: null repair_job_sheet_id: null repair_defects: null repair_serial_no: null repair_checklist: null repair_security_pwd: null repair_security_pattern: null repair_due_date: null repair_device_id: null repair_updates_notif: 0 order_addresses: null is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: null recur_interval_type: null recur_repetitions: null recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null invoice_token: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null pjt_project_id: null pjt_title: null woocommerce_order_id: null selling_price_group_id: null created_at: '2020-11-17 12:05:11' updated_at: '2020-11-17 13:22:09' payment_lines: - id: 126 transaction_id: 159 business_id: 1 is_return: 0 amount: '1.8000' method: cash transaction_no: null card_transaction_number: null card_number: null card_type: credit card_holder_name: null card_month: null card_year: null card_security: null cheque_number: null bank_account_number: null paid_on: '2020-11-17 12:05:00' created_by: 9 is_advance: 0 payment_for: 1 parent_id: null note: null document: null payment_ref_no: SP2020/0078 account_id: null created_at: '2020-11-17 12:05:58' updated_at: '2020-11-17 12:05:58' return_parent_sell: id: 157 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 res_table_id: null res_waiter_id: null res_order_status: null type: sell sub_type: null status: final is_quotation: 0 payment_status: paid adjustment_type: null contact_id: 1 customer_group_id: null invoice_no: AS0073 ref_no: '' subscription_no: null subscription_repeat_on: null transaction_date: '2020-11-13 12:42:17' total_before_tax: '6.2500' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' discount_type: percentage discount_amount: '10.0000' rp_redeemed: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: '0.0000' shipping_details: null shipping_address: null shipping_status: null delivered_to: null shipping_charges: '0.0000' additional_notes: null staff_note: null round_off_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '5.6300' expense_category_id: null expense_for: null commission_agent: null document: null is_direct_sale: 0 is_suspend: 0 exchange_rate: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: null transfer_parent_id: null return_parent_id: null opening_stock_product_id: null created_by: 9 import_batch: null import_time: null types_of_service_id: null packing_charge: '0.0000' packing_charge_type: null service_custom_field_1: null service_custom_field_2: null service_custom_field_3: null service_custom_field_4: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: null mfg_wasted_units: null mfg_production_cost: '0.0000' mfg_production_cost_type: percentage mfg_is_final: 0 is_created_from_api: 0 essentials_duration: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: null essentials_deductions: null rp_earned: 0 repair_completed_on: null repair_warranty_id: null repair_brand_id: null repair_status_id: null repair_model_id: null repair_job_sheet_id: null repair_defects: null repair_serial_no: null repair_checklist: null repair_security_pwd: null repair_security_pattern: null repair_due_date: null repair_device_id: null repair_updates_notif: 0 order_addresses: null is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: 1 recur_interval_type: days recur_repetitions: 0 recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null invoice_token: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null pjt_project_id: null pjt_title: null woocommerce_order_id: null selling_price_group_id: 0 created_at: '2020-11-13 12:42:17' updated_at: '2020-11-13 12:42:18' sell_lines: - id: 139 transaction_id: 157 product_id: 157 variation_id: 205 quantity: 5 mfg_waste_percent: '0.0000' quantity_returned: '3.0000' unit_price_before_discount: '1.2500' unit_price: '1.2500' line_discount_type: fixed line_discount_amount: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: '1.2500' item_tax: '0.0000' tax_id: null discount_id: null lot_no_line_id: null sell_line_note: '' res_service_staff_id: null res_line_order_status: null woocommerce_line_items_id: null parent_sell_line_id: null children_type: '' sub_unit_id: null created_at: '2020-11-13 12:42:17' updated_at: '2020-11-17 13:22:09' links: first: '' last: null prev: null next: null meta: current_page: 1 from: 1 path: '' per_page: 10 to: 1 properties: data: type: array example: - id: 159 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 res_table_id: null res_waiter_id: null res_order_status: null type: sell_return sub_type: null status: final is_quotation: 0 payment_status: partial adjustment_type: null contact_id: 1 customer_group_id: null invoice_no: CN2020/0005 ref_no: null subscription_no: null subscription_repeat_on: null transaction_date: '2020-11-17 00:00:00' total_before_tax: '3.0000' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' discount_type: percentage discount_amount: '12.0000' rp_redeemed: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: '0.0000' shipping_details: null shipping_address: null shipping_status: null delivered_to: null shipping_charges: '0.0000' additional_notes: null staff_note: null round_off_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '2.6400' expense_category_id: null expense_for: null commission_agent: null document: null is_direct_sale: 0 is_suspend: 0 exchange_rate: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: null transfer_parent_id: null return_parent_id: 157 opening_stock_product_id: null created_by: 9 import_batch: null import_time: null types_of_service_id: null packing_charge: null packing_charge_type: null service_custom_field_1: null service_custom_field_2: null service_custom_field_3: null service_custom_field_4: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: null mfg_wasted_units: null mfg_production_cost: '0.0000' mfg_production_cost_type: percentage mfg_is_final: 0 is_created_from_api: 0 essentials_duration: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: null essentials_deductions: null rp_earned: 0 repair_completed_on: null repair_warranty_id: null repair_brand_id: null repair_status_id: null repair_model_id: null repair_job_sheet_id: null repair_defects: null repair_serial_no: null repair_checklist: null repair_security_pwd: null repair_security_pattern: null repair_due_date: null repair_device_id: null repair_updates_notif: 0 order_addresses: null is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: null recur_interval_type: null recur_repetitions: null recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null invoice_token: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null pjt_project_id: null pjt_title: null woocommerce_order_id: null selling_price_group_id: null created_at: '2020-11-17 12:05:11' updated_at: '2020-11-17 13:22:09' payment_lines: - id: 126 transaction_id: 159 business_id: 1 is_return: 0 amount: '1.8000' method: cash transaction_no: null card_transaction_number: null card_number: null card_type: credit card_holder_name: null card_month: null card_year: null card_security: null cheque_number: null bank_account_number: null paid_on: '2020-11-17 12:05:00' created_by: 9 is_advance: 0 payment_for: 1 parent_id: null note: null document: null payment_ref_no: SP2020/0078 account_id: null created_at: '2020-11-17 12:05:58' updated_at: '2020-11-17 12:05:58' return_parent_sell: id: 157 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 res_table_id: null res_waiter_id: null res_order_status: null type: sell sub_type: null status: final is_quotation: 0 payment_status: paid adjustment_type: null contact_id: 1 customer_group_id: null invoice_no: AS0073 ref_no: '' subscription_no: null subscription_repeat_on: null transaction_date: '2020-11-13 12:42:17' total_before_tax: '6.2500' tax_id: null tax_amount: '0.0000' discount_type: percentage discount_amount: '10.0000' rp_redeemed: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: '0.0000' shipping_details: null shipping_address: null shipping_status: null delivered_to: null shipping_charges: '0.0000' additional_notes: null staff_note: null round_off_amount: '0.0000' final_total: '5.6300' expense_category_id: null expense_for: null commission_agent: null document: null is_direct_sale: 0 is_suspend: 0 exchange_rate: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: null transfer_parent_id: null return_parent_id: null opening_stock_product_id: null created_by: 9 import_batch: null import_time: null types_of_service_id: null packing_charge: '0.0000' packing_charge_type: null service_custom_field_1: null service_custom_field_2: null service_custom_field_3: null service_custom_field_4: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: null mfg_wasted_units: null mfg_production_cost: '0.0000' mfg_production_cost_type: percentage mfg_is_final: 0 is_created_from_api: 0 essentials_duration: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: null essentials_deductions: null rp_earned: 0 repair_completed_on: null repair_warranty_id: null repair_brand_id: null repair_status_id: null repair_model_id: null repair_job_sheet_id: null repair_defects: null repair_serial_no: null repair_checklist: null repair_security_pwd: null repair_security_pattern: null repair_due_date: null repair_device_id: null repair_updates_notif: 0 order_addresses: null is_recurring: 0 recur_interval: 1 recur_interval_type: days recur_repetitions: 0 recur_stopped_on: null recur_parent_id: null invoice_token: null pay_term_number: null pay_term_type: null pjt_project_id: null pjt_title: null woocommerce_order_id: null selling_price_group_id: 0 created_at: '2020-11-13 12:42:17' updated_at: '2020-11-13 12:42:18' sell_lines: - id: 139 transaction_id: 157 product_id: 157 variation_id: 205 quantity: 5 mfg_waste_percent: '0.0000' quantity_returned: '3.0000' unit_price_before_discount: '1.2500' unit_price: '1.2500' line_discount_type: fixed line_discount_amount: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: '1.2500' item_tax: '0.0000' tax_id: null discount_id: null lot_no_line_id: null sell_line_note: '' res_service_staff_id: null res_line_order_status: null woocommerce_line_items_id: null parent_sell_line_id: null children_type: '' sub_unit_id: null created_at: '2020-11-13 12:42:17' updated_at: '2020-11-17 13:22:09' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 159 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 res_table_id: type: string example: null res_waiter_id: type: string example: null res_order_status: type: string example: null type: type: string example: sell_return sub_type: type: string example: null status: type: string example: final is_quotation: type: integer example: 0 payment_status: type: string example: partial adjustment_type: type: string example: null contact_id: type: integer example: 1 customer_group_id: type: string example: null invoice_no: type: string example: CN2020/0005 ref_no: type: string example: null subscription_no: type: string example: null subscription_repeat_on: type: string example: null transaction_date: type: string example: '2020-11-17 00:00:00' total_before_tax: type: string example: '3.0000' tax_id: type: string example: null tax_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' discount_type: type: string example: percentage discount_amount: type: string example: '12.0000' rp_redeemed: type: integer example: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' shipping_details: type: string example: null shipping_address: type: string example: null shipping_status: type: string example: null delivered_to: type: string example: null shipping_charges: type: string example: '0.0000' additional_notes: type: string example: null staff_note: type: string example: null round_off_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' final_total: type: string example: '2.6400' expense_category_id: type: string example: null expense_for: type: string example: null commission_agent: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null is_direct_sale: type: integer example: 0 is_suspend: type: integer example: 0 exchange_rate: type: string example: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: type: string example: null transfer_parent_id: type: string example: null return_parent_id: type: integer example: 157 opening_stock_product_id: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 9 import_batch: type: string example: null import_time: type: string example: null types_of_service_id: type: string example: null packing_charge: type: string example: null packing_charge_type: type: string example: null service_custom_field_1: type: string example: null service_custom_field_2: type: string example: null service_custom_field_3: type: string example: null service_custom_field_4: type: string example: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: type: string example: null mfg_wasted_units: type: string example: null mfg_production_cost: type: string example: '0.0000' mfg_production_cost_type: type: string example: percentage mfg_is_final: type: integer example: 0 is_created_from_api: type: integer example: 0 essentials_duration: type: string example: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: type: string example: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: type: string example: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: type: string example: null essentials_deductions: type: string example: null rp_earned: type: integer example: 0 repair_completed_on: type: string example: null repair_warranty_id: type: string example: null repair_brand_id: type: string example: null repair_status_id: type: string example: null repair_model_id: type: string example: null repair_job_sheet_id: type: string example: null repair_defects: type: string example: null repair_serial_no: type: string example: null repair_checklist: type: string example: null repair_security_pwd: type: string example: null repair_security_pattern: type: string example: null repair_due_date: type: string example: null repair_device_id: type: string example: null repair_updates_notif: type: integer example: 0 order_addresses: type: string example: null is_recurring: type: integer example: 0 recur_interval: type: string example: null recur_interval_type: type: string example: null recur_repetitions: type: string example: null recur_stopped_on: type: string example: null recur_parent_id: type: string example: null invoice_token: type: string example: null pay_term_number: type: string example: null pay_term_type: type: string example: null pjt_project_id: type: string example: null pjt_title: type: string example: null woocommerce_order_id: type: string example: null selling_price_group_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-11-17 12:05:11' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-11-17 13:22:09' payment_lines: type: array example: - id: 126 transaction_id: 159 business_id: 1 is_return: 0 amount: '1.8000' method: cash transaction_no: null card_transaction_number: null card_number: null card_type: credit card_holder_name: null card_month: null card_year: null card_security: null cheque_number: null bank_account_number: null paid_on: '2020-11-17 12:05:00' created_by: 9 is_advance: 0 payment_for: 1 parent_id: null note: null document: null payment_ref_no: SP2020/0078 account_id: null created_at: '2020-11-17 12:05:58' updated_at: '2020-11-17 12:05:58' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 126 transaction_id: type: integer example: 159 business_id: type: integer example: 1 is_return: type: integer example: 0 amount: type: string example: '1.8000' method: type: string example: cash transaction_no: type: string example: null card_transaction_number: type: string example: null card_number: type: string example: null card_type: type: string example: credit card_holder_name: type: string example: null card_month: type: string example: null card_year: type: string example: null card_security: type: string example: null cheque_number: type: string example: null bank_account_number: type: string example: null paid_on: type: string example: '2020-11-17 12:05:00' created_by: type: integer example: 9 is_advance: type: integer example: 0 payment_for: type: integer example: 1 parent_id: type: string example: null note: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null payment_ref_no: type: string example: SP2020/0078 account_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-11-17 12:05:58' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-11-17 12:05:58' return_parent_sell: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 157 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 res_table_id: type: string example: null res_waiter_id: type: string example: null res_order_status: type: string example: null type: type: string example: sell sub_type: type: string example: null status: type: string example: final is_quotation: type: integer example: 0 payment_status: type: string example: paid adjustment_type: type: string example: null contact_id: type: integer example: 1 customer_group_id: type: string example: null invoice_no: type: string example: AS0073 ref_no: type: string example: '' subscription_no: type: string example: null subscription_repeat_on: type: string example: null transaction_date: type: string example: '2020-11-13 12:42:17' total_before_tax: type: string example: '6.2500' tax_id: type: string example: null tax_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' discount_type: type: string example: percentage discount_amount: type: string example: '10.0000' rp_redeemed: type: integer example: 0 rp_redeemed_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' shipping_details: type: string example: null shipping_address: type: string example: null shipping_status: type: string example: null delivered_to: type: string example: null shipping_charges: type: string example: '0.0000' additional_notes: type: string example: null staff_note: type: string example: null round_off_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' final_total: type: string example: '5.6300' expense_category_id: type: string example: null expense_for: type: string example: null commission_agent: type: string example: null document: type: string example: null is_direct_sale: type: integer example: 0 is_suspend: type: integer example: 0 exchange_rate: type: string example: '1.000' total_amount_recovered: type: string example: null transfer_parent_id: type: string example: null return_parent_id: type: string example: null opening_stock_product_id: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 9 import_batch: type: string example: null import_time: type: string example: null types_of_service_id: type: string example: null packing_charge: type: string example: '0.0000' packing_charge_type: type: string example: null service_custom_field_1: type: string example: null service_custom_field_2: type: string example: null service_custom_field_3: type: string example: null service_custom_field_4: type: string example: null mfg_parent_production_purchase_id: type: string example: null mfg_wasted_units: type: string example: null mfg_production_cost: type: string example: '0.0000' mfg_production_cost_type: type: string example: percentage mfg_is_final: type: integer example: 0 is_created_from_api: type: integer example: 0 essentials_duration: type: string example: '0.00' essentials_duration_unit: type: string example: null essentials_amount_per_unit_duration: type: string example: '0.0000' essentials_allowances: type: string example: null essentials_deductions: type: string example: null rp_earned: type: integer example: 0 repair_completed_on: type: string example: null repair_warranty_id: type: string example: null repair_brand_id: type: string example: null repair_status_id: type: string example: null repair_model_id: type: string example: null repair_job_sheet_id: type: string example: null repair_defects: type: string example: null repair_serial_no: type: string example: null repair_checklist: type: string example: null repair_security_pwd: type: string example: null repair_security_pattern: type: string example: null repair_due_date: type: string example: null repair_device_id: type: string example: null repair_updates_notif: type: integer example: 0 order_addresses: type: string example: null is_recurring: type: integer example: 0 recur_interval: type: integer example: 1 recur_interval_type: type: string example: days recur_repetitions: type: integer example: 0 recur_stopped_on: type: string example: null recur_parent_id: type: string example: null invoice_token: type: string example: null pay_term_number: type: string example: null pay_term_type: type: string example: null pjt_project_id: type: string example: null pjt_title: type: string example: null woocommerce_order_id: type: string example: null selling_price_group_id: type: integer example: 0 created_at: type: string example: '2020-11-13 12:42:17' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-11-13 12:42:18' sell_lines: type: array example: - id: 139 transaction_id: 157 product_id: 157 variation_id: 205 quantity: 5 mfg_waste_percent: '0.0000' quantity_returned: '3.0000' unit_price_before_discount: '1.2500' unit_price: '1.2500' line_discount_type: fixed line_discount_amount: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: '1.2500' item_tax: '0.0000' tax_id: null discount_id: null lot_no_line_id: null sell_line_note: '' res_service_staff_id: null res_line_order_status: null woocommerce_line_items_id: null parent_sell_line_id: null children_type: '' sub_unit_id: null created_at: '2020-11-13 12:42:17' updated_at: '2020-11-17 13:22:09' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 139 transaction_id: type: integer example: 157 product_id: type: integer example: 157 variation_id: type: integer example: 205 quantity: type: integer example: 5 mfg_waste_percent: type: string example: '0.0000' quantity_returned: type: string example: '3.0000' unit_price_before_discount: type: string example: '1.2500' unit_price: type: string example: '1.2500' line_discount_type: type: string example: fixed line_discount_amount: type: string example: '0.0000' unit_price_inc_tax: type: string example: '1.2500' item_tax: type: string example: '0.0000' tax_id: type: string example: null discount_id: type: string example: null lot_no_line_id: type: string example: null sell_line_note: type: string example: '' res_service_staff_id: type: string example: null res_line_order_status: type: string example: null woocommerce_line_items_id: type: string example: null parent_sell_line_id: type: string example: null children_type: type: string example: '' sub_unit_id: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-11-13 12:42:17' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-11-17 13:22:09' links: type: object properties: first: type: string example: '' last: type: string example: null prev: type: string example: null next: type: string example: null meta: type: object properties: current_page: type: integer example: 1 from: type: integer example: 1 path: type: string example: '' per_page: type: integer example: 10 to: type: integer example: 1 tags: - 'Sales management' parameters: - in: path name: sell_id description: 'Optional parameter. Id of the sell for which return is added' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: error /connector/api/update-shipping-status: post: summary: 'Update shipping status' operationId: updateShippingStatus description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Sales management' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: 'id of the sale' example: 9 shipping_status: type: string description: "('ordered', 'packed', 'shipped', 'delivered', 'cancelled')" example: ordered delivered_to: type: string description: 'Name of the consignee' example: ut required: - id /connector/api/active-subscription: get: summary: 'If SaaS installed get active subscription details, else return the enabled modules details in package_details' operationId: ifSaaSInstalledGetActiveSubscriptionDetailsElseReturnTheEnabledModulesDetailsInPackageDetails description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: id: 1 business_id: 1 package_id: 3 start_date: '2020-09-05 00:00:00' trial_end_date: '2020-09-15' end_date: '2020-10-05 00:00:00' package_price: '599.9900' package_details: location_count: 0 user_count: 0 product_count: 0 invoice_count: 0 name: Unlimited woocommerce_module: 1 essentials_module: 1 created_id: 1 paid_via: stripe payment_transaction_id: ch_1CuLdQAhokBpT93LVZNg2At6 status: approved deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-08-01 07:49:09' updated_at: '2018-08-01 07:49:09' locations_created: 1 users_created: 6 products_created: 2 invoices_created: 1 properties: data: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 package_id: type: integer example: 3 start_date: type: string example: '2020-09-05 00:00:00' trial_end_date: type: string example: '2020-09-15' end_date: type: string example: '2020-10-05 00:00:00' package_price: type: string example: '599.9900' package_details: type: object properties: location_count: type: integer example: 0 user_count: type: integer example: 0 product_count: type: integer example: 0 invoice_count: type: integer example: 0 name: type: string example: Unlimited woocommerce_module: type: integer example: 1 essentials_module: type: integer example: 1 created_id: type: integer example: 1 paid_via: type: string example: stripe payment_transaction_id: type: string example: ch_1CuLdQAhokBpT93LVZNg2At6 status: type: string example: approved deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-08-01 07:49:09' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-08-01 07:49:09' locations_created: type: integer example: 1 users_created: type: integer example: 6 products_created: type: integer example: 2 invoices_created: type: integer example: 1 tags: - Superadmin /connector/api/packages: get: summary: 'Get Superadmin Package List' operationId: getSuperadminPackageList description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 name: 'Starter - Free' description: 'Give it a test drive...' location_count: 0 user_count: 0 product_count: 0 bookings: 0 kitchen: 0 order_screen: 0 tables: 0 invoice_count: 0 interval: months interval_count: 1 trial_days: 10 price: '0.0000' custom_permissions: assetmanagement_module: '1' connector_module: '1' crm_module: '1' essentials_module: '1' manufacturing_module: '1' productcatalogue_module: '1' project_module: '1' repair_module: '1' woocommerce_module: '1' created_by: 1 sort_order: 0 is_active: 1 is_private: 0 is_one_time: 0 enable_custom_link: 0 custom_link: '' custom_link_text: '' deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-10-09 16:38:02' updated_at: '2020-11-11 12:19:17' - id: 2 name: Regular description: 'For Small Shops' location_count: 0 user_count: 0 product_count: 0 bookings: 0 kitchen: 0 order_screen: 0 tables: 0 invoice_count: 0 interval: months interval_count: 1 trial_days: 10 price: '199.9900' custom_permissions: repair_module: '1' created_by: 1 sort_order: 1 is_active: 1 is_private: 0 is_one_time: 0 enable_custom_link: 0 custom_link: null custom_link_text: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-10-09 16:38:02' updated_at: '2020-10-09 16:38:02' - id: 3 name: Unlimited description: 'For Large Business' location_count: 0 user_count: 0 product_count: 0 bookings: 0 kitchen: 0 order_screen: 0 tables: 0 invoice_count: 0 interval: months interval_count: 1 trial_days: 10 price: '599.9900' custom_permissions: assetmanagement_module: '1' connector_module: '1' crm_module: '1' essentials_module: '1' manufacturing_module: '1' productcatalogue_module: '1' project_module: '1' repair_module: '1' woocommerce_module: '1' created_by: 1 sort_order: 1 is_active: 1 is_private: 0 is_one_time: 0 enable_custom_link: 0 custom_link: '' custom_link_text: '' deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-10-09 16:38:02' updated_at: '2020-11-02 12:09:19' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 name: 'Starter - Free' description: 'Give it a test drive...' location_count: 0 user_count: 0 product_count: 0 bookings: 0 kitchen: 0 order_screen: 0 tables: 0 invoice_count: 0 interval: months interval_count: 1 trial_days: 10 price: '0.0000' custom_permissions: assetmanagement_module: '1' connector_module: '1' crm_module: '1' essentials_module: '1' manufacturing_module: '1' productcatalogue_module: '1' project_module: '1' repair_module: '1' woocommerce_module: '1' created_by: 1 sort_order: 0 is_active: 1 is_private: 0 is_one_time: 0 enable_custom_link: 0 custom_link: '' custom_link_text: '' deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-10-09 16:38:02' updated_at: '2020-11-11 12:19:17' - id: 2 name: Regular description: 'For Small Shops' location_count: 0 user_count: 0 product_count: 0 bookings: 0 kitchen: 0 order_screen: 0 tables: 0 invoice_count: 0 interval: months interval_count: 1 trial_days: 10 price: '199.9900' custom_permissions: repair_module: '1' created_by: 1 sort_order: 1 is_active: 1 is_private: 0 is_one_time: 0 enable_custom_link: 0 custom_link: null custom_link_text: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-10-09 16:38:02' updated_at: '2020-10-09 16:38:02' - id: 3 name: Unlimited description: 'For Large Business' location_count: 0 user_count: 0 product_count: 0 bookings: 0 kitchen: 0 order_screen: 0 tables: 0 invoice_count: 0 interval: months interval_count: 1 trial_days: 10 price: '599.9900' custom_permissions: assetmanagement_module: '1' connector_module: '1' crm_module: '1' essentials_module: '1' manufacturing_module: '1' productcatalogue_module: '1' project_module: '1' repair_module: '1' woocommerce_module: '1' created_by: 1 sort_order: 1 is_active: 1 is_private: 0 is_one_time: 0 enable_custom_link: 0 custom_link: '' custom_link_text: '' deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-10-09 16:38:02' updated_at: '2020-11-02 12:09:19' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: 'Starter - Free' description: type: string example: 'Give it a test drive...' location_count: type: integer example: 0 user_count: type: integer example: 0 product_count: type: integer example: 0 bookings: type: integer example: 0 kitchen: type: integer example: 0 order_screen: type: integer example: 0 tables: type: integer example: 0 invoice_count: type: integer example: 0 interval: type: string example: months interval_count: type: integer example: 1 trial_days: type: integer example: 10 price: type: string example: '0.0000' custom_permissions: type: object properties: assetmanagement_module: type: string example: '1' connector_module: type: string example: '1' crm_module: type: string example: '1' essentials_module: type: string example: '1' manufacturing_module: type: string example: '1' productcatalogue_module: type: string example: '1' project_module: type: string example: '1' repair_module: type: string example: '1' woocommerce_module: type: string example: '1' created_by: type: integer example: 1 sort_order: type: integer example: 0 is_active: type: integer example: 1 is_private: type: integer example: 0 is_one_time: type: integer example: 0 enable_custom_link: type: integer example: 0 custom_link: type: string example: '' custom_link_text: type: string example: '' deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-10-09 16:38:02' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-11-11 12:19:17' tags: - Superadmin /connector/api/table: get: summary: 'List tables' operationId: listTables description: '' parameters: - in: query name: location_id description: 'id of the location' example: 1 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'id of the location' example: 1 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 5 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 name: 'Table 1' description: null created_by: 9 deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-06-04 22:36:37' updated_at: '2020-06-04 22:36:37' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 5 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 name: 'Table 1' description: null created_by: 9 deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-06-04 22:36:37' updated_at: '2020-06-04 22:36:37' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 5 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: 'Table 1' description: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 9 deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 22:36:37' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 22:36:37' tags: - 'Table management' '/connector/api/table/{id}': get: summary: 'Show the specified table' operationId: showTheSpecifiedTable description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 5 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 name: 'Table 1' description: null created_by: 9 deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-06-04 22:36:37' updated_at: '2020-06-04 22:36:37' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 5 business_id: 1 location_id: 1 name: 'Table 1' description: null created_by: 9 deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-06-04 22:36:37' updated_at: '2020-06-04 22:36:37' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 5 business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: 'Table 1' description: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 9 deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 22:36:37' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 22:36:37' tags: - 'Table management' parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'The ID of the table.' example: repellat required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: table description: 'comma separated ids of required tables' example: '5' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/tax: get: summary: 'List taxes' operationId: listTaxes description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 business_id: 1 name: VAT@10% amount: 10 is_tax_group: 0 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' - id: 2 business_id: 1 name: CGST@10% amount: 10 is_tax_group: 0 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:55' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:55' - id: 3 business_id: 1 name: SGST@8% amount: 8 is_tax_group: 0 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:41:13' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:41:13' - id: 4 business_id: 1 name: GST@18% amount: 18 is_tax_group: 1 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:42:19' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:42:19' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 name: VAT@10% amount: 10 is_tax_group: 0 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' - id: 2 business_id: 1 name: CGST@10% amount: 10 is_tax_group: 0 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:55' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:55' - id: 3 business_id: 1 name: SGST@8% amount: 8 is_tax_group: 0 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:41:13' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:41:13' - id: 4 business_id: 1 name: GST@18% amount: 18 is_tax_group: 1 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:42:19' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:42:19' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: VAT@10% amount: type: integer example: 10 is_tax_group: type: integer example: 0 created_by: type: integer example: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' tags: - 'Tax management' '/connector/api/tax/{id}': get: summary: 'Get the specified tax' operationId: getTheSpecifiedTax description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 business_id: 1 name: VAT@10% amount: 10 is_tax_group: 0 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 name: VAT@10% amount: 10 is_tax_group: 0 created_by: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: VAT@10% amount: type: integer example: 10 is_tax_group: type: integer example: 0 created_by: type: integer example: 1 woocommerce_tax_rate_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:40:07' tags: - 'Tax management' parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'The ID of the tax.' example: neque required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: tax description: 'comma separated ids of required taxes' example: '1' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/taxonomy: get: summary: 'List taxonomy' operationId: listTaxonomy description: '' parameters: - in: query name: type description: 'Type of taxonomy (product, device, hrm_department)' example: eaque required: false schema: type: string description: 'Type of taxonomy (product, device, hrm_department)' example: eaque - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 name: "Men's" business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' sub_categories: - id: 4 name: Jeans business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' - id: 5 name: Shirts business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' - id: 21 name: 'Food & Grocery' business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-06 05:31:35' updated_at: '2018-01-06 05:31:35' sub_categories: [] properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 name: "Men's" business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' sub_categories: - id: 4 name: Jeans business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' - id: 5 name: Shirts business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' - id: 21 name: 'Food & Grocery' business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-06 05:31:35' updated_at: '2018-01-06 05:31:35' sub_categories: [] items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: "Men's" business_id: type: integer example: 1 short_code: type: string example: null parent_id: type: integer example: 0 created_by: type: integer example: 1 category_type: type: string example: product description: type: string example: null slug: type: string example: null woocommerce_cat_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' sub_categories: type: array example: - id: 4 name: Jeans business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' - id: 5 name: Shirts business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 4 name: type: string example: Jeans business_id: type: integer example: 1 short_code: type: string example: null parent_id: type: integer example: 1 created_by: type: integer example: 1 category_type: type: string example: product description: type: string example: null slug: type: string example: null woocommerce_cat_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' tags: - 'Taxonomy management' '/connector/api/taxonomy/{id}': get: summary: 'Get the specified taxonomy' operationId: getTheSpecifiedTaxonomy description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 name: "Men's" business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' sub_categories: - id: 4 name: Jeans business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' - id: 5 name: Shirts business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 name: "Men's" business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 0 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' sub_categories: - id: 4 name: Jeans business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' - id: 5 name: Shirts business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: "Men's" business_id: type: integer example: 1 short_code: type: string example: null parent_id: type: integer example: 0 created_by: type: integer example: 1 category_type: type: string example: product description: type: string example: null slug: type: string example: null woocommerce_cat_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:06:34' sub_categories: type: array example: - id: 4 name: Jeans business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' - id: 5 name: Shirts business_id: 1 short_code: null parent_id: 1 created_by: 1 category_type: product description: null slug: null woocommerce_cat_id: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' updated_at: '2018-01-03 21:08:18' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 4 name: type: string example: Jeans business_id: type: integer example: 1 short_code: type: string example: null parent_id: type: integer example: 1 created_by: type: integer example: 1 category_type: type: string example: product description: type: string example: null slug: type: string example: null woocommerce_cat_id: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 21:07:34' tags: - 'Taxonomy management' parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'The ID of the taxonomy.' example: omnis required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: taxonomy description: 'comma separated ids of product categories' example: '1' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/types-of-service: get: summary: 'List types of service' operationId: listTypesOfService description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 name: 'Home Delivery' description: null business_id: 1 location_price_group: '1': '0' packing_charge: '10.0000' packing_charge_type: fixed enable_custom_fields: 0 created_at: '2020-06-04 22:41:13' updated_at: '2020-06-04 22:41:13' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 name: 'Home Delivery' description: null business_id: 1 location_price_group: 1: '0' packing_charge: '10.0000' packing_charge_type: fixed enable_custom_fields: 0 created_at: '2020-06-04 22:41:13' updated_at: '2020-06-04 22:41:13' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: 'Home Delivery' description: type: string example: null business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_price_group: type: object properties: 1: type: string example: '0' packing_charge: type: string example: '10.0000' packing_charge_type: type: string example: fixed enable_custom_fields: type: integer example: 0 created_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 22:41:13' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 22:41:13' tags: - 'Types of service management' '/connector/api/types-of-service/{id}': get: summary: 'Get the specified types of service' operationId: getTheSpecifiedTypesOfService description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 name: 'Home Delivery' description: null business_id: 1 location_price_group: '1': '0' packing_charge: '10.0000' packing_charge_type: fixed enable_custom_fields: 0 created_at: '2020-06-04 22:41:13' updated_at: '2020-06-04 22:41:13' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 name: 'Home Delivery' description: null business_id: 1 location_price_group: 1: '0' packing_charge: '10.0000' packing_charge_type: fixed enable_custom_fields: 0 created_at: '2020-06-04 22:41:13' updated_at: '2020-06-04 22:41:13' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: 'Home Delivery' description: type: string example: null business_id: type: integer example: 1 location_price_group: type: object properties: 1: type: string example: '0' packing_charge: type: string example: '10.0000' packing_charge_type: type: string example: fixed enable_custom_fields: type: integer example: 0 created_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 22:41:13' updated_at: type: string example: '2020-06-04 22:41:13' tags: - 'Types of service management' parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'The ID of the types of service.' example: 5 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: types_of_service description: 'comma separated ids of required types of services' example: '1' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/unit: get: summary: 'List units' operationId: listUnits description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 business_id: 1 actual_name: Pieces short_name: Pc(s) allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: null base_unit_multiplier: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' updated_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' base_unit: null - id: 2 business_id: 1 actual_name: Packets short_name: packets allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: null base_unit_multiplier: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-06 01:07:01' updated_at: '2018-01-06 01:08:36' base_unit: null - id: 15 business_id: 1 actual_name: Dozen short_name: dz allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: 1 base_unit_multiplier: '12.0000' created_by: 9 deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-07-20 13:11:09' updated_at: '2020-07-20 13:11:09' base_unit: id: 1 business_id: 1 actual_name: Pieces short_name: Pc(s) allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: null base_unit_multiplier: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' updated_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 actual_name: Pieces short_name: Pc(s) allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: null base_unit_multiplier: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' updated_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' base_unit: null - id: 2 business_id: 1 actual_name: Packets short_name: packets allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: null base_unit_multiplier: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-06 01:07:01' updated_at: '2018-01-06 01:08:36' base_unit: null - id: 15 business_id: 1 actual_name: Dozen short_name: dz allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: 1 base_unit_multiplier: '12.0000' created_by: 9 deleted_at: null created_at: '2020-07-20 13:11:09' updated_at: '2020-07-20 13:11:09' base_unit: id: 1 business_id: 1 actual_name: Pieces short_name: Pc(s) allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: null base_unit_multiplier: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' updated_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 actual_name: type: string example: Pieces short_name: type: string example: Pc(s) allow_decimal: type: integer example: 0 base_unit_id: type: string example: null base_unit_multiplier: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' base_unit: type: string example: null tags: - 'Unit management' '/connector/api/unit/{id}': get: summary: 'Get the specified unit' operationId: getTheSpecifiedUnit description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 business_id: 1 actual_name: Pieces short_name: Pc(s) allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: null base_unit_multiplier: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' updated_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' base_unit: null properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 business_id: 1 actual_name: Pieces short_name: Pc(s) allow_decimal: 0 base_unit_id: null base_unit_multiplier: null created_by: 1 deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' updated_at: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' base_unit: null items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 business_id: type: integer example: 1 actual_name: type: string example: Pieces short_name: type: string example: Pc(s) allow_decimal: type: integer example: 0 base_unit_id: type: string example: null base_unit_multiplier: type: string example: null created_by: type: integer example: 1 deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-03 15:15:20' base_unit: type: string example: null tags: - 'Unit management' parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'The ID of the unit.' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: unit description: 'comma separated ids of the units' example: '1' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/user/loggedin: get: summary: 'Get the loggedin user details.' operationId: getTheLoggedinUserDetails description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: id: 1 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: Admin last_name: null username: admin email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' properties: data: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 user_type: type: string example: user surname: type: string example: Mr first_name: type: string example: Admin last_name: type: string example: null username: type: string example: admin email: type: string example: language: type: string example: en contact_no: type: string example: null address: type: string example: null business_id: type: integer example: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: type: string example: null allow_login: type: integer example: 1 essentials_department_id: type: string example: null essentials_designation_id: type: string example: null status: type: string example: active crm_contact_id: type: string example: null is_cmmsn_agnt: type: integer example: 0 cmmsn_percent: type: string example: '0.00' selected_contacts: type: integer example: 0 dob: type: string example: null gender: type: string example: null marital_status: type: string example: null blood_group: type: string example: null contact_number: type: string example: null fb_link: type: string example: null twitter_link: type: string example: null social_media_1: type: string example: null social_media_2: type: string example: null permanent_address: type: string example: null current_address: type: string example: null guardian_name: type: string example: null custom_field_1: type: string example: null custom_field_2: type: string example: null custom_field_3: type: string example: null custom_field_4: type: string example: null bank_details: type: string example: null id_proof_name: type: string example: null id_proof_number: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' tags: - 'User management' /connector/api/user-registration: post: summary: 'Register User' operationId: registerUser description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: success: 1 msg: 'User added successfully' user: surname: Mr first_name: Test last_name: kumar email: user_type: user_customer crm_contact_id: '2' allow_login: 1 username: '0017' cmmsn_percent: '25' max_sales_discount_percent: '52' dob: '1997-10-12' gender: male marital_status: unmarried blood_group: 0+ contact_number: '4578451245' alt_number: '7474747474' family_number: '7474147414' fb_link: twitter_link: social_media_1: test social_media_2: test custom_field_1: test custom_field_2: test custom_field_3: test custom_field_4: test guardian_name: test id_proof_name: uid id_proof_number: '747845120124' permanent_address: 'test permanent adrress' current_address: 'test current address' bank_details: '{"account_holder_name":"test","account_number":"test","bank_name":"test","bank_code":"test","branch":"test","tax_payer_id":"test"}' selected_contacts: '1' status: active business_id: 1 updated_at: '2021-08-12 18:03:58' created_at: '2021-08-12 18:03:58' id: 140 properties: success: type: integer example: 1 msg: type: string example: 'User added successfully' user: type: object properties: surname: type: string example: Mr first_name: type: string example: Test last_name: type: string example: kumar email: type: string example: user_type: type: string example: user_customer crm_contact_id: type: string example: '2' allow_login: type: integer example: 1 username: type: string example: '0017' cmmsn_percent: type: string example: '25' max_sales_discount_percent: type: string example: '52' dob: type: string example: '1997-10-12' gender: type: string example: male marital_status: type: string example: unmarried blood_group: type: string example: 0+ contact_number: type: string example: '4578451245' alt_number: type: string example: '7474747474' family_number: type: string example: '7474147414' fb_link: type: string example: twitter_link: type: string example: social_media_1: type: string example: test social_media_2: type: string example: test custom_field_1: type: string example: test custom_field_2: type: string example: test custom_field_3: type: string example: test custom_field_4: type: string example: test guardian_name: type: string example: test id_proof_name: type: string example: uid id_proof_number: type: string example: '747845120124' permanent_address: type: string example: 'test permanent adrress' current_address: type: string example: 'test current address' bank_details: type: string example: '{"account_holder_name":"test","account_number":"test","bank_name":"test","bank_code":"test","branch":"test","tax_payer_id":"test"}' selected_contacts: type: string example: '1' status: type: string example: active business_id: type: integer example: 1 updated_at: type: string example: '2021-08-12 18:03:58' created_at: type: string example: '2021-08-12 18:03:58' id: type: integer example: 140 tags: - 'User management' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: username: type: string description: 'minimum 5 characters' example: rerum email: type: string description: '' example: user_type: type: string description: "'user_customer' for contact/customer login & 'user' for general user" example: fuga surname: type: string description: 'prefix like Mr, Mrs,Dr' example: est first_name: type: string description: '' example: maiores last_name: type: string description: '' example: eligendi is_active: type: string description: "'active', 'inactive', 'terminated'" example: aut crm_contact_id: type: integer description: "if user_type is 'user_customer' then required" example: 17 allow_login: type: boolean description: '1 to allow login & 0 to disable login' example: false password: type: string description: "minimum 6 characters & required if 'allow_login' is 1" example: '$07m=>@3+?L' role: type: integer description: "id of role to be assigned to user & required if user_type is 'user'" example: 10 access_all_locations: type: boolean description: "1 if user has access all location else 0 & required if user_type is 'user'" example: true location_permissions: type: array description: "array of location ids to be assigned to user & required if user_type is 'user' and 'access_all_locations' is 0" example: - et items: type: string cmmsn_percent: type: decimal description: '' example: eveniet max_sales_discount_percent: type: decimal description: '' example: rerum selected_contacts: type: boolean description: '1 or 0' example: true selected_contact_ids: type: array description: "array of contact ids & required if 'selected_contacts' is 1" example: - rerum items: type: string dob: type: date description: 'dob of user in "Y-m-d" format Ex: 1997-10-29' example: non gender: type: string description: "if user is 'male', 'female', 'others'" example: perspiciatis marital_status: type: string description: "if user is 'married', 'unmarried', 'divorced'" example: facilis blood_group: type: string description: '' example: quis contact_number: type: string description: '' example: repellendus alt_number: type: string description: '' example: ducimus family_number: type: string description: '' example: laboriosam fb_link: type: string description: '' example: mollitia twitter_link: type: string description: '' example: rerum social_media_1: type: string description: '' example: ut social_media_2: type: string description: '' example: consequuntur custom_field_1: type: string description: '' example: non custom_field_2: type: string description: '' example: illum custom_field_3: type: string description: '' example: officia custom_field_4: type: string description: '' example: facilis guardian_name: type: string description: '' example: impedit id_proof_name: type: string description: 'ID proof of user like Adhar No.' example: quam id_proof_number: type: string description: 'Id Number like adhar number' example: autem permanent_address: type: string description: '' example: aliquid current_address: type: string description: '' example: similique bank_details: type: object description: '' example: '*': account_holder_name: inventore properties: '*': type: object description: '' example: account_holder_name: inventore properties: account_holder_name: type: string description: '' example: inventore account_number: type: string description: '' example: mollitia bank_name: type: string description: '' example: exercitationem bank_code: type: string description: '' example: odio branch: type: string description: '' example: quas tax_payer_id: type: string description: '' example: sint required: - email - user_type - first_name - is_active /connector/api/user: get: summary: 'List users' operationId: listUsers description: '' parameters: - in: query name: service_staff description: 'Filter service staffs from users list (0, 1)' example: false required: false schema: type: boolean description: 'Filter service staffs from users list (0, 1)' example: false - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: Admin last_name: null username: admin email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: Admin last_name: null username: admin email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 user_type: type: string example: user surname: type: string example: Mr first_name: type: string example: Admin last_name: type: string example: null username: type: string example: admin email: type: string example: language: type: string example: en contact_no: type: string example: null address: type: string example: null business_id: type: integer example: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: type: string example: null allow_login: type: integer example: 1 essentials_department_id: type: string example: null essentials_designation_id: type: string example: null status: type: string example: active crm_contact_id: type: string example: null is_cmmsn_agnt: type: integer example: 0 cmmsn_percent: type: string example: '0.00' selected_contacts: type: integer example: 0 dob: type: string example: null gender: type: string example: null marital_status: type: string example: null blood_group: type: string example: null contact_number: type: string example: null fb_link: type: string example: null twitter_link: type: string example: null social_media_1: type: string example: null social_media_2: type: string example: null permanent_address: type: string example: null current_address: type: string example: null guardian_name: type: string example: null custom_field_1: type: string example: null custom_field_2: type: string example: null custom_field_3: type: string example: null custom_field_4: type: string example: null bank_details: type: string example: null id_proof_name: type: string example: null id_proof_number: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' tags: - 'User management' '/connector/api/user/{id}': get: summary: 'Get the specified user' operationId: getTheSpecifiedUser description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: - id: 1 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: Admin last_name: null username: admin email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' properties: data: type: array example: - id: 1 user_type: user surname: Mr first_name: Admin last_name: null username: admin email: language: en contact_no: null address: null business_id: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: null allow_login: 1 essentials_department_id: null essentials_designation_id: null status: active crm_contact_id: null is_cmmsn_agnt: 0 cmmsn_percent: '0.00' selected_contacts: 0 dob: null gender: null marital_status: null blood_group: null contact_number: null fb_link: null twitter_link: null social_media_1: null social_media_2: null permanent_address: null current_address: null guardian_name: null custom_field_1: null custom_field_2: null custom_field_3: null custom_field_4: null bank_details: null id_proof_name: null id_proof_number: null deleted_at: null created_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' items: type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 1 user_type: type: string example: user surname: type: string example: Mr first_name: type: string example: Admin last_name: type: string example: null username: type: string example: admin email: type: string example: language: type: string example: en contact_no: type: string example: null address: type: string example: null business_id: type: integer example: 1 max_sales_discount_percent: type: string example: null allow_login: type: integer example: 1 essentials_department_id: type: string example: null essentials_designation_id: type: string example: null status: type: string example: active crm_contact_id: type: string example: null is_cmmsn_agnt: type: integer example: 0 cmmsn_percent: type: string example: '0.00' selected_contacts: type: integer example: 0 dob: type: string example: null gender: type: string example: null marital_status: type: string example: null blood_group: type: string example: null contact_number: type: string example: null fb_link: type: string example: null twitter_link: type: string example: null social_media_1: type: string example: null social_media_2: type: string example: null permanent_address: type: string example: null current_address: type: string example: null guardian_name: type: string example: null custom_field_1: type: string example: null custom_field_2: type: string example: null custom_field_3: type: string example: null custom_field_4: type: string example: null bank_details: type: string example: null id_proof_name: type: string example: null id_proof_number: type: string example: null deleted_at: type: string example: null created_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' updated_at: type: string example: '2018-01-04 02:15:19' tags: - 'User management' parameters: - in: path name: id description: 'The ID of the user.' example: 2 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: user description: 'comma separated ids of the required users' example: '1' required: true schema: type: string /connector/api/update-password: post: summary: 'Update user password.' operationId: updateUserPassword description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: success: 1 msg: 'Password updated successfully' properties: success: type: integer example: 1 msg: type: string example: 'Password updated successfully' tags: - 'User management' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: current_password: type: string description: 'Current password of the user' example: fuga new_password: type: string description: 'New password of the user' example: eius required: - current_password - new_password /connector/api/forget-password: post: summary: 'Recover forgotten password.' operationId: recoverForgottenPassword description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {access_token}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: success: 1 msg: 'New password sent to successfully' properties: success: type: integer example: 1 msg: type: string example: 'New password sent to successfully' tags: - 'User management' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: email: type: string description: 'Users email id' example: required: - email tags: - name: 'Attendance management' description: '' - name: 'Brand management' description: '' - name: 'Business Location management' description: '' - name: CRM description: '' - name: 'Cash register management' description: '' - name: 'Contact management' description: '' - name: Endpoints description: '' - name: 'Expense management' description: '' - name: 'Field Force' description: '' - name: 'New end points' description: '' - name: 'Product management' description: '' - name: 'Sales management' description: '' - name: Superadmin description: '' - name: 'Table management' description: '' - name: 'Tax management' description: '' - name: 'Taxonomy management' description: '' - name: 'Types of service management' description: '' - name: 'Unit management' description: '' - name: 'User management' description: '' components: securitySchemes: default: type: http scheme: bearer description: '' security: - default: []